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Tomorrow is a sad anniversary



For all of the people who have lost loves ones that day. I can not image the pain you must endure.

For the countless number of heroes, who sacrifices their lives that day. Thank you each,

from the bottom of my heart.

For the people that help on 9-11-01 and now are having health problems.

This message is hard for me to write. I can not finish this.

However, before I end this, I would like to do one last thing.

Hugs to all that was effected on 09-11-01. I also send hugs to those that are no longer here with

us, but forever are in their loves ones hearts. For me, I see hugs as wonderful. Hugs can help in

some many ways.

If I may request. Please take a moment of silence on September 11, in memory of all that was


Thank you for reading.

If I may, hugs DGN,




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This was the worst day to be an empath. Even reading your words and writing the ones I am writing now, brings me to tears. Feeling the pain of the ones left behind, as well as those that were injured or killed, and knowing that the country would never be the same afterwords, is hard to handle.

To everyone who tried to save a life that day, and the countless others who tried to help find everyone that was lost. To the countless shops and venues that closed their doors so that their buildings could be used as stations for identifying the dead. To all the people who have since died, because of health issues because of the dust and the rubble... To those that helped to clear the debris, to those that helped to escort the injured out of harms way... and to all the people who carry on..

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Was THAT...ALL YOU GOT, MUTHA' FUCKA'??? 1 puny attack? pussy.

I now give you Matisyahu:

Aish Tamid

The place lays phased like a warrior slayed

Engraved into the space with his sword still raised

Layers of charcoal sprayed through hallways

Praise relays off the walls echoing all ways

Dirt covered earth lays beneath my rib cage

Giving birth to overgrowth invading on to path ways

Burnt out trees cover streets where children once played

Sown seeds decay through sacred stepping stones in disarray

Where the alter used to be placed inter-changed for bloodstains

Sunrays illuminate the smoke filled haze

Trace of incense scents of sacrifice stayed

Aish tamid eternally

A fire burns continuously

Wondering where you been

Won't you come on home to me?

Flash back patches of grass growing wild in fact

Cracked walls burnt black like a kingdom sacked

Memories like artifacts attacked yet still intact

Melodies wrapped in glass and shatter with the impact

Air intermingling ringing with the singing

of songs once sung, hung, flung into the rafters

Catastrophe struck the sound stuck

Disaster plastered

The aftermath a blasted building once standing, like a starved man fasting

the skies expanding clouds passing, dust particles dancing,

in broken bars of light, streaming from a shaft, slashed into the ceiling,

Sshhhh, you could feel the ground breathing.

Aish tamid eternally

A fire burns continuously

Wondering where you been

Won't you come on home to me?

Daughter of Zion is lying crying in the mist

Morning light slips in, shifting through the darkness

Like a morning wife reminisce having visions of her long gone prince

Memories drip rain drops tip towing emptiness

Intermixed with tears like fears left unfixed

Walls worn thin frozen fortress like dawn waiting for the sunrise of a day that got skipped

Like a life gone wrong wandering wilderness

Lovesick stripped abyss empty once luscious

Aish tamid eternally

A fire burns continuously

Wondering where you been

Won't you come on home to me?

