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It seems to me.... that if the point had been PROVEN, there would no longer be a discussion about it.

(I'll highlight the really interesting parts)

Medical Definition of Abortion

In medicine, an abortion is the premature exit of the products of conception (the fetus, fetal membranes, and placenta) from the uterus. It is the loss of a pregnancy and does not refer to why that pregnancy was lost.

Medical Definition of Fetus

The unborn offspring from the end of the 8th week after conception (when the major structures have formed) until birth. Up until the eighth week, the developing offspring is called an embryo.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Fetus Definition

an unborn or unhatched vertebrate especially after attaining the basic structural plan of its kind; specifically : a developing human from usually two months after conception to birth

Legal Definition of MURDER

The precise definition of murder varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Under the Common Law, or law made by courts, murder was the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought. The term malice aforethought did not necessarily mean that the killer planned or premeditated on the killing, or that he or she felt malice toward the victim. Generally, malice aforethought referred to a level of intent or reck-lessness that separated murder from other killings and warranted stiffer punishment.

The definition of murder has evolved over several centuries. Under most modern statutes in the United States, murder comes in four varieties: (1) intentional murder; (2) a killing that resulted from the intent to do serious bodily injury; (3) a killing that resulted from a depraved heart or extreme recklessness; and (4) murder committed by an Accomplice during the commission of, attempt of, or flight from certain felonies.

Ok...so here are the important points

A. The medical definition of Abortion is the expellment of the FETUS

B. The Medical Definition of a Fetus seperates from the undeveloped EMBREYO, by the process of DEVELOPMENT

C: Merriam-Webster defines a Fetus as a DEVELOPING HUMAN.

D: Legal Definition of MURDER states that it CAN be done without pre-meditation or feelings of malice towards the Victim, and also sights EXTREME RECKLESSNESS as a form of murder.

E: "The unlawful killing of another human being without justification or excuse." is the basic definition of Murder in the Dictionary.

EXTREME RECKLESSNESS(NOT taking the proper precautions when having sex) leads to the UNJUSTIFIED EXPELLEMENT OF THE FETUS, which is defined as a DEVELOPING HUMAN...."The unlawful killing of another human being without justification or excuse."


Its a very easy and clear A-to-E conclusion, backed with LEGAL and MEDICAL definitions.

Edited by IsleofRhodesEnt
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So... being against public opinion... gives you the right to act in a disrespctful manner?

*rolls eyes*

Responding how I wish to to your statement would cause thread drift...which we have enough of.

Irregardless of being for or against public opinion phee, No-one cares to argue against the aforementioned definitions, just the person that posts them.

Anyone else see that as flawed?

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Really?...because I haven't seen a different stance than what follows along with the "Public Opinion" here on this subject.

I don't require an apology..

& I will not get into how much my opinion is very much unlike the "public" opinion.. Because I would be chastised by all.

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*rolls eyes*

Responding how I wish to to your statement would cause thread drift...which we have enough of.

Irregardless of being for or against public opinion phee, No-one cares to argue against the aforementioned definitions, just the person that posts them.

Anyone else see that as flawed?

i see you being difficult. if you can't phrase your arguments respectfully, please don't post them. it's pretty simple.

and for everyone, look to the top of this forum.

The "Play Nice" rule of DGN applies to all forums, especially this one.

If you cannot respond civility, do not post. If you feel a post just "has" to be responded to but you cannot do it without being rude.

Use REPORT button (bottom left of every post) liberally rather than add another negative post to the board in response. Two wrongs do not make a right.

Edited by torn asunder
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right to choose....argh...when are people going to learn that the choice was in not taking the steps to PREVENT the pregnancy.

So lets cover choices, shall we?

A murder CHOOSES to kill.....and the consequences for that are jail, or death penalty, if he gets caught.

A pedophile CHOOSES to "love" children....and the consequences for his/her actions is obvious

Some people CHOOSE to perform their job poorly....and the consequences for their actions is the good possiblity of LOOSING thier jobs.

If you are going to have unprotected sex, then you have to deal with the consequences...and one of those consequences is the possiblity of PREGNANCY...this is NOT a recent discovery...we have known that sexual intercourse happens to have a high probability of PREGNANCY....if you don't WANT to deal with the possibility of bearing a CHILD....then take the PROPER precautions.

I am so tired of hearing this crap about "we have the right to a choice...we shouldn't have to have kids if we don't want too."

