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The President Heckled... by Congress?

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I'm not really sure. Ask NBC, CBS and the NY Times why they refused to show a picture of the man or mention his race while they were calling him a racist.

? Wait, you are saying that the race of the man ISN'T relevant, therefore the media ought to have mentioned it? Which is it? Relevant or not?

I don't agree with the news media's preoccupation with allegations that disagreements with the president are motivated by racism. Even if they are, discussion and persuasion in favor of the health care reform is better had without dwelling on that issue. No one will be able to prove, decisively, whether they are; if they are, most people will agree that such motivation is wrong, but this does NOTHING to explicate how the proposal at hand for health care reform is or is not in the best interest of the American people, black, white, Asian, Latino, or otherwise. So WHY repeat the error here?

No matter how you feel about the proposed reforms, can't we agree that the misinformation and inflammatory comparisons of Obama to Hitler are inappropriate hate-mongering at worst and ineffectual at providing opportunity for real discussion of concerns at best?

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? Wait, you are saying that the race of the man ISN'T relevant, therefore the media ought to have mentioned it? Which is it? Relevant or not?

I don't agree with the news media's preoccupation with allegations that disagreements with the president are motivated by racism. Even if they are, discussion and persuasion in favor of the health care reform is better had without dwelling on that issue. No one will be able to prove, decisively, whether they are; if they are, most people will agree that such motivation is wrong, but this does NOTHING to explicate how the proposal at hand for health care reform is or is not in the best interest of the American people, black, white, Asian, Latino, or otherwise. So WHY repeat the error here?

No matter how you feel about the proposed reforms, can't we agree that the misinformation and inflammatory comparisons of Obama to Hitler are inappropriate hate-mongering at worst and ineffectual at providing opportunity for real discussion of concerns at best?

I was saying that his race is only relevant to some people when it can further their agenda. His race was not mentioned or shown in the named broadcasts because it took the teeth out of their racism story line. I do find his race relevant in the story because it shows that no everyone that opposes Obama is a white bigot.

I wanted to add. Ignoring the past condemns us to repeat it. There are mirrors reflections in Hitlers rise to power and Obama's. Not saying he is the new Hitler, just saying there are similaritys.

Edited by Gaf The Horse With Tears
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? Wait, you are saying that the race of the man ISN'T relevant, therefore the media ought to have mentioned it? Which is it? Relevant or not?

I don't agree with the news media's preoccupation with allegations that disagreements with the president are motivated by racism. Even if they are, discussion and persuasion in favor of the health care reform is better had without dwelling on that issue. No one will be able to prove, decisively, whether they are; if they are, most people will agree that such motivation is wrong, but this does NOTHING to explicate how the proposal at hand for health care reform is or is not in the best interest of the American people, black, white, Asian, Latino, or otherwise. So WHY repeat the error here?

No matter how you feel about the proposed reforms, can't we agree that the misinformation and inflammatory comparisons of Obama to Hitler are inappropriate hate-mongering at worst and ineffectual at providing opportunity for real discussion of concerns at best?


.....besides...he is technically, only halfa'.....& that's exactly half...

........personally...I think he's too Caucasian...in the sense that he wish-washes, just like the Old Guard in the D.C.

...it was said to me, that, Obama, lacks the 'Ghetto-style'...by this, it was meant that he does not stick to his guns...I could not help but to agree whole heartedly.

CASE IN POINT...think back to the debates, when he & McCain both said that "There will be NO offshore drilling in Florida"....only to flip the very next day to "There will be a little offshore drilling in Florida".....not what I look for in a leader.

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I was saying that his race is only relevant to some people when it can further their agenda. His race was not mentioned or shown in the named broadcasts because it took the teeth out of their racism story line. I do find his race relevant in the story because it shows that no everyone that opposes Obama is a white bigot.

I don't think anyone on the board was alleging that all opposition to the health care reform came from "white bigots." Rather, I think the point made was closer to mine as stated earlier:

No matter how you feel about the proposed reforms, can't we agree that the misinformation and inflammatory comparisons of Obama to Hitler are inappropriate hate-mongering at worst and ineffectual at providing opportunity for real discussion of concerns at best?
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The reason I mentioned race at the begininning was not because I thought it was about race (hence the "dare I say it")... but it is possible it did even if I didn't think so.

It is interesting though... the aspect of the race card... I have noticed that now there is a race card RACE CARD... Anyone who does dare to bring up race as a possibility is now slapped with the "Not The Race Card" Card.... Bringing up race as a possibility is now taboo.

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The reason I mentioned race at the begininning was not because I thought it was about race (hence the "dare I say it")... but it is possible it did even if I didn't think so.

It is interesting though... the aspect of the race card... I have noticed that now there is a race card RACE CARD... Anyone who does dare to bring up race as a possibility is now slapped with the "Not The Race Card" Card.... Bringing up race as a possibility is now taboo.

This is true...bureaucrats...

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We should design a "Race Card" for Magic: The Gathering or maybe work it into Fluxx somehow.

Right, for Fluxx. I can see it now:

Action: Race Card

To play this card, place face up on the discard pile. Every player is to immediately discard all goal and keeper cards in hand and in play, make much ruckus and point fingers, because when the race card is played, all ends are hijacked and nobody wins.

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The reason I mentioned race at the begininning was not because I thought it was about race (hence the "dare I say it")... but it is possible it did even if I didn't think so.

It is interesting though... the aspect of the race card... I have noticed that now there is a race card RACE CARD... Anyone who does dare to bring up race as a possibility is now slapped with the "Not The Race Card" Card.... Bringing up race as a possibility is now taboo.

Thats what happens when you over use something.

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*gasp* The DGN spokesperson for the Left agrees with the DGN spokesperson for the Right? Well if we can come to some consensus, why can't Congress?

Wait a second.... hold the phone.... I am the spokesperson for the left??? When did that stop being The Eternal?

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You can share the mantel. You're the most vocal (more posts), he's the most verbose (longer posts)?

I'm just making humor anyway ... as the spokesperson for the Middle.

I always liked being in the middle drooling3.gif

(threadjack over.... moving on)

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The reason I mentioned race at the begininning was not because I thought it was about race (hence the "dare I say it")... but it is possible it did even if I didn't think so.

It is interesting though... the aspect of the race card... I have noticed that now there is a race card RACE CARD... Anyone who does dare to bring up race as a possibility is now slapped with the "Not The Race Card" Card.... Bringing up race as a possibility is now taboo.

But we all should remember that only white people are racist,Rev Al Sharpton and Farrakhan are racist,but its also racist to ever mention that in the first place,thats the media for ya.(sarcasm)now back on topic,this apology from this congressman is something that will be dwelled on for a long time.

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