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Long Distance Relationships

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Being stuck over here without him is killing me. I don't think I've ever hurt so much in my life.

I'm going to be completely miserable....until I no longer have to say goodbye to him, before he gets on a plane to fly far away from me. :cry

I don't think anyone could ever understand how I am feeling, unless they themselves have been through this.

To know he is my one-and-only, and my husband, makes me so happy. Then comes the part where he's not here at my side, and I'm not there at his.

Am I the only one here going through this, right now? Does anyone else feel me?

It would really make me feel a lot better to discuss this with friends; especially if some of them are feeling the same way, and may also need to talk about it.

Sorry to be so emo, but I just can't hold it in, anymore.

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I understand and I'm sorry. -huggles-

My bf of almost three years that I love deeply goes away for 6-7months at a time. He travels around the united states and we hardly ever talk when hes on tour. It tears me apart not being able to see him or talk to him. There is so much that we miss out on in each others life. Everytime he gets on a bus a leave I cry insanely. Its not emo at all, i feel your pain. Be strong.

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Angel, I can't speak from experience on this persay.

My longest LDR was a 3-4hr car ride away.

It seems from all I read, that you and Chris have something that is one in a million.

You two have something worth perserving for.

When you're feelin down about the current status of your situation, look forward to when the distance is gone, and how awesome that will be, and perhaps that will make ya smile :yes

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I'm so lost without him, it's difficult to remain rational, anymore.

Here I am, stuck in this house that's entirely too big for just me (and that I really can't afford), out in the middle of nowhere. It's late in the evening, and my only companions are DGN, three cats, three spiders, the ghosts in my head (I have many other situations going on in my life right now, that I dare not mention on the open board), and a half bottle of wine.

This is the way it goes, day in, day out. Sometimes, I don't even have the wine.

I have one close friend who doesn't live far, but she is probably thinking that I sound like a broken record, by now (just as much as I'm sick of hearing my own blubbering and blathering). Most of my friends live many miles away, and seldom visit or ring on the phone.

I am living in hell, trapped in my own head, and the only person who can save me from myself is thousands of miles away, in another time zone-- and he needs to sleep, so he can get up for work in the morning. I would give anything, for him to be snoring next to me. I just need him. I need him to be close, and he cannot be. The only thing I can do, is curse the distance, curse the bureaucracy that keeps us apart, and drink the last bit of this wine.

Sometimes, being loved completely, and unconditionally (and loving the same way back) does NOT guarantee you from being alone.

Gather up the black pearls of my misery, children of the night. It doesn't get much more gothic (or tragic) than this.

Edited by jynxxxedangel
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It'll be ok though, because this will eventually come to pass. Even though its hard now.

Yep, did a lot of LDRs. Had one from England long ago when I was real young, one from New Zealand about 4 years ago, and one from Texas a few years ago. It wasn't easy with any of them, but I kept writing and emailing and getting photos back and forth to keep up to date. I wish anything relationship-wise would work out, but so far its not meant to be. Its difficult, but in the end it will be worth it.

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This is different than just any LDR. He is my Twin Soul.

It took me so long to find him in this lifetime, and now he is so far away, again. I literally ache for him-- body, mind and spirit. Imagine waking up one morning, without one (or all) of your five senses. This is how I feel.

Call me a kook, but it's true.

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I'll give a longer reply to this later when I have time, but if it is of any help to read through this, have at it.

My LDR hell

Dammit, I didn't mean to be a topic hoe.

I used the search function, but nothing else came up. If the mods would like, they can merge this thread with the previous one. :blushing:

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Well, the first time I met Jeff was just over 5 years ago, when I first came to Detroit. I came to meet the people of DGN with whom I became close. Jeff was the one who picked me up from the airport. I was slowly heading toward the end of my marriage (despite pretending here), but had NO desire to date.

Two years later, as I still pretended to be outwardly happy (if you've read some of my angrier poetry here, you'd have caught on that I was quite full of shit), I started to notice that my friendship with Jeff felt stronger than I had wanted, needed, or anticipated. After getting sick of the banter between him and the chick who was TOTALLY wrong for him on myspace, I made it pretty clear that my marriage was over, and that I wanted to see where we would end up. He assured me that he found me quite attractive from the day we had met, and asked me to come up.

After that long weekend, I just knew...and it was going to slowly kill me.

