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Wellbutrin is awful


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A month ago I began taking an antidepressant called wellbutrin. About 1-2 weeks after I started taking it I noticed unusual changes in my mood/behavior such as extreme feelings of happiness that would switch back and forth with sadness. Mostly its the sadness. I've became more aggressive & irritable. I've started going off on friends & family over nothing. I actually wanna die sometimes. I hate feeling this way so Ive decided to stop taking the wellbutrin. I just wanna feel like myself again.

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A month ago I began taking an antidepressant called wellbutrin. About 1-2 weeks after I started taking it I noticed unusual changes in my mood/behavior such as extreme feelings of happiness that would switch back and forth with sadness. Mostly its the sadness. I've became more aggressive & irritable. I've started going off on friends & family over nothing. I actually wanna die sometimes. I hate feeling this way so Ive decided to stop taking the wellbutrin. I just wanna feel like myself again.

consult your doctor before you just stop. Sometimes just stopping an antidepressant can make the depression worse. Please, take it from me. I quit cold turkey my Effexor and suddenly couldn't get out of bed. Keep taking your Welbutrin, but see your doctor ASAP.

That said, I agree. That shit sucks. Only, instead of making me moody, it completely flattened me out. I was mildly irritable at first, but after a few weeks, I stopped caring.....about anything. I wouldn't laugh, I wouldn't cry, I was never hungry, horny...just mildly sleepy and very blase about it all.

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A month ago I began taking an antidepressant called wellbutrin. About 1-2 weeks after I started taking it I noticed unusual changes in my mood/behavior such as extreme feelings of happiness that would switch back and forth with sadness. Mostly its the sadness. I've became more aggressive & irritable. I've started going off on friends & family over nothing. I actually wanna die sometimes. I hate feeling this way so Ive decided to stop taking the wellbutrin. I just wanna feel like myself again.

I hate to tell you this, but you might want to get checked for Bi-polar disorder. The symptoms that you describe tend to occur in people with the disorder when they take antidepressants.

And, as taysteewonderbunny stated, you don't want to just stop a medication without consulting your doctor. Some medications require that you be weaned off of them or else you could have a psychotic break.

Edited by bean water
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A month ago I began taking an antidepressant called wellbutrin. About 1-2 weeks after I started taking it I noticed unusual changes in my mood/behavior such as extreme feelings of happiness that would switch back and forth with sadness. Mostly its the sadness. I've became more aggressive & irritable. I've started going off on friends & family over nothing. I actually wanna die sometimes. I hate feeling this way so Ive decided to stop taking the wellbutrin. I just wanna feel like myself again.

that's exactly what happened with me on wellbutrin. after about 2 weeks of taking it, i found myself getting more and angry, uncontrollably so. heh, i actually threatened to kill my truck!! i don't recommend quitting cold-turkey, but that's exactly what i did. i couldn't take the anger. i felt better after about another week from then.

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consult your doctor before you just stop. Sometimes just stopping an antidepressant can make the depression worse. Please, take it from me. I quit cold turkey my Effexor and suddenly couldn't get out of bed. Keep taking your Welbutrin, but see your doctor ASAP.

Please heed this advice... just stopping is a very bad idea. You need to get to your doc and let her know what's going on, so she can try something that's more likely to work for you. And in the meantime you really do need to keep taking the bupropion.

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<br />that's exactly what happened with me on wellbutrin. after about 2 weeks of taking it, i found myself getting more and angry, uncontrollably so. heh, i actually threatened to kill my truck!! i don't recommend quitting cold-turkey, but that's exactly what i did. i couldn't take the anger. i felt better after about another week from then.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

i hope it gets better for me. i can't live like this, crying one minute then being angry the next.

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The night my dosage was doubled to what it was going to stay at with Wellbutrin I had heavy suicidal feelings and a nervous breakdown. I was only on it for a week. It definitely sucks. I went off it cold turkey which I've done with every anti-depressant I've been on (ironically I just thought about that), and dealt with withdrawal in SSRI's, I did do go cold turkey because I trusted myself to make it through. Some people have a lot of problems even tapering off, though this is moreso with serotonin reuptake drugs.

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I honestly wish I had never started taking this medicine. Because of its side effects I ruined a party, I slapped my best friend, & now 4-5 people hate me. Thats not how i am. I just need to calm down and quit crying.

