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Seriously man...there is a brick wall somewhere that cares a whole lot about this...and then there are schools full of unmotivated children with something worse than a lack of work ethic that would love to hear that someone else is to blame except for themselves and their shitty parents.

I have a pink shirt you can wear in front of sporting goods stores and recruiting stations...please do it they need a laugh.

Edited by candyman
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Bashing is about the most unproductive thing we can possibly do. It doesn't accomplish anything except making us feel superior and self-satisfied. Instead maybe we should spend our energy on thinking of ways to make things better. Even small actions can make a big difference- "each one teach one".

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Bashing is about the most unproductive thing we can possibly do. It doesn't accomplish anything except making us feel superior and self-satisfied. Instead maybe we should spend our energy on thinking of ways to make things better. Even small actions can make a big difference- "each one teach one".

...I'm gonna' go ahead & keep bashing peoples for their greed though...

......& the marked lack of work ethic IS atrocious...

...& they have no clue what hubris is...

.....not to mention using the word hate like they had a quota...

........I have found, that from time to time; I need a break from being the positive-role-model...& that if I do not take the break, I will surely loose my mind...SO, everything in moderation, I say...like wize, I do think it completely asinine to ONLY bash peoples, & things ALL THE TIME...without SOME kind of solution in your pocket..I see it as weak-mindedness to not flex some bit.

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I would like to know when it became unsafe to sit on your porch smoking?

Anyways, I do have a problem with people bashing if that is the only thing that they do. Now, if you started this thread because you are writing a college thesis about the Amerian society then this thread would probably be more likely to fly. However, since there is no educational material backing up the accusation and there is no educational point to the material in the link this thread seems to be more of a hateful, whining kinda things that isn't looking for solutions.

My advice would be to actually write a college thesis even if you aren't in college. If you do it the right way it will help you on your path and could maybe show you what the other side may have to say about this. And like I said you don't have to go to college for this...which mean you won't get brainwashed by college profs. that are trying to get in your head man!

"The media makes Americans afraid of people, communities and organisations such as the Al-Queda terrorist organisation."

DUH! What are we supposed to take them cookies and say "welcome to the neighborhood"?

And just a question here but do you know anything about the complete essay? Do you know the rest of the context?

"Here are a few Americas strong military power has resulted in:* 1954- America overthrew democratically-elected President Arbenaz of Guatemala. You don't see this fear in Americas neighboring country Canada. They offer you a wide choice of guns when you open up an account. has shown simply and effectively how easily guns and ammunition can be accessed in America. In the documentary a lady said she saw a black man steal her babies. The media likes to frighten people, because it increases their ratings. Part of the training for this is boot camp, a type of brainwashing where recruits are taught unquestioning obedience to authority. The media makes Americans afraid of people, communities and organisations such as the Al-Queda terrorist organisation. Race could play a big role in American violence. All she had to do for the country to believe that someone took her babies was say 'a black man did it'. htm [online] 8/4/03Why is America So Violent? http://www. In America you can open a bank account and as a bonus you get a free gun. Americans are continuously being brought up in a culture with a strong military background."

Who offers a wide choice of guns? They are making is sound like the banks do...the banks that give away toasters that barely work...TOASTERS!

Someone stole her babies? Really? The lovely thing about a documentary is that it really isn't always real life and can be edited and pushed in the direction that the director wants it to go in.

Why is the military training in there? It is only one sentence and I can only assume that the person who wrote in grew up in China.

Again with the race thing! WHY?!?! Find a paper that tells us how to fix it! Or should I fight back with the many stories out of Milwaukee and other cities about white people getting beat down by black people? I don't want to do that because I don't believe race has anything to do with it.

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America definitely is violent, I'd like to remember a time the news wasn't riddled with homicide. We are a free country trying to protect our individual freedom through the system that's taking it away. We proudly come to the idea that freedom isn't free, so our freedom is always under siege. I think we need to legalize and regulate drugs to curb the addiction to conflict; I personally refuse to debate anyone here till I've developed chronic pain. Lol.

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Just to test the violence in American society

Just wear a shirt that says"Assault me,I dare You"


"People Suck"

always have my re-bar with me

who remembers that idiot that got caned in believe it was in Taiwan for vandalizing property

and thinking because he was American that his sh&% didn't stink

Edited by Tacohitts
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Wait you are talking about violence in America and then you say you carry re-bar with you? How does that help anything? Are you actually trying to make it worse? If you are going to be skipping around trying to stoke the fire then you are damn right that those people are going to try and kick your ass...you poked and they will deliver.

