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The FBI is digging at a site on Detroit's west side near Tireman and Colfax, but it's not clear what they're searching for. WXYZ asked the FBI if they were searching for Jimmy Hoffa's body.

Their response? A slight pause, followed by "no comment."

WXYZ reports that investigators are carrying binders that say "Big Dig 2." In 2006, a large-scale search for Hoffa's body at a Milford farm was commonly referred to as the "Big Dig."

FBI spokeswoman Sandra Berchtold would not disclose any details about the search Monday. She says the affidavit has been sealed by a judge, but <A href="http://www.clickondetroit.com/news/20903986/detail.html" target=_blank>WDIV reports the warrant was issued in connection with several homicide cases.

The property appears to be a vacant lot with trees and weeds in a residential neighborhood.

RELATED CONTENT Local cop says Jimmy Hoffa was cremated at Detroit cemetery http://www.mlive.com...gging_in_d.html

Phineas Moore, who runs an auto business across the street, says a fence was installed around the property Saturday. The fence is draped with a tarp to conceal what's being done inside.

Moore says it was a lumber yard years ago but has become a dumping ground for junk.

Aerial footage shows what appears to be a mobile crime lab parked at the site and a heavy-lifter digging up dirt. WXYZ reports K-9 units are present.

I wish someone would just come forward and identify where Hoffa is. This wild goose chase isn't going anywhere and it's beginning to be a lilttle like the Tupac saga: maybe he's not even dead, living in the himalayas somewhere, going to come back and rule the world. Someone grow a pair and tell us.

Posted by RNixon on 09/14/09 at 6:20PMhe is hiding in the dummocrats buget plan hahahahahaha

Posted by nobsnubber on 09/14/09 at 6:28PMWhat a great way to get the lot next door to me cleaned up! I think this may just work.

Edited by Homicidalheathen
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