Paint the scene so you could see, the city's picking up speed

On a bench 14th street, taxi's streaming yellow streaks

Spears piercing through my ears, you could hear the traffic speak

Jack hammers drill smacking through the cracking concrete

Buildings filled with windowsills spilled tangled telephone wires

Signs sparking neon lights flash like wild fire

My insides rise I start to feel paralyzed

Let out a sigh-a melody blew by- like an ancient war cry

the way the sunlight hit the trees it really caught my eye,

glistening' listening' to the breeze dancing' through the leaves,

freeze, the city move's in slow motion like a dream

I'm left empty like the temple turned into a fox den

Bus fumes dripping spitting into city summer sun

Sifting through the ash dimly lit vision listening

To the hiss lifting off a nighttime ocean

Shim, shim, shimmering singing hair on my skin

Glim, glim. Glimmering, whispering where ya been

From amidst the darkness set sail with the softness

Breeze traveling across the seas arisen from with in Mt. Zion

Wind coming in picking up momentum

Cutting crisply through the thickness riding on a rhythm

A rollercoaster sizzling, twisting down the mountain

ripping rocket ship exploding like a fountain

overflowing spilling through the courtyards of Jerusalem

Uncovering debris lifting up the fallen arisen within

to reach the yiddin even in Manhattan

exposed menorah glowing in the shadows of destruction

trailblazing through affliction

brushing off the branches golden

standing strong flames

dancing like a lion roaring rising out of nothing


Aish tamid

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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The aish tamid (אש תמיד) is the eternal flame that was supposed to burn in the altar in the Jewish Tabernacle and never go out. It is not to be confused with the Ner tamid, the eternal light that is kept in front of the ark. In modern Jewish practice, the aish tamid is kept alive symbolically through daily prayer and the study of Torah.

Matisyahu, an American Jewish reggae artist, who has made the term popular among pop culture produced a song entitled "Aish Tamid." In the song, he sings, "Aish tamid eternally, fire burns continuously." (full lyrics to the song can be found here [1].) The song is often viewed to be a metaphor between the destruction of the second temple and the destruction of the World Trade Center in New York City.

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An American Jewish Reggae artist.


We are a melting pot indeed.

I was working for a national medical transcription company on that day, (we had employees working remotely from home offices all across the country in every state. We had several major hospitals in the NYC area for clients. They called every single one of us in to work thinking we would be working nonstop to keep the reports flowing from incoming injured, in and around the site. Hours later after waiting and waiting we all realized there was really no hope for those who didn't make it out. It was such a helpless feeling to be wanting to do something, anything, but nobody alive left to help.

911 was a major personal turning point for me, especially seeing the pictures of the missing plastered eveywhere and people traveling there and searching, hanging on a last hope that their friend or family might be found alive. Mixed in with all the sadness for those who lost friends and family was a realization that I really had nobody in my life who would do that for me. When someone is more concerned about whether there is damage to a vehicle than whether you or their child was injured in a car crash, it's time to wake up and move on, but sometimes it takes a major slap in the face to make a move.

I'm proud of how most of the country reacted right after 911. All the blockbuster disaster post-apocalyptic films I used to love so much were just fantasy. Most people did their best to help in any way possible. We didn't scratch each other's eyes out trying to save ourselves. Fireman ran into the flames and sacrificed themselves trying to help. We gave record amounts of blood before we realized there were no survivors to use it. Grief can often soften and subdue us. I remember reading on blogs how people in the city afterward seemed softer to each other, made eye contact and slowed down a bit.

I'm not happy with how the aftermath has gone, with losing some of our personal freedoms and going completely against the very principles this country was founded on. Somehow in the panic Benjamin Franklin's words were forgotten ~ "Those who would sacrifice freedom for temporary security deserve neither." Shortly after my work was outsourced, took a huge pay cut from having to fix the overseas workers mistakes so I couldn't do my commissioned work on time, and finally had to leave and it's been downhill from there. Same thing happened with my brother's I.T. job. I hate the trouble our country is in now and I'm so tired of nothing but bad news.

There have been changes for the better even with this damn recession though. I find myself not caring so much what my car looks like as long as it gets me where I'm going. The obsession with buying expensive useless crap just to show off seems to have died away and left us with things that matter more. Our friendships define us rather than whatever bling we've managed to collect. I don't obsess like I used to over stupid things that never even matter in the long run. Life is too precious and short to waste a single minute.

Edited by Onyx
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9/11 is my younger sister's birthday

...and the Indian Ocean tsunami happened on my dad's birthday.

a fucking comet will probably hit the earth on mine one of these years.