I'd say try to find new coping skills after you get off the meds and don't try any again. Find more healthy outlets for yourself and your feelings... Do something you're passionate about and try to keep busy. You'd be surprised how much that helps. Even if all you're doing is cleaning the house.

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<br />I'd say try to find new coping skills after you get off the meds and don't try any again.  Find more healthy outlets for yourself and your feelings...  Do something you're passionate about and try to keep busy.  You'd be surprised how much that helps.  Even if all you're doing is cleaning the house.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

I am definately not going to try any more. I will take your advice cause it sounds like it would work for me.

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I'd say try to find new coping skills after you get off the meds and don't try any again. Find more healthy outlets for yourself and your feelings... Do something you're passionate about and try to keep busy. You'd be surprised how much that helps. Even if all you're doing is cleaning the house.

Well, making changes in behavior is a very good idea. Regardless of whether a drug is prescribed, coping mechanisms are essential. Some mood disorders, etc, though, are overpowering and medication, even if temporary, may be needed. In my family, serotonin disorders have affected just about every one on my mother's side from anxiety and other mood disorders to sleep disorders and compulsive behaviors and may need more long-term and chemically assisted treatments. I, for one, might be a candidate for lifetime meds. Prozac (I take the generic) has allowed me to embrace situations that previously were well outside my comfort zone and remain somewhat functional despite my anxiety disorder, but it does make me feel stupid. Not as dumb as would public freak-outs and periodic severe bouts of depression in which I can't leave my house, but truly spaced sometimes, so I understand why it has its reputation.

Basically, if you and your physician feel you need a drug, keep trying them until you find one that is right for you. Also consider getting a full psych eval so that you have a better idea of what is causing your symptoms that you feel need treatment in the first place. That will help determine course and duration of treatment too. And just because one drug in a family of drugs does not work for you, don't give up on all of them. Everyone's chemistry is a little bit different and the little tweaks between one drug in a class and another can make all the difference in the world. In any case, see a therapist, one that believes in behavioral modification so that you CAN ground yourself via coping mechanisms whatever the weather.

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Well, making changes in behavior is a very good idea. Regardless of whether a drug is prescribed, coping mechanisms are essential. Some mood disorders, etc, though, are overpowering and medication, even if temporary, may be needed. In my family, serotonin disorders have affected just about every one on my mother's side from anxiety and other mood disorders to sleep disorders and compulsive behaviors and may need more long-term and chemically assisted treatments. I, for one, might be a candidate for lifetime meds. Prozac (I take the generic) has allowed me to embrace situations that previously were well outside my comfort zone and remain somewhat functional despite my anxiety disorder, but it does make me feel stupid. Not as dumb as would public freak-outs and periodic severe bouts of depression in which I can't leave my house, but truly spaced sometimes, so I understand why it has its reputation.

Basically, if you and your physician feel you need a drug, keep trying them until you find one that is right for you. Also consider getting a full psych eval so that you have a better idea of what is causing your symptoms that you feel need treatment in the first place. That will help determine course and duration of treatment too. And just because one drug in a family of drugs does not work for you, don't give up on all of them. Everyone's chemistry is a little bit different and the little tweaks between one drug in a class and another can make all the difference in the world. In any case, see a therapist, one that believes in behavioral modification so that you CAN ground yourself via coping mechanisms whatever the weather.

Even if you are on a low dose, don't stop any meds without a doctor's assistance. It can be extremely dangerous for both yourself and others.

She's right. I know several people on Wellbutrin and Wellbutrin combos that it works for them. I know some people that it makes worse. Every psychotropic med is like that and it may be awhile until you find the right one for you.anti-depressants have a way of making some conditions amplify if wrongly treated too so you may want to make sure you have the correct diagnosis from a psychiatrist before going any further.

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Well, making changes in behavior is a very good idea. Regardless of whether a drug is prescribed, coping mechanisms are essential. Some mood disorders, etc, though, are overpowering and medication, even if temporary, may be needed. In my family, serotonin disorders have affected just about every one on my mother's side from anxiety and other mood disorders to sleep disorders and compulsive behaviors and may need more long-term and chemically assisted treatments. I, for one, might be a candidate for lifetime meds. Prozac (I take the generic) has allowed me to embrace situations that previously were well outside my comfort zone and remain somewhat functional despite my anxiety disorder, but it does make me feel stupid. Not as dumb as would public freak-outs and periodic severe bouts of depression in which I can't leave my house, but truly spaced sometimes, so I understand why it has its reputation.

