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Things you used to like to do but have just stopped doing.

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Late night walks or haning in graveyards...its only done about once a week now no time.

only went to the beach about half as much as I used to this year, again no time or money or energy beyond work at times

singing I dont have time no instruments but drums now as well

laying down and listening to a whole new cd

no interuptions

I miss that

I dont have time to read except spiritual, metaphysical or crime stuff. No time for sci fi anymore or drama stuff just factual reading

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I used to buy CDs, but since i lost all mine I only own like three.

I used to like to just walk around aimlessly, but I rarely ever do that anymore.

I used to ride my bike everywhere, but I haven't even been on a bike in years.

(also, I don't own a bike anymore.. but anyway.)

I used to hate being lonely, but lately that doesn't sound like such a bad idea.

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i miss the simple things in life, like rolling down a not-so-rocky hill just because i wanted that spinning sensation afterward.

catching bugs and keeping them for more than a day at a time. (found a praying mantis, but i let it go because i didn't want it to escape in my room.)

going to the beach/wooded area and just walking around and trying to get as close to the wildlife as they would allow me.

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I miss playing videogames -- I own a 360 but not a great TV, and I've been working / looking for work a lot...

I miss being around people. People my age / my interests. Currently can't afford a place of my own, so I'm with my parents. There's barely anyone in Port Huron to hang around with.

I miss doing Le Parkour. Used to be a fiend with that in high school, early college, but I'm so out of it now, and so rusty... could always get back into that, though, but I hate to train on it alone.

Kissing... I miss kissing. I miss cuddling as well. These things happen when you get out of a relationship.

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I really used to love to draw and I just don't feel like I have the inspiration these days. And it sucks because part of me still wants to. I still get excited over art supplies like a complete dork and keep asking for them (and getting them) for Christmas and birthdays. But then I hardly ever use them. Instead I sit here on the internet, like an even bigger dork... Bleh.

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Guest Megalicious

Taking impromptu road trips. Just getting into the car, and driving in whatever direction; ending up wherever, and discovering new places off the beaten path.


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