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Do you think this is too fat?

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If that is fat...then I guess a majority of the female population are fat.

I see a bit of a pooch, there, but she's anything but overweight! It looks like she may have had a baby (or lost some weight) recently, and she just has a bit of loose skin. She's definitely not fat, though! Her body looks like any normal 30-ish woman's, who's had a child or two!

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If that is fat...then I guess a majority of the female population are fat.

Where have you been, woman? The majority of the population is fat! Especially here in Michigan. Not just a little bit fat either, the average size is getting bigger. I haven't a clue what it is now, nor do I want to.

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Whenever I go into a wal-mart or kroger, nearly 50% of the people I see are shaped like apples, gourds or barrels. Same thing at the hospital (both employees and patients).

This size 12-14 woman looks thin compared to the others I mentioned...

Edited by Enishi
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Where have you been, woman? The majority of the population is fat! Especially here in Michigan.

I was going to say the same thing. People are larger and it's a growing (No pun intended) concern.

That said, this women is not fat. She looks great. Yup, she does have the flabbiness around her lower abdomen. Maybe she's had kids? *shrug*

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A long time ago, this woman's figure would have actually fit the standard for perfection. Her ample hips and thighs would have been suggestive of fruitfulness and fertility-- very desirable traits, in the eyes of men who were seeking women suitable for the purpose of procreation.

Call me crazy, but I have a theory. Before the 1920s, zaftig women were still seen as the standard for beauty. Then, flapper fashion took the world by storm. At the same time, moving pictures took the world by storm. I think the whole "thin to be 'in'" thing began with that. Women wanted to emulate the decadently independent women they saw on the silver screen. The bobbed hair and the rebellious thinness shouted feminism, perfect symbolic accompaniments for the newly-acquired right to vote.

Thin is still seen as the standard, for any fiercely-independent, career-minded woman...and the cult of money and power is much more popular than procreation, these days.

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By Hollywood standards, unfortunately, she's fat. By normal woman standards, she is a pretty normal size, and probably more fit than the average size 12 (which given her height is what I'm guessing her size is) woman. Personally, I think this body type is more attractive than the 5'11" 110 lb. skinny stick models out there today, but Hollywood doesn't.

*sighs* This is why my trip to Hollywood and Beverly Hills made me want to vomit.

Edited by TygerLili
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Where have you been, woman? The majority of the population is fat! Especially here in Michigan. Not just a little bit fat either, the average size is getting bigger. I haven't a clue what it is now, nor do I want to.

I think it's size 14 or 16 for average now.

as far as the photos go, there's some argument online as to whether the editors at Glamour airbrushed her thighs a little bit. Personally, I don't think it matters.

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Just wanted to add that the BMI for 5'11" and 180 lbs. is 25.1. BMI considers 25 and up overweight, though a lot of people don't agree with BMI standards because muscle weighs more than fat.

Anyway, just thought I'd throw that out there.

Edited by TygerLili
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I have only once in my adult life have been anywhere near 25 BMI, but it took the combined mass of the solar system crashing on my head in stress to do it.

Most of my adult life thanks to the service, I sat under a BMI of 28. But this was the same time frame I was walking around with a chest of 46" and a waist of 34", benching 315 consistently.

Let's just say I am working back to 28 again.

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After thinking about the pictures a bit more, particularly the one Jynxxx mentioned with the bit of a pooch, I have decided the photographer should be beaten with a stick. To get that skin flap he/she/it/whatever had to either be stupid (it isn’t really flattering, and she is a lovely lady) or trying to get it that way. A slight turn, a 1/2' inch curve to the back and it would vanish. Maybe they wanted it for some fetish stuff, but I doubt it. I think they were just careless.

We have several photographers here (particularly thinking of DVS here [ http://www.detroitgothic.net/index.php?showuser=3871 ], check out his work if you have not yet – he is very, very good) and I would love for him or another photographer to chime in – tell me if I am full of crap or correct.

As for the widening load, yes people all over are getting fatter (I am one of them, though actually I have been stable for decades. Still fat, but stable). Our ideal has shrunk to impossible standards (some people can be a size 0, most could not reach that unless they were three weeks dead and eaten by crocodiles). Fit is good, best – but beauty isn’t confined to anorexic heroin addicts or those androgynous boy-like females with silicone-augmentations. There is something a little off about a person who looks like a pre-pubescent boy with huge… well its kind of weird. Not always bad, I can be a pervert (I am male, that’s a given), but it’s strange.

Be Well.

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i would like to say that, just because the average weight of people is going up, that doesn't mean that it changes what constitutes being fat. i mean, if the entire world go to the point of having 50% body fat, would that mean that someone with only 40% is not fat? i don't think so... there is a range for how much extra fat one can carry and still be healthy. just because "fat" is becoming normal, that doesn't make it "not fat", if you follow. (and i'm not trying to cast aspersions, as i fall into this "fat" category as well)

that being said, i'm glad to see people's self-esteem growing enough to accept themselves as they are. my only concern is that as a society, we're coming to accept a standard that isn't physically healthy, and will (for most) shorten our lives considerably, and degrade our quality of life.

i apologize if i've phrased this in such a way as to offend anyone - i'm just trying to share my opinion.

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She looks fine to me

now I just cannot understand how people can get like this


That....is a large caboose. She must have been trailered in. I don't understand how people can grow to such epic proportions, either. I'm pretty sure a steady diet of Swanson pot pies might do the trick, though..


..or maybe even a steady diet of small children.

Edited by jynxxxedangel
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After thinking about the pictures a bit more, particularly the one Jynxxx mentioned with the bit of a pooch, I have decided the photographer should be beaten with a stick. To get that skin flap he/she/it/whatever had to either be stupid (it isn’t really flattering, and she is a lovely lady) or trying to get it that way. A slight turn, a 1/2' inch curve to the back and it would vanish. Maybe they wanted it for some fetish stuff, but I doubt it. I think they were just careless.

We have several photographers here (particularly thinking of DVS here [ http://www.detroitgothic.net/index.php?showuser=3871 ], check out his work if you have not yet – he is very, very good) and I would love for him or another photographer to chime in – tell me if I am full of crap or correct.

As for the widening load, yes people all over are getting fatter (I am one of them, though actually I have been stable for decades. Still fat, but stable). Our ideal has shrunk to impossible standards (some people can be a size 0, most could not reach that unless they were three weeks dead and eaten by crocodiles). Fit is good, best – but beauty isn’t confined to anorexic heroin addicts or those androgynous boy-like females with silicone-augmentations. There is something a little off about a person who looks like a pre-pubescent boy with huge… well its kind of weird. Not always bad, I can be a pervert (I am male, that’s a given), but it’s strange.

Be Well.

I know Anthony. He does cool stuff. A very distinct vision. I shoot too. Tough to tell intent of the photographer without more context. It could be an error, it could be deliberate.

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That....is a large caboose. She must have been trailered in. I don't understand how people can grow to such epic proportions, either. I'm pretty sure a steady diet of Swanson pot pies might do the trick, though..


..or maybe even a steady diet of small children.

To me that person has more rolls than a bread factory,WTF!!!

let alone giving that chair a stress test.

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