My 30th is December 21st 2012. Regardless of whether or not the world ends I'm going to tie it in there.

To the real issue...bin Laden is nothing more than a man in a cave. I only wish we could treat each other everyday the same way we did in the aftermath

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My 30th is December 21st 2012. Regardless of whether or not the world ends I'm going to tie it in there.

To the real issue...bin Laden is nothing more than a man in a cave. I only wish we could treat each other everyday the same way we did in the aftermath


And let's not forget, he is also a dialysis patient, so his body is probably very frail now.

I was still in the DC area when the Pentagon was hit. We were non-essential personnel being in school, so we were ordered to evacuate the NCA (National Capitol Area.) I was about 20 miles out at home, so I went home for the rest of the day. Before we left, we watched in horror at the towers being hit as close to live on TV as possible.

A friend of mine was a medical officer *at* the Pentagon. He was one of the organizers of the rescue/evacuation efforts. Everyone was staged in the center garden, and then evacuated from there. He had generals/admirals letting him issue orders to them for medical evacuation.

The flight pattern into Regan National has become obnoxious from what I understand, to avoid these buildings. I got lucky 2 years prior and got this picture:


That is from my month with the 1st Helicopter Squadron out of Andrews AAFB. And no civilian craft has been let this near the building since 9/11, if memory serves.

Now I don't know for sure what side this is, but I believe that the side closest to the chopper *is* the side that got hit.

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The memorial service scheduled near where I am has been shut down...mostly because the protest that will take its place is about twice as large.


Yes that is right they will be protesting 9/11...I really don't want to dwell on why they are doing this...

Oh and thanks for the Matisyahu Rev...helped me cool down after the protest news...

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I think those of use who were conscious of the events of that day will not soon forget where we were and what we were doing when news first got out. There's only three other events that I remember so vividly. The births of my daughters and watching a woman get hit by a race car and die in front of my eyes. I don't like to dwell on it much. I will never understand the hatred it takes to carry out an attack like that. I hope karma takes care of those responsible.

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I was 10 linear kilometers from the Pentagon when it got hit (stationed at USUHS/NNMC Bethesda, MD.) We had a class interrupted to show the second plane hit the second tower live. We then got word the Pentagon got hit. The more I look at the picture above, the more I believe the closest wall to the chopper and myself was the wall that got hit. The Vice-Admiral (3-star general equivalent,) who commanded the school ordered an evacuation of USUHS personnel, and get out of the NCA (National Capitol Area.)

I can't tell you how many of us prior-medic/medical types were nashing and thrashing to get down there and help our comrade-in-arms. We were precluded for two reasons:

  1. We were given a direct order from a Flag Officer.
  2. As jammed as traffic and the Metrorail was, those 10 kilometers might as well have been 10,000. We would have never have made it.

Needless to say, I felt about as useful as a fucking bump on a log while I saw everything burn. :X

As I said, I did have a friend who was Medical Officer out of the Pentagon's Health Clinic (in another part of the building.) He helped organize the triage and stabilization treatment in the Center Courtyard to evacuate to surrounding hospitals. Generals and Admirals were following my friends orders, carrying litters, etc, during the chaos. The next spring, he presented the whole story to our class as part of our NBC treatment class. The only thing as gruesome or worse were the pictures a classmate's mother took from her office building just across the street from Ground Zero.

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I was working at an assembly shop when my boss told me what had happened and WRIF's Drew & Mike were talking all about it,then WWJ 950 AM.we shut down immediately.

What a f--ked up day that was!!Those assholes woke up the sleeping giant,and they will still pay to this day if they are caught,anyone that was involved in the 911 attacks!! I will say we really pissed them off even more when we attacked Afghanistan almost immediately after it happened.

These were on the list of other targets as well.


They say this was related to 911,but I would like to have more proof,some of you should remember when this happened.

Khobar Towers attack


Bali was another terrorist attack,and the USS Cole in 2000.

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