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Patrick Swayze Dies at 57

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Patrick, I had a crush on you for a longgggggg time wub.gifswoon.gif . You have always been part of the group of crushes I have.

I am so sad to hear this. mecry.gifmecry.gifmecry.gifmecry.gif

You went away at a young age. It not fair! Damn it, I wish there was a cure for cancer.

Thank you for all of your passion you put in your movies. I hope you heard this type of compliment, when you were alive. Wish I am sure you did. Not only were you an awesome actor, you were also very attractive and yummy.

Patrick, kiss.gif.

You will be miss.

RIP Patrick.

p.s. I am aware my grammar is off. At the moment, I can not think of grammar

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Ah, adieu Mr. Swayze. I must say that I've... had... the time of my life, No I never felt like this before, Yes I swear it's the truth, and I owe it all to you...

Thanks for all the films Mr. Swayze. You gave us something to look forward to when... Everybody's working for the weekend...

Ahh, well done with the song clap.gif. I have good memories of the ending of Dirty Dancing now. Thank you.

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It is bloody nigh impossible to defeat, Onyx. Mostly because there is no good screening test for it (a test that is cheap, near absolutely rules it out if negative, triggers further workup if positive.) Usually people find out if they start becoming jaundiced from blockage of the bile ducts/pancreatic ducts, weight loss, and pain from tumor compression (the pancreas is loaded with deep pressure/pain receptors.) Usually by the time it is suspected, it is all ready going bad.

The surgery to treat pancreatic cancer in its typical location (around the area where it meets the intestine,) is a pancreaticoduodenectomy, or Whipple. (Wiki link here.) It is arguably the most intense and major abdominal surgery one can ever have (most of the cases I have seen have lasted anywhere from 8-16 hours, depending on dissection.) Between the major vessels, the need to reconnect the ducts, and the bowel resection to accomidate, lymph node dissection, complicated by the fact it is fused with tumor makes it the challenge.

Here is an simple drawing of what happens.


Unfortunately, most of the time, they have progressed so far that not even this can help them.

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It is bloody nigh impossible to defeat, Onyx. Mostly because there is no good screening test for it (a test that is cheap, near absolutely rules it out if negative, triggers further workup if positive.) Usually people find out if they start becoming jaundiced from blockage of the bile ducts/pancreatic ducts, weight loss, and pain from tumor compression (the pancreas is loaded with deep pressure/pain receptors.) Usually by the time it is suspected, it is all ready going bad.

The surgery to treat pancreatic cancer in its typical location (around the area where it meets the intestine,) is a pancreaticoduodenectomy, or Whipple. (Wiki link here.) It is arguably the most intense and major abdominal surgery one can ever have (most of the cases I have seen have lasted anywhere from 8-16 hours, depending on dissection.) Between the major vessels, the need to reconnect the ducts, and the bowel resection to accomidate, lymph node dissection, complicated by the fact it is fused with tumor makes it the challenge.

Here is an simple drawing of what happens.


Unfortunately, most of the time, they have progressed so far that not even this can help them.

Very informative. clap.gif The diagrams are also very helpful. I really like how you explain it. You explain the medical terms in a simple manner. Thanks for taking the time. I have a better understanding on pancreatic cancer.

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Very informative. clap.gif The diagrams are also very helpful. I really like how you explain it. You explain the medical terms in a simple manner. Thanks for taking the time. I have a better understanding on pancreatic cancer.

Mr. Swayze...If you end up at the shiney gates, then you have a great time reliving "Ghost"

If your going to brimstone and fire, then you whoop their asses like you did in "Roadhouse"!!

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