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If Chuck Norris Says it... Must be true!

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Paul Joseph Watson

Prison Planet.com

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

TV star and political commentator Chuck Norris points out in an editorial today that under the Obamacare legislation currently being vociferously opposed in town halls across the country, the government would empower itself to carry out home intrusions and state re-education of children under a Stalinist indoctrination program.

“Obamacare is about the government’s coming into homes and usurping parental rights over child care and development,” writes Norris. “It’s outlined in sections 440 and 1904 of the House bill (Page 838), under the heading “home visitation programs for families with young children and families expecting children.” The programs (provided via grants to states) would educate parents on child behavior and parenting skills. The bill says that the government agents, “well-trained and competent staff,” would “provide parents with knowledge of age-appropriate child development in cognitive, language, social, emotional, and motor domains … modeling, consulting, and coaching on parenting practices,” and “skills to interact with their child to enhance age-appropriate development.”

“Are you kidding me?! With whose parental principles and values? Their own? Certain experts’? From what field and theory of childhood development? As if there are one-size-fits-all parenting techniques! Do we really believe they would contextualize and personalize every form of parenting in their education, or would they merely universally indoctrinate with their own?,” writes Norris, questioning what the government would teach children about religion, morals and basic values, as well as issues like abortion.

“Do you want government agents coming into your home and telling you how to parent your children? When did government health care turn into government child care?,” asks Norris, pointing out that the program has Stalinist overtones in that it gives government the power to shape the very minds of future generations by “seizing parental and educational power, legislating preferred educational methods and materials, and limiting private educational options.”

The program outlined in the Obama health care reform bill sounds almost identical to programs already under way in the United Kingdom where the government usurps parental rights and assumes a guardianship role over the child.

As we reported earlier this month, the UK Labour government announced its intention to fund an expansion of its Family Intervention Projects, a program which is centered around home visits by state social workers whereby agents enter the private homes of citizens to ensure that children go to bed on time, attend school and eat proper meals.

Surveillance cameras are also installed in homes as well as state-run dormitories so government spies can keep an eye on whether parents are mistreating kids and whether the kids are fulfilling their obligations to the government under a pre-signed contract.

Another key aspect of the program is that parents deemed “responsible” by the government are handed the power to denounce and report bad parents who allow their children to engage in bad behavior. Such families are then targeted for “interventions”.

As Norris highlights in his editorial, under Obamacare, parents won’t be allowed to make a choice on whether they want government assistance in raising their children, they will be “targeted” by the state for home interventions, in exactly the same way the program works in the UK.

“One government rebuttal is that this program would be “voluntary.” Is that right?,” asks Norris. “Does that imply that this agency would just sit back passively until some parent needing parenting skills said, “I don’t think I’ll call my parents, priest or friends or read a plethora of books, but I’ll go down to the local government offices”? To the contrary, the bill points to specific targeted groups and problems, on Page 840: The state “shall identify and prioritize serving communities that are in high need of such services, especially communities with a high proportion of low-income families.”

Quoting Josef Stalin, “Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed,” Norris warns that universal health care could mean universal hell care if Obama’s health reform is allowed to proceed.

Look in the bill. said sections are there and they do read as such. Who knew Chuck could read?

Health Reform Bill

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Ummm... none of that is any different from what child protective services agencies do now. This would just ensure that there is funding and across-the-board standards for these programs, so that state agencies could actually DO something in a timely manner when there are reports of abuse and neglect. As someone who works with some truly fucked up kids, and is constantly running up against the criminal shortage of services for these children and their families, I have a hard time seeing how this would be a bad thing.

This is a major factor in the ever-accelerating deterioration of public debate these days... any random yahoo can set themself up as a "commentator" and spout whatever nonsense they want to everyone who's too lazy or illiterate to do their own research on the issues.

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Ummm... none of that is any different from what child protective services agencies do now. This would just ensure that there is funding and across-the-board standards for these programs, so that state agencies could actually DO something in a timely manner when there are reports of abuse and neglect. As someone who works with some truly fucked up kids, and is constantly running up against the criminal shortage of services for these children and their families, I have a hard time seeing how this would be a bad thing.

This is a major factor in the ever-accelerating deterioration of public debate these days... any random yahoo can set themself up as a "commentator" and spout whatever nonsense they want to everyone who's too lazy or illiterate to do their own research on the issues.

