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Thoughts on love?


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Personally, I think it has taken me years to truely understand love.

It is both the simplest and most complex feeling in the world.

I think people put far too many constraints on it, and let social expectations and social mores rule how they think and feel about other people.

I think that love is beautiful, and it takes many shapes and forms, and to abandon it, or to run from it is folly. Let it happen, and stop setting expectations. Just live, and enjoy the people who come into and out of your life. Love them, enjoy every minute you have with those wonderful, special people.

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i'm all for LOVE... for a while there, i didn't think that i could love again after Prophet passed. i'm not going to say that i'm IN LOVE, however, i am loving the moments that i have right now. i love the person that i'm with, i'll love my child indefinitely.

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I been in love a few times. The last time when the break up came it really got me... I find that every relationship I've been in love in hasn't come close to working. The ones I haven't cared about were more successful. I love the good times, but the heartbreak is not worth it for me, because the last time it almost (it actually did) destroyed me. I realized not so long ago that I may actually have reformed myself into someone who runs away if they get to close. At least I seem only to run far enough to protect myself, I don't generally have to cut ties completely. Maybe someday I'll get lucky enough to feel that happy again... However, I'm not sure I want to, fall is just too great, and I'm always looking for the fall now.

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who cares. girls come and go. chicks will show up for a summer or two and some get luckier than others more often. so to be passed over or cast aside is painfull and it affects a mans mind especially over time. like to much attention makes certian hot girls crazy over time especially during developmental years. thoughts and feelings allways change but the past doesn't. to make an emotional investment into another can end in a loss that is why its an investment of emotion. I try to look for equality in relationships. though i'm passed by more often then most by the opposite sex i still have self respect and will not treat people differently because of apperance. if a pretty girl is an asshole i don't fell attracted to that (usualy).

as far as love my mom an dad spent their life together. here i am 28 and some couples have been together longer then that. there is alot to be said about love. just remember it doesn't matter how you feel feelings change what matters is what you do. if you both chose to respect each others wishes and feelings then do it and time will move on. my x left me for some dude an i want to die on ocassion but it only matters what i do not how i feel. thats why the guy she left me for killed himself when she quit him. an it's all about money. all the feelings surrounding it don't change that my trust is gone my respect for them is gone and he is dead but who got paid?. so just pay attention to reality first. if you want to invest your heart into another keep in mind that what you give emotionaly will be replaced with a return on that investment weather it's returned on the good side is up to your partner. what i learned sounds bitter. her sisters say" your just taking it to personal..." so i say "yeah guess its just business huh?".

I invested to much into that person for a long time it was equal but then that love was weaponized and that person weilds it with a more perfect skill now. I like love i like happy and good and fun, i like companionship and trust and trying to live up to those expectations. but oppertunity is few and far between. i might sound mean bitter or scarred but im still alive! an i live son.

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One thing that made feel bleak was something i read on this site. it was a quote "true love lasts longer then death." this was quite dissheartening to know that there is no escape from the pain even in death. and my x took note of this as a practicioner of weaponized love she found out she is not invincible when a man took his own life to hurt her back. I'm tired of talking of this........sorted business. some time has passed and here we are to live and find new love to go boldly were we have never gone before. i'm not scared at all i'm thrillseeker type when it comes to getting my feelings hurt. you should love with the same sense of duty and honor as captian piccard has. a noble sense of what is to be done.

Edited by cptdeath
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  • 7 months later...


I had to sorry.

Anyhow, I have come to the realization that I probably cannot handle feeling romantic love for a person. I have all the love in the world for my children and for my family and friends in my life, but I cannot put my heart on the line any longer, if I do I will probably go insane. I am too emotional when it comes to loving another person and people mistake that for weakness and/or an emotional problem.

I let my guard down and I fucked up, shame on me. I vow to myself that I will be strong again. I am going to go back to the old me. No one seems to care about love nowadays anyway. An example of that would be how so many marriages end in divorce these days or the fact that a great deal of people who do stay married do it for financial stability, children are involved, or fear of being alone, etc.. That is not love. I picture love as this great passionate thing, a soul connection with another person, and complete and utter acceptance of one another, no matter what. I am shaking as I write this so I think I am done now.

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   noun, verb,loved, lov·ing.

1.a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.

2.a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.

3.sexual passion or desire.

4.a person toward whom love is felt; beloved person; sweetheart.

5.(used in direct address as a term of endearment, affection, or the like): Would you like to see a movie, love?

6.a love affair; an intensely amorous incident; amour.

7.sexual intercourse; copulation.

8.(initial capital letter) a personification of sexual affection, as Eros or Cupid.

9.affectionate concern for the well-being of others: the love of one's neighbor.

As you can see, there are a ton of definitions for love, and sometimes people can get confused with all of them. They believe love is one thing and only one thing, when it has many different meanings, but that is not what this topic is about. We are not talking about love between comrades in arms or family members. We want the love between two people.

I will say this now that I have thought I have been in love before. Get that feeling in your gut and they do not leave your mind and you think to yourself. "Oh, I am in love" but is it love? I do not think so. I believe it is a combination of Lust, desire and just because it is new. Love is not the warm feeling in your heart or thinking about them all the time, because that will leave after a few months or so.

