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Sober Goth


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Some go their frequently but still don't manage to stay sober. I don't believe they really want to be sober their just using the meetings as a comfort zone or a way to justify. Some just go for social and free coffee and other free stuff that come along the way, like the dinners and dances.

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I feel sobriety and clearity is good. and i respect the religous crap in aa for all the help and good its done for so many people. A problem is a problem if you gotta change your life then do it. its hard. get help if you need it sure. test yourself. treat it like a problem. see if you can go without just to see.i don't hold it against anybody. of course being a conisour of spirits, runing bear pong leauges, just being who i am i spend alot of time around it. i see alot of lives in ruin over alchahol. I would just like to say i am proud of anybody who does whats hard and does whats right not just whatever makes you happy. it's tough. i've seen people learn alot of lessons the hard way. It's when you ignore those lessons things get bad and you need a little help. it's destructive. it's important to think of what your doing to or for the people around you. there is a time and place for partying, some times some people are responsable enough to know what there limits are. if you can't then don't. now problem i understand. In aa they were fanatical when i went, i went as a conisour not out of any reason but to observe to gain knowledge. I was respectful and quit. but the guy with the waist long beard in a vinyl one peice jump suit with a zipper from the neck to his ankle, who looked like charley manson was nuts. he was holding a candle. they had a back room behind a bead curtian. it had several people holding candles sitting cross legged in a cirlce why the vinyl manson marched around the circle talking about the sword of the lord cuts deep and rivers of blood. he was in peoples face spitting through his teath as he yelled. the circle of zelots rocked back and forth with there eyes closed holding candles. they asked me to join and i declined. there were a few legit alchaholics who were there for help but not many. I couldn't believe some one could be court ordered to join that circle of prayer for a dui or getting caught under age. what about seperation of church and state. alot of the leaders of that group met 3 times a week and hadn't drank in 30 years. I'm smart enough to know that not all aa groups are manson type cults and th religous aspect through the power of belief can and has helped many who need that help, need something to believe...(there is no spoon). I really love and study alchahol. I rage and party. but i know not everybody is in for all that. I mess up and have messed up myself. I take weeks or months off without drinking but i have a respectful passion for spirits. chartruse is the only color nammed after a liquor. chartruse is only made by a particular set of monks in europe and has been made by them for hundreds of years. if I abuse alchahol to much i will never be cappable of appreciating stuff like that again. so i am carefull not to disrupt my passion by abuse or bad alchaholism. i try hard to keep myself healthy enough to appreciate things. but keep up the good work and do what is necessary i have a great deal of respect for those who take the tough step of seeking help and defeat the problem and i'm sorry if i offend you.

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