You know...SO many peoples with no children are angry/afraid at this part of the Bill......I am not afraid of it...you know why?.....I teach my kid how not to be an ass hat, & I have an 'eye' on him, ALL THE TIME...when given a choice on how to do something, he knows the difference between Honour, & Dishonour...at 6...there is NO excuse for the thousands of children being left to their own wits, when they have none...I think that 13 year old hooligans should goto a detention center if their parents can not keep them under control...this is SUPPOSED to be CIVILIZATION...not the breeding grounds for de-evolution....raise your kids right, or they'll take them away...that's what they are sayin'...if you can't keep 1 or 2 kids in line, why did you spit out 5 (living off the state)...

<rant on pause>

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Look up Clare county and the horror stories that come with it. Clare county has a required home visitation if you sign up for Food stamps or any other government assistance program. They have the highest ratio of children in foster care than any other county in Michigan.

They don't show up unannounced...but, I can certainly see where this can be a problem for peoples who don't know how to clean up after Human animals, much less their pets....but, I've had a visit before (somebody called on us unwarrantably after a personal falling out)...guess what, they looked around, asked a few questions, & said have a nice day, sorry for the inconvenience!

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I was going to try to paste pages 838-840 here, so people could read the actual wording, but the browser won't me for some reason.

Anyway, I don't necessarily see this as a bad thing. People who raise their children under acceptable conditions won't be affected by it, and people who don't raise their children under acceptable conditions need to be affected by it.

I've seen a number of people in this community say things like "People should have to get a license to raise children." This is a much more realistic and less fascist measure. Yes, we live in a country where we have a lot of personal freedoms, and everyone is worried about "Big Brother," but we're not talking about free speech here. No where is one given the right to abuse, neglect, or mistreat their children.

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I was going to try to paste pages 838-840 here, so people could read the actual wording, but the browser won't me for some reason.

Anyway, I don't necessarily see this as a bad thing. People who raise their children under acceptable conditions won't be affected by it, and people who don't raise their children under acceptable conditions need to be affected by it.

I've seen a number of people in this community say things like "People should have to get a license to raise children." This is a much more realistic and less fascist measure. Yes, we live in a country where we have a lot of personal freedoms, and everyone is worried about "Big Brother," but we're not talking about free speech here. No where is one given the right to abuse, neglect, or mistreat their children.


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Anyway, I don't necessarily see this as a bad thing. People who raise their children under acceptable conditions won't be affected by it, and people who don't raise their children under acceptable conditions need to be affected by it.

I've seen a number of people in this community say things like "People should have to get a license to raise children." This is a much more realistic and less fascist measure. Yes, we live in a country where we have a lot of personal freedoms, and everyone is worried about "Big Brother," but we're not talking about free speech here. No where is one given the right to abuse, neglect, or mistreat their children.


...& some for forced sterilization...& legalizing euthanasia...& re-instituting the death penalty...

...but, don't tell ANYONE how to raise that which they procreated...not even to a "lowest moral standard"...

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They don't show up unannounced...but, I can certainly see where this can be a problem for peoples who don't know how to clean up after Human animals, much less their pets....but, I've had a visit before (somebody called on us unwarrantably after a personal falling out)...guess what, they looked around, asked a few questions, & said have a nice day, sorry for the inconvenience!

I get really annoyed by people who are convinced that social services workers can just waltz into a home and remove children because they don't like the decor or something. It is not easy to get a judge's order to place a child, and often there is no suitable placement anyway. There has to be clear, documentable evidence of abuse, neglect, or immediate danger to the child before a judge will sign the order. Per Rev's experience, your children are not going to be snatched away just on the word of a neighbor who has a personal beef with you.

No one wants to break up families... it is much better for all concerned (not to mention more cost effective) to work with a family, educate them, and support them in making changes than to dump kids in foster care. There are excellent models for this kind of program that really do work... but it's hard to provide the level of intensive support needed when each worker in the county has 20 or more families on their caseload. So, as I've said before, I have a hard time thinking ill of any attempt to make these services more widely and consistently available.