Lemme give you your choices

STOP fucking without protection

STOP fucking

DEAL with the CONSEQUENCES of your choices.

this whole argument is fallacious. 1)rape/incest/etc - forced unprotected sex doesn't mean you should have to bear that child. 2) birth control fails. if you've taken precautions because you don't want children and still get pregnant, you should, as responsible adults, have the choice to *not* have the child. 3) (and this isn't specific to anyone) who the f**k are you to tell me (or anyone else) what's right for my life? how about i tell you you'renot allowed to have kids because you're an idiot? is that my right? i'm going to assemble a panel to review people's IQ, adn their work ethic, their views on marriage, etc. and tell you you can't have kids, or maybe, you *must* have kids. nobody should be able to force their own moral views/beliefs on another in this country, in my opinion.

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this whole argument is fallacious. 1)rape/incest/etc - forced unprotected sex doesn't mean you should have to bear that child. 2) birth control fails. if you've taken precautions because you don't want children and still get pregnant, you should, as responsible adults, have the choice to *not* have the child. 3) (and this isn't specific to anyone) who the f**k are you to tell me (or anyone else) what's right for my life? how about i tell you you'renot allowed to have kids because you're an idiot? is that my right? i'm going to assemble a panel to review people's IQ, adn their work ethic, their views on marriage, etc. and tell you you can't have kids, or maybe, you *must* have kids. nobody should be able to force their own moral views/beliefs on another in this country, in my opinion.

In a word: THIS.

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how about i tell you you'renot allowed to have kids because you're an idiot? is that my right? i'm going to assemble a panel to review people's IQ, adn their work ethic, their views on marriage, etc. and tell you you can't have kids, or maybe, you *must* have kids. nobody should be able to force their own moral views/beliefs on another in this country, in my opinion.

...beginning to sound better...& Better...& BETTER...AND BETTER!

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this whole argument is fallacious. 1)rape/incest/etc - forced unprotected sex doesn't mean you should have to bear that child. 2) birth control fails. if you've taken precautions because you don't want children and still get pregnant, you should, as responsible adults, have the choice to *not* have the child. 3) (and this isn't specific to anyone) who the f**k are you to tell me (or anyone else) what's right for my life? how about i tell you you'renot allowed to have kids because you're an idiot? is that my right? i'm going to assemble a panel to review people's IQ, adn their work ethic, their views on marriage, etc. and tell you you can't have kids, or maybe, you *must* have kids. nobody should be able to force their own moral views/beliefs on another in this country, in my opinion.

Your telling me that you would rather I NOT breed...when I GURANTEE you my IQ is HIGHER then yours...so if we were to go to a board that decided whose IQ is higher and who gets to breed over anyone else...you won't be higher on the list.

Do you realize that you STILL don't have a solid arguement that is responsible...but a COP-OUT excuse??

And we were talking the ACT of ABORTION without extenious circumstances, something you wanted to jsut TOSS in there all of a sudden to ATTACK me.

Which ever way you want to slice it Torn....your grouped with the rest of them: you can't argue the facts and definitions...so you want ot argue the person making them.

Edited by IsleofRhodesEnt
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So let me get this straight, Rev. With the "cap" 5-20 pregnancies occur in 100 women. Gee, the birth control pill I am on is more effective than that!

What's that? 1 in 100 women get pregnant on Yaz, a birth control pill?! That's even better than the "cap"!

Last figures I heard, most birth control pills are more effective than *pretty much* any other method out there. I know Depo and some IUD's are slightly more effective on a larger scale.

I know, personally, I have three children that were conceived on some form of birth control and a tubal ligation that only lasted about 2 years.

Edited by Rayne
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Your telling me that you would rather I NOT breed...when I GURANTEE you my IQ is HIGHER then yours...so if we were to go to a board that decided whose IQ is higher and who gets to breed over anyone else...you won't be higher on the list.

Do you realize that you STILL don't have a solid arguement that is responsible...but a COP-OUT excuse??

And we were talking the ACT of ABORTION without extenious circumstances, something you wanted to jsut TOSS in there all of a sudden to ATTACK me.

Which ever way you want to slice it Torn....your grouped with the rest of them: you can't argue the facts and definitions...so you want ot argue the person making them.

You do not understand grammar, & I am to believe you are what, the smartest of us? :rofl:

3) (and this isn't specific to anyone) who the f**k are you to tell me (or anyone else) what's right for my life? how about i tell you you'renot allowed to have kids because you're an idiot? is that my right?
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laugh if you want...but not a single one of you can provide definitions or anything else that goes against what I have said.

yep...smart bunch you are.

I don't give a shit...I don't have a uterus..I'm all for less peoples, you want to label the Doctors Murderers, go the fuck ahead...I did not argue your precious definitions...I don't think you even realized that...you are just arguing on auto-pilot now.

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