I didn't come back up for 2 months after that. It was the longest 2 months of my life. But after the December visit, I had made up my mind. I didn't move here until March 3rd of the following year, but I assure you that I regret not a single thing.

I can say that I understand the desperation that you feel, Jynxxie. But, my wait was far shorter than yours. But when you get there, heaven help Chris....


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Well, as Jynxie already knows, on 8-27-09 my long distance relationship will be a thing of the past. After 1 year, 8 months, and 15 days we will finally be back under the same roof. :kiss The majority of that 1 year, 8 months, and 15 days was hell, but it's made us stronger and closer. Without physical togetherness, we have had to learn to really communicate, and trust each other, in a way that a lot of couples never do.

All I can say is, don't give up hope, and every day that you are apart and weathering the storm, is a day that your relationship becomes stronger than the last. :grouphug

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All I can do is keep you in Me prayers for a speedy, permanent resolution to your distance issue..

The 'twin soul' thing is close to the way I interpret my relationship w/ my Hubby.. I can barely begin to understand your pain as I have only ever been away from Me Rev for two nights, and three days & it was torture.. It is the nights that are the worst, when everything is quite, & you can feel your love there, but there is no physical body to hold.. I have tears in my eyes just thinking of your pain.


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We've talked about this before dear, and I do know how you feel. Charlie and I see each other once a month if we are lucky, and even when I finish school and take my state boards I don't think I'll be able to look for work in Lansing since I won't be able to afford a place on my own. It's hard, and my heart aches and mostly I just keep it bottled up, but there are nights where I cry myself to sleep...which is mostly every night.

*hugs* I'm here for you hun.

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im in a long distance relationship right now and believe me i know the pain and feeling. there are days that i want to just go to him and be held by him but i cant. i dont hear from him, he's always busy and i feel like our relationship is not going to last much longer. all i can do is wait and hope that i see my man again.

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Guest Megalicious

A, I can't saying I know exactly how you feel but I know how it feels to be away from someone you truly love.

You can't eat, you can't sleep (hence why it is always JUST US LOVE LOL) and you can't think of anything else but being close to them, to feel there arms around you, to watch them sleep, to laugh together .... all those little things that mean SO MUCH. *hugs*

For what it's worth, take comfort in knowing that one day, you will NEVER have to part from him again. I know its hard now, but all this pain, this sadness is going to be redeemed when you don't ever have to leave his side again *hugs*

Till then, you know I am always here for you!! Doesn't matter what time ( not that we sleep), doesn't matter what I am doing .. if you need me, I am here.

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i love my wife.

i have never doubted her for a second, I have always loved her and one day I will live true to my promise to be at her side.

until then i will just put one foot on front of the other no matter what to move closer to that day.

some days its an uphill climb other days its a sprint.

as i have put on my facebook/myspace in the past few, if anyone thinks they have relationship problems with new love, try it when you only get 30 days in a year to be together, and that's with my VERY generous leave allowance with my employer

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i love my wife.

i have never doubted her for a second, I have always loved her and one day I will live true to my promise to be at her side.

until then i will just put one foot on front of the other no matter what to move closer to that day.

some days its an uphill climb other days its a sprint.

as i have put on my facebook/myspace in the past few, if anyone thinks they have relationship problems with new love, try it when you only get 30 days in a year to be together, and that's with my VERY generous leave allowance with my employer

I'm going to crawl through hell on bloody hands and knees for you, Welshman. All for you. I've taken that particular scenic tour before, but it was all only for my own wretched survival.

This time, there is my ever-loving husband, my one-and-only true love, who holds my heart in his hands-- waiting for me, at the end of all this suffering.

I love you so, dear.... :cry

Edited by jynxxxedangel
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Guest Megalicious

I'm going to crawl through hell on bloody hands and knees for you, Welshman. All for you. I've taken that particular scenic tour before, but it was all only for my own wretched survival.

This time, there is my ever-loving husband, my one-and-only true love, who holds my heart in his hands-- waiting for me, at the end of all this suffering.

I love you so, dear.... :cry

Awww... :heart: *hugs*

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mecry.gif I am wishing for a speedy resolution so that you two may be together every single day.


I been in a long distance relationship before. But, it was unhealthy.

I know I don't know much about relationships. Regardless,the brief time I meet you guys, and your guys posts, the love you guys have, is beyond strong and shines through. You both are very bless to have a love that strong and committed. I wish the best for you guys.

Big Hugs

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