And by the way, parents NEVER think they were actually neglectful or abusive... in their minds they're always being targeted unfairly for whatever reason. Seriously underweight baby with roaches in the formula bottles? (student of my mother's) Nah, the baby was fine! Kids can't stay awake in school due to constant all-night partying and chaos in the home? (several students of mine over the years) Hey, it's no one's business how I live! Child misses 3 days of school each week because mom can't wake up and get her ready? (4 students of mine in the past 2 years) Or uses her as free child care for younger siblings, while mom is out running the streets? (major cause of high school dropouts) Well, I got things I gotta take care of! So... no, the system does not always work perfectly... but as a rule, hearing people complain about how their children were removed unfairly is like sitting in rehab therapy groups and listening to people say "Well, my parents did X and I turned out fine!"

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You know...SO many peoples with no children are angry/afraid at this part of the Bill......I am not afraid of it...you know why?.....I teach my kid how not to be an ass hat, & I have an 'eye' on him, ALL THE TIME...when given a choice on how to do something, he knows the difference between Honour, & Dishonour...at 6...there is NO excuse for the thousands of children being left to their own wits, when they have none...I think that 13 year old hooligans should goto a detention center if their parents can not keep them under control...this is SUPPOSED to be CIVILIZATION...not the breeding grounds for de-evolution....raise your kids right, or they'll take them away...that's what they are sayin'...if you can't keep 1 or 2 kids in line, why did you spit out 5 (living off the state)...

<rant on pause>

+1, although the movie Idiocracy popped into my head while reading this rant.


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They don't show up unannounced...but, I can certainly see where this can be a problem for peoples who don't know how to clean up after Human animals, much less their pets....but, I've had a visit before (somebody called on us unwarrantably after a personal falling out)...guess what, they looked around, asked a few questions, & said have a nice day, sorry for the inconvenience!

Don't count on CPS being this simple, and this straightforward.

I know someone who is suffering at the hands of CPS, and because they're going overboard, and stepping beyond where they need to.

Their problem has naught to do with cleanliness, its.....complicated. But one worker is going far beyond what they should and managing to make their lives hell. Its painful and sad. They are scarily empowered--in some cases, this is good and necessary, but it leaves SO much room for abuses of power, like in my friend's case.

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I get really annoyed by people who are convinced that social services workers can just waltz into a home and remove children because they don't like the decor or something. It is not easy to get a judge's order to place a child, and often there is no suitable placement anyway. There has to be clear, documentable evidence of abuse, neglect, or immediate danger to the child before a judge will sign the order. Per Rev's experience, your children are not going to be snatched away just on the word of a neighbor who has a personal beef with you.

No one wants to break up families... it is much better for all concerned (not to mention more cost effective) to work with a family, educate them, and support them in making changes than to dump kids in foster care. There are excellent models for this kind of program that really do work... but it's hard to provide the level of intensive support needed when each worker in the county has 20 or more families on their caseload. So, as I've said before, I have a hard time thinking ill of any attempt to make these services more widely and consistently available.

And by the way, parents NEVER think they were actually neglectful or abusive... in their minds they're always being targeted unfairly for whatever reason. Seriously underweight baby with roaches in the formula bottles? (student of my mother's) Nah, the baby was fine! Kids can't stay awake in school due to constant all-night partying and chaos in the home? (several students of mine over the years) Hey, it's no one's business how I live! Child misses 3 days of school each week because mom can't wake up and get her ready? (4 students of mine in the past 2 years) Or uses her as free child care for younger siblings, while mom is out running the streets? (major cause of high school dropouts) Well, I got things I gotta take care of! So... no, the system does not always work perfectly... but as a rule, hearing people complain about how their children were removed unfairly is like sitting in rehab therapy groups and listening to people say "Well, my parents did X and I turned out fine!"

There are always exceptions, though.... like the couple who get investigated, and cleared by one county, and harassed and persecuted by another.

A very dear friend who is a victim of spousal abuse by her ex was point blank called a liar multiple times by a CPS social worker.

That's like victimising someone all over again.

I mean hell.... the friend has years of therapy attended that says yes, they were battered and mentally abused.

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Don't count on CPS being this simple, and this straightforward.

I know someone who is suffering at the hands of CPS, and because they're going overboard, and stepping beyond where they need to.

Their problem has naught to do with cleanliness, its.....complicated. But one worker is going far beyond what they should and managing to make their lives hell. Its painful and sad. They are scarily empowered--in some cases, this is good and necessary, but it leaves SO much room for abuses of power, like in my friend's case.

I've heard so many horror stories like this, this bill scares the shit out of me. Glad I'm not having kids, I don't want to raise a child in the world the way it is now.

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