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School prayer charges stir protests

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False evidence and testimony, in those cases I am all for retrials and whatnot.

If it's strictly a skin color thing - I'm against it. Very much.

I'm against anything that has to do with being treated differently because of race, religion etc.

To the point that I turned down a free ride in college based on my own racial makeup. I refuse to benefit from something, when I didn't suffer any ill effects from it.

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False evidence and testimony, in those cases I am all for retrials and whatnot.

If it's strictly a skin color thing - I'm against it. Very much.

I'm against anything that has to do with being treated differently because of race, religion etc.

To the point that I turned down a free ride in college based on my own racial makeup. I refuse to benefit from something, when I didn't suffer any ill effects from it.

I could for see the happening where in a certain county, a person in charge of such matters may see it warranted to have many cases looked into if say a group of the officials in charge (prosecutor, judge, court appointed attorney, the whole jury...) were proven to have 'fudged' records, or judgments because of race or religious preference, in past cases...

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Yes, I could see it being warranted as well Rev in that circumstance.

If the man handing down the sentence is dirty, then it would warrant an examination of any case that has the possibility of being tainted - in the name of being fair and just.

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I think that if they are going to act on ANYTHING then they should ban ALL religions from any sort of educational facilities. No student, faculty person, or even visiting parents can display or practice anything relating to their religion. If they really are doing things for the right reasons then it ALL must go...but sadly they will never do that.

And as far as science class goes, well they can just forget teaching Creation AND Evolution until one or the other is proven beyond any doubts and is proven to have some sort of benefits for society that were worth all the money invested. Fucking worthless to sit and teach or study nothing but THEORY when classes like P.E. and Art which can actually help a person are being shut down.

Candyman, I have to say something to you specifically.

All the others with conservative viewpoints are respectful and keep on topic. You are so condescending and rude to those who differ from you, it's just

sad. Your vitriol drips from every word, it's almost unbearable. I don't like ignoring posters, so I'm writing this instead. And I'm putting it here so you don't think I'm too afraid to post it publicly vs. a PM.

As for Creation and Evolution---- There are VOLUMES of scientific hypothesis where evolution has been tested and re-tested and re-tested, and its findings HAVE proven to give enormous benefits to understanding our world and environment.

Creation "theory" is a guess with no tests and nothing proven. It's based on belief and belief alone. And I say this as someone who prays to an invisible man in the sky every Friday.

As for this topic, I agree with Tits that this is going to far, however it is concerning that the school was just found guilty and brazenly ignored it a few months later. It's as if they were saying 'bring it on' I don't know if the punishment fits the crime but something should be said.

As someone who can actually see both sides with calmness and perspective, I concur that the ACLU oftentimes doesn't pick its battles well and sometimes goes too far, but they've also done a helluva lot of good, which would take a day to list.

Then again if you'd like to throw out the baby with the bathwater, it's your right as well.

(edited because spellcheck failed me)

Edited by the eternal
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Candyman, I have to say something to you specifically.

All the others with conservative viewpoints are respectful and keep on topic. You are so condescending and rude to those who differ from you, it's just

sad. Your vitriol drips from every word, it's almost unbearable. I don't like ignoring posters, so I'm writing this instead. And I'm putting it here so you don't think I'm too afraid to post it publicly vs. a PM.

As for Creation and Evolution---- There are VOLUMES of scientific hypothesis where evolution has been tested and re-tested and re-tested, and its findings HAVE proven to give enormous benefits to understanding our world and environment.

Creation "theory" is a guess with no tests and nothing proven. It's based on belief and belief alone. And I say this as someone who prays to an invisible man in the sky every Friday.

As for this topic, I agree with Tits that this is going to far, however it is concerning that the school was just found guilty and brazenly ignored it a few months later. It's as if they were saying 'bring it on' I don't know if the punishment fits the crime but something should be said.

As someone who can actually see both sides with calmness and perspective, I concur that the ACLU oftentimes doesn't pick its battles well and sometimes goes too far, but they've also done a helluva lot of good, which would take a day to list.

Then again if you'd like to throw out the baby with the bathwater, it's your right as well.

(edited because spellcheck failed me)

But who really thought that saying grace before a meal was breaking the court order.

