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The things you love most about your significant other(s)

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Share all of the little reasons that you love him/her/them so.. :wub:

I thought of a good, happy, positive topic-- now RUN WITH IT! :biggrin:

P.S. Your parents, kids, best friends, and pets count as significant people, too.

Edited by jynxxxedangel
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my kid is wonderful she is always doing things for me

she says i am her best friend and gets me little gifts all the time and wants to hang out with me every saturday night till dawn

I love the other one too, just as much...but she is busy with her guy these days so I dont see her as much plus she is not as affectionate as the 2nd one

when I was real sick thing 2 took care of me she cleaned the house while I was in the hosp and got me food and stuff.

and she is more psychic than I in fact when i am with her I tune into things more then we see the same things

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Wish I could answer this but I can't so I guess I'll say what I love about my kids.

Daughter - I love how unique she is and how forgiving she can be. I love how curious she is when it

comes to learning and exploring who she is. I love her because she is who she is and I hope she

never changes or lets a man or the world change who she is.

Son - He's my little Nate Dawg what can I say. I love his innocents, his eagerness to learn, his ability

to always put a smile on my face. I love how he can get anyone's attention and just talk about

whatever is on his mind and people listen. I could on and on...

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Hmmmm...first off, they like to :censored: my :censored: whilst the other one :censored: the other one...

...& they are always saying such nice things about me...

...O_M_G made me herbal remedy that makes me 79% saner than without it...& R~H~ makes O_M_G smile so that she glows & lights the dark.

...sure I'll post many times as I deem necessary.

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First of all, I will start with my mother.

We were estranged for many years, mainly because of my own foolish pride, but also because of a few errors in her ways. I finally took the first step, and called her. We now speak at least once a day.

She has forgiven me for being so stubborn, and for making her suffer for all of those years-- not knowing whether I was alive or dead. I was too ashamed to let her know I'd become homeless, and that I'd gotten heavily into drugs in my desperation. She too has raised herself up out of the ashes, and overcome her dependency on bad relationships. I have a great, newfound respect and love for this woman. :wub:

I will never let her go again.

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My wife Sandra...

can kick the crap out of me with her ninja training

watching her sleep with our little mini pin Yoshi

her obsession with J-pop and Chinese gangster music

watching her do Tai Chi in our backyard

her obsession with root beer

her lovely eastern european face

her simple compassion for animals

when she makes me stir fry

when she giggles when I kiss her

when we... that's none of your business

there's so much more

I often wonder why I am so lucky to have such a wife as she

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David knows me better than anyone.

He knows just the right moment to say what I need to hear.

He loves me so simply and fully, that his life would be forever changed without me.

And he tells me so.

I feel the same way. :wub:

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Now, for my husband:

I really don't know exactly where to begin, describing the feelings I have for him-- they are so deep. He and I vibrate at the exact same spiritual frequency; I firmly believe he is a facet of my eternal being, whom I must find in every lifetime, in order to be whole. We have always been, and always will be, he and I.

I love everything about him. His feel, his flavour, his scent, his gentle voice; the way he still trembles when he reaches out to touch me, as if I might disappear at any moment. I love waking to see his silly, smiling face on the pillow, next to mine. I love the way he fusses and frets over the tiniest details of everything. I love his sense of humour, and his razor-sharp wit.

Most of all, I love his consistency. He is so constant, so faithful, so truthful, so accepting, and so sincere.

He's an absolute saint. He's my archangel. He is my everything.

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Now, for my husband:

I really don't know exactly where to begin, describing the feelings I have for him-- they are so deep. He and I vibrate at the exact same spiritual frequency; I firmly believe he is a facet of my eternal being, whom I must find in every lifetime, in order to be whole. We have always been, and always will be, he and I.

I love everything about him. His feel, his flavour, his scent, his gentle voice; the way he still trembles when he reaches out to touch me, as if I might disappear at any moment. I love waking to see his silly, smiling face on the pillow, next to mine. I love the way he fusses and frets over the tiniest details of everything. I love his sense of humour, and his razor-sharp wit.

Most of all, I love his consistency. He is so constant, so faithful, so truthful, so accepting, and so sincere.

He's an absolute saint. He's my archangel. He is my everything.

Aww.. that is the sweetest thing ever!

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My wonderful husband:

He is intelligent,giving, kind, caring, loving, and thoughtful. He knows me better than anyone else. He has the most wonderful sense of humor and knows just what to say to make me feel better when I am down. He treats me like a queen. He makes me feel safe, secure, and loved.

Edited by bean water
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Guest Megalicious

Keegan - he makes me strive to be a better person everyday, and I am in constant and utter amazement everyday. He has the BEST imagination. WE CAN PLAY DRESS UP and have SO MUCH fun. Even if I am in a crappy mood one " Can I have a hug Mommy"? and I can't help but smile and feel so loved.

Clem- the epitome of unconditional love, she has forever changed my life. Nothing like a good Clem snuggle after a nice long relaxing bath or Clem kisses at 2am when she wants something. I love her so.

Jarod - Aw, yes - Jarod. He is kind, and intelligent. He is NOT perfect, and knows this (though it is hard to tell LOL , those that know him know WHY lol). Most of all he is understanding, loving and supportive in anything I chose to do. He has been there for me through everything- even if that means that some of it was painful. I know that he really loves me. He is a WONDERFUL, loving and amazing father to both the human and the furry child! HE LOVES to play boardgames and Video games WITH ME. He has a great sense of humor. He can keep up with me ... in more ways then one. He is giving, and very generous to the people he cares for. I can talk about random crazy theories and he knows what the hell I am TALKING ABOUT and if he doesn't he WANTS TO KNOW WHAT THE HELL I AM TALKING ABOUT LOL. We can play co-op and kick ass - together. Many things I suppose.

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(OK I did this once and it somehow ended up in Chernobyl's house thread... poor Mr. Perkins reaching out from beyond to make cyber mischief? Or just me being even more of a dumbass than usual?)

The more I see of other families, the more I appreciate mine. I love how there is no bickering over stupid shit, no holding grudges over petty slights, no scorekeeping of who gave/did what for who... we just don't do any of that. It amazes me when I hear stories about family members not speaking to each other for years, usually over some total foolishness... it's such a completely alien concept to me. Of course we are human... some of us drive each other crazy... but we deal with it, move on, and remember that we are family first and foremost. Another thing I like is the way we take in people who aren't blood kin and accept them as part of the family... I was well into adulthood before I realized this isn't the norm in all families. My family has always been there for me, even when I wasn't there for myself. I feel so badly for people who aren't on good terms with their families... I can't imagine how lonely that must be.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My family has always been there for me, even when I wasn't there for myself. I feel so badly for people who aren't on good terms with their families... I can't imagine how lonely that must be.

I assure you my life would have been far less painful and lonely if my family could even remotely care about each other. I now suffer the belief that I really can't even have close friends.

People have always come into my life that need me as some form of guide for them. When they have learned what they can from me... they leave. It's a horribly sad way to live. I've accepted it as my way of life, but I'm not much of a fan. It's caused me to become more and more isolated from people.

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I now suffer the belief that I really can't even have close friends.

People have always come into my life that need me as some form of guide for them. When they have learned what they can from me... they leave. It's a horribly sad way to live. I've accepted it as my way of life, but I'm not much of a fan. It's caused me to become more and more isolated from people.

wait, i don't remember writing this!? (i had to take out the first sentence, though, but the rest is striaght outta my head!)

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