Basically, if you and your physician feel you need a drug, keep trying them until you find one that is right for you. Also consider getting a full psych eval so that you have a better idea of what is causing your symptoms that you feel need treatment in the first place. That will help determine course and duration of treatment too. And just because one drug in a family of drugs does not work for you, don't give up on all of them. Everyone's chemistry is a little bit different and the little tweaks between one drug in a class and another can make all the difference in the world. In any case, see a therapist, one that believes in behavioral modification so that you CAN ground yourself via coping mechanisms whatever the weather.

Even if you are on a low dose, don't stop any meds without a doctor's assistance. It can be extremely dangerous for both yourself and others.

She's right. I know several people on Wellbutrin and Wellbutrin combos that it works for them. I know some people that it makes worse. Every psychotropic med is like that and it may be awhile until you find the right one for you.anti-depressants have a way of making some conditions amplify if wrongly treated too so you may want to make sure you have the correct diagnosis from a psychiatrist before going any further.

Excellent advice on all counts. Everyone is different and medicine is not an exact science. I am on a Zoloft/Wellbutrin combo and it works fine for me. On the other hand, I became suicidal on Prozac. But I would never say "Prozac is evil and no one should ever take it"... because for many people it makes the difference between being functional and not. The key is to have a doc who is experienced with treating mood disorders and is responsive to what you tell her. Not all GPs are knowledgeable about the ins and outs of prescribing SSRIs.And I can't stress enough how important it is to communicate with your care provider. It's also important to know what effects are possible with different meds, and whether there's any way to lessen or prevent them. An excellent reason to READ the info that comes with your script.

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Buproprion (Wellbutrin,) is an activating antidepressant. If there is any inkling of a bipolar disorder, it has been shown to augment the extremis of the disorder (i.e., the swings become worse.) Adult ADHD is also an indication, and I knew a lot of psychiatrists that would prescribe it as such. It is one of the few that are documented not to cause weight gain by itself.

That being said, alcohol consumption must be controlled. Excessive alcohol and buproprion can induce seizures.

The stuff was prescribed to me as at least a double duty drug (depression and ADHD, both sequella to apnea.) I owe a lot to the medication myself. It was the only one I would contract for, as weight gain and impotence are not on my list of what I want out of life. The Holy Trinity of Drugs for me has been Caffeine, Tannins (tea,) and Wellbutrin.

I personally tried an SSRI. I had the worst problems with it, to include constant nausea, insomnia, and a few other problems. My doctor made the switch over, and no problems at all.

The reason these drugs are prescribed is the alternatives are messy. Compared to these alternatives, the side effects of modern antidepressants are mild. Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) are notorious for weight gain, anhedonia, and are lethal in overdose (I have seen one OD of this...very messy.) Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs) make you stay on dietary restrictions that a lot of us would have problems keeping. The more powerful medications are antipsychotics, a whole world of nastiness, danger, and horrific side effects (tardive diskinesia and neuroleptic malignant syndrome being two of them.) Electroconvulsive therapy is another option, but it requires intensive monitoring, general anesthesia for an instant, and there are side effects like amnesia that are undesirable, which makes it the last ditch effort (I have seen this twice.)

Tip-toeing through the brain and hitting the higher functions of the mind (aside from inducing sleep,) at specific receptors with these medications are some of the major reasons I didn't want to do psychiatry.

That being said, make and keep appointments with the psychiatrist, and let she/he do the titration off and do the changeover.

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Buproprion (Wellbutrin,) is an activating antidepressant. If there is any inkling of a bipolar disorder, it has been shown to augment the extremis of the disorder (i.e., the swings become worse.) Adult ADHD is also an indication, and I knew a lot of psychiatrists that would prescribe it as such. It is one of the few that are documented not to cause weight gain by itself.

That being said, alcohol consumption must be controlled. Excessive alcohol and buproprion can induce seizures.

The stuff was prescribed to me as at least a double duty drug (depression and ADHD, both sequella to apnea.) I owe a lot to the medication myself. It was the only one I would contract for, as weight gain and impotence are not on my list of what I want out of life. The Holy Trinity of Drugs for me has been Caffeine, Tannins (tea,) and Wellbutrin.

I personally tried an SSRI. I had the worst problems with it, to include constant nausea, insomnia, and a few other problems. My doctor made the switch over, and no problems at all.

