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Would you be able to do relationships, out of your own religion?

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I was thinking about my situation recently. I never openly speak about my own religious/spiritual beliefs but I do have some. How I live my life and how some of the things I do are in complete opposition to some of the beliefs of others. Case in point - my obsession with bacon. It got me wondering, could I be in a relationship with a woman - who had aspects in opposition to my own?

Furthermore....without it being such an extreme. For you vegetarians/vegans, could you be in a relationship with a man/woman who loved meat?

How open minded are we? How much difference can we really handle?

I think a relationship such as the one you describe can work as long as either party doesn't try to force change in the other person. For example, I don't drink alcohol for medical reasons but I wouldn't expect my significant other to avoid an occasional beer or drink just because I can't have it. It's the same thing with food. My friend married a guy who is Muslim and he abstains from pork. She eats it, not around him though.

Edited by KatRN05
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It seems there is respect for beliefs, but when they get militant/in your face/try to convert you, things get dicey. There seems to be a trend that if the belief set is diametrically opposed, (one goes one way, one goes the other,) then that tends to cause tension.

I tend to respect beliefs of others, and tend to avoid the militant types as many have stated. Unfortunately, I tend to attract them in droves. :X (Come on, do I really look like I need soul salvation?!)

Have you ever pondered Llama after Death?

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Uhm. I have been dating a vegetarian for the better part of three years. She does not infringe on me eating meat, nor do I infringe on her when she eats veggies. Actually, it's really not that bad because it balances our food chains out. Religion wise..well I wouldn't take kindly to someone else trying to convert me. I'm very stubborn and have my own strong convictions when it comes to that.

Edited by Morbid Side
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Dating someone who believed in G-d never worked for me, until I met the Eternal.

He's Jewish and believes in G-d. I am not Jewish, and I don't believe in G-d.

I've gone to services with him at the synagogue. I celebrate most of the Jewish holidays with him.

He doesn't laugh at me when I talk about my beliefs, and he's interested in learning about what I believe.

I have respect for what he believes. He respects what I believe. I never had that in past relationships.

As Meg said, it works for us :)

Edited by bean water
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Being an Atheist, I've always dated outside my religion until now. It's never really been an issue though, briefly I'd become angered by religion, but now adays I could care less. But with most the people I've dated, they keep their religion to themselves unless I'd ask questions and they'd answer them nicely, without trying to recruit. lol

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One thing I've noticed when two people in a relationship have vastly different religious beliefs:

It often seems like each party is quicker to get defensive when their significant others' beliefs are under scrutiny than when their own are. I suspect that this is because they feel secure enough in their own beliefs that they don't feel a strong need to defend them, but because they don't agree with what their partners believe, when those beliefs are under attack, they feel the need to show their respect by defending them. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, just something I've observed.

Sorry, I know the above is a badly constructed run-on sentence. I can't find a clearer way to say it right now, so hopefully you understand what I mean.

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One thing I've noticed when two people in a relationship have vastly different religious beliefs:

It often seems like each party is quicker to get defensive when their significant others' beliefs are under scrutiny than when their own are. I suspect that this is because they feel secure enough in their own beliefs that they don't feel a strong need to defend them, but because they don't agree with what their partners believe, when those beliefs are under attack, they feel the need to show their respect by defending them. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, just something I've observed.

Sorry, I know the above is a badly constructed run-on sentence. I can't find a clearer way to say it right now, so hopefully you understand what I mean.

If I misunderstood what you wrote, I apologize. I actually agree with some of what the eternal believes (it's the G-d part that I don't believe in), but even if I didn't, I don't defend him out of respect for his religion (though I do have respect for what he believes). I'm doing it out of respect for him. When someone I love is being attacked, I bite back.

If the eternal believed the same exact thing I did, and he was attacked, I would defend him exactly the same way that I do now when he's being attacked.

Edited by bean water
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If I misunderstood what you wrote, I apologize. I actually agree with some of what the eternal believes (it's the G-d part that I don't believe in), but even if I didn't, I don't defend him out of respect for his religion (though I do have respect for what he believes). I'm doing it out of respect for him. When someone I love is being attacked, I bite back.

If the eternal believed the same exact thing I did, and he was attacked, I would defend him exactly the same way that I do now when he's being attacked.

Nicely stated...but, what TL was saying for the most part is right on...peoples will GENERALLY defend their Beloveds more voraciously than they will defend themselves...simply letting the blow 'roll off the back' so to speak...........I AM NOT THIS WAY...I count me as the first person in my family, & will defend me as needed, with much fervor...I will defend my Son, & The Ladies with equal zeal...just, the Ladies would probably wish to defend themselves on most occasions...to all the boys listening out there, when a Lady gets "THAT LOOK", & does not ASK you, don't even try to think of how to help...

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If I misunderstood what you wrote, I apologize. I actually agree with some of what the eternal believes (it's the G-d part that I don't believe in), but even if I didn't, I don't defend him out of respect for his religion (though I do have respect for what he believes). I'm doing it out of respect for him. When someone I love is being attacked, I bite back.

If the eternal believed the same exact thing I did, and he was attacked, I would defend him exactly the same way that I do now when he's being attacked.

:yes I get what you're saying, but disputing one's beliefs or ideas is not the same as attacking someone. If someone outright attacks Morbid then I am going to tell that person where to stick it. If someone disputes something he believes, that I don't believe, it's up to him to defend it himself. And, honestly, if I did try to defend what he believes, he would probably get annoyed with me for trying to fight his battles for him.

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