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Oh yes..I've seen this someplace, before. What a bunch of jokers. I'm half tempted to write a review of my own, because I think I actually used to have this shirt. I am "redneck trailer trash Barbie," after all. :hrhr:

P.S. I couldn't help but notice these Zubaz pants, in the "other items viewed" row. http://www.amazon.com/Zubaz-Pants/dp/B000WVXM0W/ref=pd_sbs_a_4/185-7813455-2637629

The reviews are just as funny.

I thought these ugly pants went out with the cavemen. :rofl:

Edited by jynxxxedangel
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I never realised there was an entire troupe of comedians performing regularly on Amazon.com.

There are actually tons of hilarious product reviews, if you click on all the items in the "other items viewed" on the two pages we have mentioned. Check out the one for the uranium ore sample, it's also pretty funny.

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941 of 956 people found the following review helpful:

5.0 out of 5 stars Make this your only stock and store, July 8, 2008

By Edgar (Baltimore) - See all my reviews

Once upon a mid-day sunny, while I savored Nuts 'N Honey,

With my Tuscan Whole Milk, 1 gal, 128 fl. oz., I swore

As I went on with my lapping, suddenly there came a tapping,

As of some one gently rapping, rapping at the icebox door.

'Bad condensor, that,' I muttered, 'vibrating the icebox door -

Only this, and nothing more.'

Not to sound like a complainer, but, in an inept half-gainer,

I provoked my bowl to tip and spill its contents on the floor.

Stupefied, I came to muddle over that increasing puddle,

Burgeoning deluge of that which I at present do adore -

Snowy Tuscan wholesomeness exclusively produced offshore -

Purg'ed here for evermore.

And the pool so white and silky, filled me with a sense of milky

Ardor of the type fantastic of a loss not known before,

So that now, to still the throbbing of my heart, while gently sobbing,

I retreated, heading straightway for the tempting icebox door -

Heedless of that pitter-patter tapping at the icebox door -

I resolved to have some more.

Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer,

'This,' said I, 'requires an extra dram of milk, my favorite pour.'

To the icebox I aspired, motivated to admire

How its avocado pigment complemented my decor.

Then I grasped its woodgrain handle - here I opened wide the door; -

Darkness there, and nothing more.

Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,

Doubting, dreaming dreams of Tuscans I had known before

But the light inside was broken, and the darkness gave no token,

And the only words there spoken were my whispered words, 'No more!'

Coke and beer, some ketchup I set eyes on, and an apple core -

Merely this and nothing more.

Back toward the table turning, all my soul within me burning,

Soon again I heard a tapping somewhat louder than before.

'Surely,' said I, 'surely that is something at my window lattice;

Let me see then, what thereat is, and this mystery explore -

Let my heart be still a moment and this mystery explore; -

'Tis the wind and nothing more!'

From the window came a stirring, then, with an incessant purring,

Inside stepped a kitten; mannerlessly did she me ignore.

Not the least obeisance made she; not a minute stopped or stayed she;

But, with mien of lord or lady, withdrew to my dining floor -

Pounced upon the pool of Tuscan spreading o'er my dining floor -

Licked, and lapped, and supped some more.

Then this tiny cat beguiling my sad fancy into smiling,

By the grand enthusiasm of the countenance she wore,

Toward the mess she showed no pity, 'til I said, 'Well, hello, kitty!'

Sought she me with pretty eyes that seemed to open some rapport.

So I pleaded, 'Tell me, tell me what it is that you implore!'

Quoth the kitten, 'Get some more.' Comment Comments (41) | Permalink | Was this review helpful to you

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These are incredible.

Best one, for the uranium...

61 of 65 people found the following review helpful:

Great Product, Poor Packaging, May 14, 2009

By Patrick J. McGovern "Procrastinating Evil Scientist"

I purchased this product 4.47 Billion Years ago and when I opened it today, it was half empty.

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This review of the below pictured pants was my favorite:


155 of 165 people found the following review helpful: 5.0 out of 5 stars Confidence Building. Inspiring., May 8, 2009 By J. C. Murphy "Powerful. Critic. But not at sa... (Florida) - See all my reviews

(REAL NAME) I call these my Cock Fight pants. I know what you are thinking, why Cock Fight? Why not Zebra Fight pants? Here, let me explain:

The first time I wore these pants, I tried to capture the spirit of the animal print from which they came: the Zebracorn (50% Zebra / 50% Unicorn = 100% real. See Google). I would wear these pants with nothing more than Crocs on my feet and hair on my chest, and prance around the block like the mighty, legendary Zebracorn. It was kind of like skipping, using an intermittent hop, kind of a gallop. Yes, definitely a gallop. And I held my hands in front of my chest like I wasn't exactly sure what to do with them. People would ask if I was gay as I pranced around. I'd smile, wave, and wish them a happy day too. Then one day my friend explained to me that those people used a redefined meaning of that word. I didn't know they did that! (Change word meanings, I mean.)

So I got worried. No more prancing around the block. To help protect myself from the block bullies who changed words, I decided to take Capoeira lessons. I wore these pants to every lesson. For years worth of lessons, my pants never failed me. They didn't fade, and the stripe lines never blurred. My confidence roared, like a Zebracorn! I was so elite that I entered every Street Fighter contest and won!

I became so confident that people began to call me "cocky". I tried to get them to call me "Corny" in respect to the legendary Zebracorn, but it didn't work. Eventually the name "Cocky" grew on me. I decided to officially adopt it and took on the street fighting name of Giant Cock. My logo was a Cock with a pirate's eye patch. I shaved it into my chest hair! It looked so good with these pants. The women flocked to me like Hens. I asked if they wanted to be my towel girls. They said yes! They were so proud to be able to towel the sweat off the Giant Cock after a fight.

In my youth I was strong and stood tall. But after years of fighting, and just plain old age, I had problems staying up against almost any opponent and would get knocked out easily. Usually less than one round. I had to retire. As a sign of my past life behind, I burned my Cock Fight pants at sea. There were no ashes, just melted goop.

Now, after breakthroughs in science and bad economies, I'm so happy to see these pants make a come back. I've been going through physical therapy, taking steroids, and have started fighting again. I couldn't find a Cock t-shirt to symbolize the rebirth of my career, but I found a wolf one! Breakthrough Wolf T-Shirt - Available in Various Sizes But I still wasn't complete without my Zubaz! I ordered a pair, and am waiting for delivery. Very soon the Giant Cock shall return!

Order a pair of Zubaz pants and you too can be a Giant Cock!

Pros: Turns you into a Giant Cock. Doesn't burn easily.

Cons: None!

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