The reason these drugs are prescribed is the alternatives are messy. Compared to these alternatives, the side effects of modern antidepressants are mild. Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) are notorious for weight gain, anhedonia, and are lethal in overdose (I have seen one OD of this...very messy.) Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs) make you stay on dietary restrictions that a lot of us would have problems keeping. The more powerful medications are antipsychotics, a whole world of nastiness, danger, and horrific side effects (tardive diskinesia and neuroleptic malignant syndrome being two of them.) Electroconvulsive therapy is another option, but it requires intensive monitoring, general anesthesia for an instant, and there are side effects like amnesia that are undesirable, which makes it the last ditch effort (I have seen this twice.)

Tip-toeing through the brain and hitting the higher functions of the mind (aside from inducing sleep,) at specific receptors with these medications are some of the major reasons I didn't want to do psychiatry.

That being said, make and keep appointments with the psychiatrist, and let she/he do the titration off and do the changeover.

See that? Doctor's orders.

Thanks, SK, for your input here.

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I know someone tried suicide on this stuff, lives alone...long history of depression, does NOT have a good support system.

Sent home with no good follow up...no surprise he tried to kill himself. Docs can sometimes be assholes.

I hear St Johns wart works, give it two months and get fresh stuff from an herbologist.

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All of that crap is bad for you in the long run.. It will eventually destroy your body.

Get some therapy.. Do some Yoga.. Meditate.. Takes some Herbal remedies... It works.

I don't think there is an actual "cure" for mental disorders, but they can be managed in a healthy manner.

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I am on Prozac and Welbutrin combo right now... it has done wonders for me... but that is me.

Be careful of anyone who says something to the effect of "you need more medications and it will all be okay" AS MUCH AS SOMEONE WHO SAYS "All medications are bad for you, stay away from all that stuff." Both are wrong... balance the two, don't be Tom Cruise but also don't be a Pharmacy either.

Medication is useless without therapy and helping ones self at the same time.

But also herbal remedies and excercise can only do so much for damaged brain chemistry.... try to find a balance.

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I am on Prozac and Welbutrin combo right now... it has done wonders for me... but that is me.

Be careful of anyone who says something to the effect of "you need more medications and it will all be okay" AS MUCH AS SOMEONE WHO SAYS "All medications are bad for you, stay away from all that stuff." Both are wrong... balance the two, don't be Tom Cruise but also don't be a Pharmacy either.

Medication is useless without therapy and helping ones self at the same time.

But also herbal remedies and excercise can only do so much for damaged brain chemistry.... try to find a balance.

I cannot completely disagree with you.. Medication is a temporary solution & Definatly has it's place. I had my run with them.

It should not be something that is taken for years on end... If one never develops coping skills w/o meds then one is a slave/addict to drugs...

That's right everyone I said DRUGS.. Cuz that's what they are... Drugs.

*Sorry if anyone is offended.. That is not my intention ;)

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I cannot completely disagree with you.. Medication is a temporary solution & Definatly has it's place. I had my run with them.

It should not be something that is taken for years on end... If one never develops coping skills w/o meds then one is a slave/addict to drugs...

That's right everyone I said DRUGS.. Cuz that's what they are... Drugs.

*Sorry if anyone is offended.. That is not my intention ;).gif

Again this statement is true... but not for everyone...

There are some people who need to be given something to balance their brain chemicals there whole lives, some people who are having temporary depression who do not need drugs more than a little while.

Everyone is different. And either viewpoint when take to its extreme can actually kill you. Subscribing to a generalized statement is usually not a good idea.

Caffine, Pot, and Alcohol are drugs too... I would never tell someone to never drink, smoke, or drink coffee, anymore then I would tell them to never take pills for an issue like depression or psychosis, some need it short term, some need it longer... that is not up to me, its up to their own situation. I know that I don't drink, I don't smoke, but I do eat chocolate, drink soda, and coffee.... But just because I don't it does not give me the right to tell others how to live.

So, that being said... don't get hopelessly brainwashed by either side of the argument... or any argument for that matter :)

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I cannot completely disagree with you.. Medication is a temporary solution & Definatly has it's place. I had my run with them.

It should not be something that is taken for years on end... If one never develops coping skills w/o meds then one is a slave/addict to drugs...

That's right everyone I said DRUGS.. Cuz that's what they are... Drugs.

*Sorry if anyone is offended.. That is not my intention ;)

I disagree. There are people with chronic or clinical illnesses that can only cope for so long without the medication. It doesn't mean they are weak or can't cope, it just means they need it to live a more normal and satisfying life.

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