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But who really thought that saying grace before a meal was breaking the court order.

Good point.

For me I think it comes down to if the principal, who says it was after school and only with adults were present, OR

if it was in front of kids, some of whom may be offended.

It's funny. I almost got banned from a classroom. I was explaining chanukah and I sang a prayer in Hebrew which no kid could understand.

I was thanked for bringing cultural understanding to the predominately Christian class, but I was told later not to come back for Passover or any future holiday. The teacher wouldnt say why. I had to go to the principal, who finally told me it was the prayer I sang over the candles. I said "It's in Hebrew. I could be singing about how g-d is dead" but she said one of the parents--none of whom were present-- had a problem with it, so I was sure to modify things in the future.

As tough as it was, I understood though. It's not my place to sing Hebrew there, so I won't. And trust me, it's not a Christian thing. There is probably 1% Jews in this school.

Once you cross that line from cultural understanding to religious proselytizing, even if you're speaking in tongues, which is quite entertaining, your out.

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Candyman, I have to say something to you specifically.

All the others with conservative viewpoints are respectful and keep on topic. You are so condescending and rude to those who differ from you, it's just

sad. Your vitriol drips from every word, it's almost unbearable. I don't like ignoring posters, so I'm writing this instead. And I'm putting it here so you don't think I'm too afraid to post it publicly vs. a PM.

As for Creation and Evolution---- There are VOLUMES of scientific hypothesis where evolution has been tested and re-tested and re-tested, and its findings HAVE proven to give enormous benefits to understanding our world and environment.

Creation "theory" is a guess with no tests and nothing proven. It's based on belief and belief alone. And I say this as someone who prays to an invisible man in the sky every Friday.

As for this topic, I agree with Tits that this is going to far, however it is concerning that the school was just found guilty and brazenly ignored it a few months later. It's as if they were saying 'bring it on' I don't know if the punishment fits the crime but something should be said.

As someone who can actually see both sides with calmness and perspective, I concur that the ACLU oftentimes doesn't pick its battles well and sometimes goes too far, but they've also done a helluva lot of good, which would take a day to list.

Then again if you'd like to throw out the baby with the bathwater, it's your right as well.

(edited because spellcheck failed me)

Yes all of your past posts have proven that you actually see both sides with calmness and perspective.

As far as the topic I don't believe that I strayed far enough to warrant a spanking...even though I was going to ask others if the also love chocolate chunk cookies.

Yes I am quite emotional about this topic...is emotion wrong too? As a former Christian I can say that I have dealt with and seen enough crap to get at least a little pissed off. First there is the constant stream of complaints from the area where my old church is. They call out the cops to fine the church for all sorts of stuff...illegal lawn clipping disposal is their favorite. I was lucky enough to go to a christian high school to save me from sub-par education in my state but then I went to college where people can "tolerate" more and and more "open minded and mature". Bullshit! I was not allowed to bring my bible onto the campus nor could the bookstore sell them...even for use in a religion class...however almost every other religious books as there for purchase. A group of Lutherans like myself were banned from praying and having meeting on campus...and then our room was given to some Muslim group...nothing against Muslims either.

Yes I do believe that something is wrong here...and I believe that saying that all must go or all must stay is actually see both sides with calmness and perspective...I am just waiting for someone else to come along and work on some sort of middle ground. Schools in my state claim to be neutral when it comes to religion but that is far off base...what they mean is Christians and Jews must leave everything out of school or they will be punished, everyone else may toss their beliefs everywhere without fear because the parents of the Christian and Jewish children are stupid for believing in things...its as bad as having hope!

Nobody was there for "the Big Bang" and nobody was there when "God made the world"...sorry if saying the word God offended anyone. So, seeing that nobody was there for either there is no way to give either theory a stamp of 100% approval. So why teach our children anything other than the cold hard facts? So they can keep the fight going? So they can torment other children for their religious beliefs?

I do not believe that any religion should have the majority of "control" in any situation...however I do not feel that banning and tightly restricting their movements helps much either. I just want to know why it is always the Christians when they don't really even fight back on these issues? Is it fun or something? Who care about offense anyways? Honestly it is everywhere and if you can't deal with it then do something...ANYTHING besides legal action...like a meeting with parents of something that grown people would do to work out their problems.

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