What I believe Love is, is the ability to over come things that are issues within the relationship and get past them. Stand together and feel that no matter what comes up you both can do it. Now of course there will be times when one of the two believes they can not go on anymore and want to leave, but I think that if given enough time and it was true love to begin with (And only true love) then they will come back

Love has been tossed around too much, people say "I love you" like it is going out of style.

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  • 3 years later...

Viewing my last post, okay, in actuality the zen belief is that love comes in three stages, the first being the sexual, the what you think is love but actually lust were we remain stuck at that stage due to our conditioning that burdened our sexuality with too many expectations and repressions. Sexual love NEVER lasts. We can accept it and say goodbye when it is gone but recognize it for what it is. It is the part that fizzles out, BUT, when we mature beyond that point and recognize what exists in your significant other and honor their unique, and individuality we begin to understand that our mate is functioning like a mirror to us-reflecting aspects within us deeper than what we can see ourselves and as this occurs the two are able to see those inner needs and they can each support one another in order to become whole. (kinda makes me refer to yin and yang, opposites attracts, your weakness is her strength and vice versa and you each learn things from one another) This is love that is not based on want or need. This is based on freedom. When your love for another is not just a desire, when it is not a need, but a SHARING, when you are not asking for anything from someone else but only to love them and you are completely ready to give your all to them just because doing so brings you ultimate happiness, well this is the highest form of love, which is actually Compassion. In Buddhism, that is. Sex is just the seed. <3

Edited by kat
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It's the basic, old question, is love worth it? Many people after a break up say they'll never fall in love again, the bad out weights the good. I personally feel the good times make the bad worth fighting through.

But whats everyone elses thoughts on it?

Is romantic love worth pursuing? No. Romantic love is a myth, at most, a temporary chemical cocktail to cause procreation. And the primary victim to me is usually the man who exists to have his money and sanity taken.

Like most men, Alternative or Mainstream, this or that, I used to mystify women's sexual/romantic actions to justify what I had been taught about romantic love. The sexual/romantic actions I've seen of many women are not a mystery, to me they are entirely summed up in gender roles, Hypergamy, and Briffault's Law. And those actions are often dehumanizing to men.

I personally can never see the female pursuit of beauty the same way again. Makeup for instance I just see as linked to mindless provisioning with a foundation of male death and child protection, its simply a longstanding biological incentive. A gaudy woman trying to be some form of model usually says only one thing to men with her appearance, "I am beautiful, because you are trash." I'm not a true asexual, but women's predictable romantic actions will always be pushing me closer to it, and its making me happier than what I was pursuing any kind of female deity or fairy tale.

Edited by Class-Punk
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You know, I've come to realize as I get older that the whole idea that "I will never love someone as much as I loved (insert name here) again." or "I will never be as happy as I was when I was with (insert name here)" ... That's all bullshit. And a lot of people believe that. For me, I guess now I'm coming into the prime of my life. I'm 28, I feel and look better than I have since I was 12. The point I'm trying to make is lately I feel a lot more confident about myself, and I noticed women take more notice to me now than ever before. I used to think the same thing, after losing love, that I would never love again, or never love the same way again, but that's wrong. With that attitude, yeah, I probably won't. If I keep my head on straight and realize that there are always other fish in the sea, that can make all the difference in the world.

I find keeping this in mind also helps deal with loss, greatly. It's easy to get hung up on the past, so much so that you pay no attention to the present, or the future, and it can be like being stuck between a rock and a hard place, with no hope of moving forward. It's hard to do, sometimes it can be physically taxing to perform simple tasks like going grocery shopping, because that loss can take so much out of you. But keeping your head on straight and moving forward is always the best strategy. I find with a positive, confident attitude, I come across more people every time I go out, that remind me, it's not so bad. There is definitely someone else out there for me, and they just may be better than the last. Even when that is hard to imagine, it is true.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm 33, and I doubt I've ever experienced love. I've probably experienced obsession but never love. I've had issues with money all my life, plus my mental state (depression, anxiety, paranoia, and a dose of Schizoid personality disorder rendering me uninterested and indifferent to people and social situations and not wanting to put myself in them), combined with not meeting anyone who understands me, other than my current therapist, I'm probably never going to ever find out what it is like, and frankly, that kind of pisses me off.

For all the shit life has thrown at me, I'd just like one person to fight against the world with, even though it will probably never happen. /sigh

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  • 2 weeks later...

To be less cynical and consciousness-polluting than my previous post, I do fully believe one can love themselves to a degree of being a positive influence in those around them regardless of singledom. But then the question has to be asked where does that love begin? What is the entirety of the body beyond an idea? The whole sense of the body is connected to the world and universe. A person can feel loving and loved in regards to love of consciousness or existence, but then with that active, what is a person, and what is separate from them? I simply think these are all important questions anyone with intelligence can't ignore.

Edited by Class-Punk
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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 months later...

To be less cynical and consciousness-polluting than my previous post, I do fully believe one can love themselves to a degree of being a positive influence in those around them regardless of singledom. But then the question has to be asked where does that love begin? What is the entirety of the body beyond an idea? The whole sense of the body is connected to the world and universe. A person can feel loving and loved in regards to love of consciousness or existence, but then with that active, what is a person, and what is separate from them? I simply think these are all important questions anyone with intelligence can't ignore.

Unfortunately I don't think there is going to be any fully empirical dividing line between person/personality/feelings. The best we can get is when things become (fairly) obvious. Like I know the difference between food and poison. But there is a ton of indistinct gray area.

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