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Why is it that because a woman has short hair people automatically think she's a lesbian?


I cut my hair short and I kept it because A) it looked awesome and B) I fucking loved it!

I would say 85% of people who met me after I cut my hair thought I was a lesbian. I NEVER had that problem when my hair was long. I dressed the same, acted the same. The short hair came along and....LESBIAN!

This just irks the hell out of me for such simple in the box thinking from people.


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Have not had that happen since cutting my locks off, but I have been mistaken for a man a couple times since.

Usually when they cant see my face. Or boobs.

short hair is 'in' right now really a lot of people are getting the 'kate' (of john & kate + 8)

its one of the most popular styles requested these days *yawn* can anyone say 80's redo

Some guys like short hair all the mistaking me for a dude had me a bit down till this hot (smokin') guy said he LOVED it. Just some random stranger. Some guys do.

who thinks women look les for having short hair? remember Demi moore in Ghost? cant get much shorter, it was innocent and cute. And she is with Ashton now so...def not gay

Now femullets. That screams les.

I am sure your hair is cute and that your loving being cooler and having easy upkeep. know I am.

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there's an awful lot of narrow-minded people who like everything in their lives to be pigeonholed into neat categories so they don't have to think too hard.

That's about it. Those types have major trouble getting their minds around anything that doesn't neatly fit into their ideas of "how things are". Usually they watch a lot of TV.

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Why is it that because a woman has short hair people automatically think she's a lesbian?


I cut my hair short and I kept it because A) it looked awesome and B) I fucking loved it!

I would say 85% of people who met me after I cut my hair thought I was a lesbian. I NEVER had that problem when my hair was long. I dressed the same, acted the same. The short hair came along and....LESBIAN!

This just irks the hell out of me for such simple in the box thinking from people.


approximately where in MA are you?

short hair = hot, btw.

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For me, a tomboyish style (no make-up, hair not really styled, unisex clothing) would make me wonder if someone was a lesbian, whether their actual hair was short or long. Nonetheless, it's still a silly stereotype and something I would never ask a person about unless I had known them a while and had more evidence than just appearance that made me think they were a lesbian.

What annoys me more is why everyone cares so much who's gay/straight/bi. A pet peeve of mine is when I look up a song on Youtube, and there are a ton of comments underneath about the musician's sexual orientation. Like, what, it changes the way someone's music sounds if they're gay or straight?

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What annoys me more is why everyone cares so much who's gay/straight/bi. A pet peeve of mine is when I look up a song on Youtube, and there are a ton of comments underneath about the musician's sexual orientation. Like, what, it changes the way someone's music sounds if they're gay or straight?

That's another thing that annoys me with this whole thing. I mean it doesnt make me mad....just frustrated to see people so focused on things that are none of their buisness and something that doesnt effect their lives.

As for me having short hair, I always had it styled or at least neat. Maybe no products but my hair was always decent and as for makeup....I at least always wear lip gloss. I mean colored gloss too :) No chap stick lol.

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