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Battle? Interested?

Vater Araignee

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Blatant Personal Attacks it a battle ya gotta slam

"Outing" of People I must concur

Personal Arguments Thing can get heated in a battle lets just keep it in the battle

Blatantly Disruptive Posts like I said lets keep it in the battle

Blatantly Inciting Anger It's a battle

We need to agree on a standard beat per minute.

I prefer 90 but I'm open

Time limit:

I say around 2 minutes nothing over 2:10

this way singers yellers and screechers wont be left out

don't drag anybody into to the battle with propping or dissing, stick to the ones directly involved.

Lets make it very clear that you don't have to use hip hop vocals

Don't bite anybody's shit, I know if I recognize the lyrics then I'll spend 120 seconds dissing on you then I'll do another 120 and that's if I'm in a good mood.

and I'm sure I wont be the only one doing it

You must introduce yourself with your first entry. that means you can't make an attack

We should agree that any custom beat that is made should be shared I'm not talking any instrumentation you my put on it I'm talking the beat bed

I will host every thing so nobody has to worry about finding a place to put it but...

It must be in mp3 format 128 kb and not break the final draft of the rules

you can personalise a beat

any sugestions? alterations?

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Sorry I made the assumption that If I posted it it music it would be understood, discounting the phrases like "standard beat per minute" "don't have to use hip hop vocals" "recognize the lyrics then" " beat bed" and "don't drag anybody into to the battle with propping or dissing"

Then there is the fact that it hints to the old "Battle of the bands" only a huluva lot more fun.


Ya show off your lyrical skillz.

Ya show off your Flowing, singing, screaming, yelling, what have you.

And ya have fun plying the dozens.

something I was thinking about earlier:

This has the potential to thing that just can happen in a club contest, like like form creative alliances that are better than if the members stayed solo


*dons chainmail and halfplate and takes a falchion of the wall*

what you want me to clobber


Juggalo style!!

If ya wanna bludgeon somebody do it by being verbally blunt.

Slash em with some sharp wit.

Pierce em by getting ta the point.

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what if we did it in posts here on the forum?  I think it would be a lot easier.

We would also need a judge and at least 4 contestents.


My concept is to do it so that people have time to think.

It will sound a hell of a lot better than free flowing.

That's a lot more fun considering the whip shit that can come out of it.


I can study my opponents


what do you think the BPM should be?

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the problem is that only a few people here have microphones.

Ok I do, I could make a rap song pretty easily, but how many others do? I have no interest in actually rapping but I would like to write the lyrics.

I second the choice for Phee as judge too.

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the problem is that only a few people here have microphones. 

Ok I do, I could make a rap song pretty easily, but how many others do?  I have no interest in actually rapping but I would like to write the lyrics. 

I second the choice for Phee as judge too.


Ya know in the day when mics come with computers, and you can get one under $10.00 it still amazes me when somebody says they don't have one, of course I say "Do you have headphones? Yea? Then you have a mic"

Phee can't nominate himself so you cant second it.

I'll take your second as a nomination and then I"LL second it.

All in favor?

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