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The Obama is destroying America Cospiracy thread

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Why are right-winged conservatives so deceitful?

They are not decietful at all... they just realize the truth as they make it up. If they say something that is not true, then they just have to either try really hard to make it the truth after all, or say that they were mislead, and blame the left.

Think about it, how can someone called the RIGHT be WRONG? That just denies all logic.

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They are not decietful at all... they just realize the truth as they make it up. If they say something that is not true, then they just have to either try really hard to make it the truth after all, or say that they were mislead, and blame the left.

Think about it, how can someone called the RIGHT be WRONG? That just denies all logic.

Stephen Colbert could not have said it ANY BETTER!

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How about the statement that too many people are drinking


Like it's some kind of cult to be a braindead obamabot zombie or something.

Oh that was brought up in the first post here:

All of this will be made possible by the armies of mindless Obaniods that put him in office and Al Franken.

That man is so tricky... he can brainwash people with flavored powder and sugar.... DAMN HIM!

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I have done this... :rofl: seriously...there are several dyes that change colours when digested, & if eaten in great quantities, will 'discolor' ones feces...

...most noteably...a 2 liter of Grape Faygo will turn a load (or two) an odd green...

*cough* sodoesbluemoonicecream *cough*

I believe he is also raising taxes on everything T in sight (hence the Tea Parties).... including tea... and Mr. T.... and T-Shirts.... and Golf Tees... and T-bone steaks.

I almost spit ginger ale all over my computer screen when I read that.

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Even though I'm one of those "crazy right-wingers" this is a funny ass thread.

And I have no problems with the Gitmo detainees being brought to Standish..if they escape us rednecks will just shoot them.

I hereby nominate TitsMcGee as Minister of Duh-Fense.... the more rural version of the Minister of Defence

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*cough* sodoesbluemoonicecream *cough*

I almost spit ginger ale all over my computer screen when I read that.

Indeed.... those taxes to make the nation bankrupt and more Canadian (except blacker).... they can make one sick.... here have some Kool-aid and relax..... NO WAIT!

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I hereby nominate TitsMcGee as Minister of Duh-Fense.... the more rural version of the Minister of Defence

I nominate myself for the position of Secretary of Interior since she gets to be Hick Minister of Shotgun Defense.

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And after America is destroyed....

I shall rule as King. :happydance

Will dispute about that when the time comes.

You can argue about the fiefdom when the times comes. You may even agree to a joint consul rule like the Roman Republic. But remember, even a king will bow down to The One, and *I* don't like to be second guessed.


You ask me if I have a God complex?

Let me tell you something:

I *am* God!!

*evil, gleeful, maniacal cackle*

*whooshes of air, several darts appear in his neck. Ego passes out, still cackling*

*Superego appears with smoking tranquilizer dart gun*

I apologize for the outburst from Ego. Try as I might, I can't get him off the movie Malice. *Now* you see why I keep him heavily sedated. Damned Geodon/Versed/propofol drip must have run out. Blast.

If you excuse me. *Superego drags Ego off, Ego still cackling in heavy sedation.*

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