And the story about that kid...FIND SOMETHING NEW! You have gone beyond kicking a dead horse...you are kicking the space where the dead horse has already decayed. No shit there are bad eggs from our country...and there are bad eggs from every country. Like the Hmong guy who shot those hunters in the back with his rifle...because they told him to get off the private property he wasn't supposed to be on...and then he called them racist and all that jazz. The point is that those are radical variables...they are the criminals that will call upon everything that they can to try and save their own ass. Also, I didn't read anything that said the guy in Singapore made a huge mess about him being American so it wasn't wrong...I believe it was more along the lines of him thinking the punishment was too strict for his crime...which it wasn't.

Dude, do you have the radical political version of beer goggles? Or are you never satisfied with anything unless its all going according to your plan?

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You know I really like how you like to ass-ume,btw have you ever heard of self defense since people gang 20 against one??,and also where does race have anything to do with it,I posted a link,I did not write it!hating most of society is nor racist or illegal,not yet it isn't,I have seen bs people do in the past several years.I do not go to start trouble,but with most people today,you have to watch your back.

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You know I really like how you like to ass-ume,btw have you ever heard of self defense since people gang 20 against one??,and also where does race have anything to do with it,I posted a link,I did not write it!hating most of society is nor racist or illegal,not yet it isn't,I have seen bs people do in the past several years.I do not go to start trouble,but with most people today,you have to watch your back.

Well it seems very odd for you to post a link to something that it really seems like you didn't read. Yes, I do assume because that is what you do without much information from the other party.

I have heard of self defense...but rebar will not go very far with a gang of 20 coming at you because unlike the movies they all tend to go at you at the same time. A pistol might be a better choice however most pistols that can hold 20 of more round are illegal for civilian use and are rather large so concealment is an issue. Unless you have a mini scorpion machine pistol that you haven't told me about...

The link stated race as an issue and since you, the OP, stated that you wanted commentary I read the article and gave comments...which included the racial issue brought on by the article.

I never said you wrote the articles...I stated that you COULD write your own using many sources and providing many links.

No, hating most of society is not a crime. However, most of society is not what you think it is...and its not what I think it is. The little radical outliers in society are really what you are thinking of and they are certainly not "most". A gang of 20 is not society...it is a gang of 20 that probably has its very own way of thinking in it which pretty much cuts it off of any society around it. The gangs are a problem IN our society trying to eat it way out from inside. If you have an issue with violent gangs take it to the streets...and take a pistol...take a couple pistols and an armour plated car along with the towns militia because you will need it.

If you don't go around starting trouble then what is with the T-shirts you mentioned above? If you kick a bear in the nuts and he mauls you there really is no way to blame anything on the bear...

I don't get along with many of the people in the general public but I would never go so far as to say I have to watch my back around them. Now, when my friends get back from their tours in Iraq THEN I will have to watch my back when they are with me because there are quite a few people that will verbally attack soldiers and their friends when they are trying to have a drink at the bar. However, those people that attack my friends don't need to worry...my buddy Travis always buys a beer for the guy calling him a "baby killer" and tell him to have a nice night.

If you are that worried about watching your back maybe there really is something that you have done. When I am in public people have MANY reasons to get pissed at me and they could very well attack...but the vast majority of the time that does not happen. If it does happen they better have a weapon or else some fairly good hand to hand combat skills.

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Maybe its better you "presume" because you might be wrong,basically the only way to decipher people is to watch them when your out and about,just go to any random Wal-Mart and you'll see and hear how people really are.and btw did it ever occur to you that there are random crimes against people who have never done anything to anyone?

Edited by Tacohitts
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This is also a big problem with alot,any who watches the biased media 16 hrs a day,I know I don't and I know others that don't either.there are other sources to get info than to resort to the media on TV,and no this is not directed at you its directed at sheeple who believe in CNN and Fox News.

If George Carlin was still alive he would make the best news broadcaster,because there would be humor along with it as well.

Edited by Tacohitts
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You get exactly what you send out into the world. If you go around projecting hate and distrust, that's what you'll get back. I am sure many people here consider that simplistic, but... over the long haul, it really does work that way. I know for sure I'm a much happier person since I chose to start putting more energy into understanding and fixing, than hating and complaining. Note that I said "put more energy into", not "completely replace"; I am certainly not claiming to be some kind of bodhisattva. Not yet, anyway. But things really, really do work better that way.

LOL you poor kids... since I don't have a classroom of my own this year, you get to bear the brunt of my pedantic tendencies! :p

Edited by pomba gira
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Maybe its better you "presume" because you might be wrong,basically the only way to decipher people is to watch them when your out and about,just go to any random Wal-Mart and you'll see and hear how people really are.and btw did it ever occur to you that there are random crimes against people who have never done anything to anyone?

If I presume and I do turn out to be wrong it is up to the party that could take offense to fix the problem with the proper information before anything goes wrong...that only works if their intentions are really to have a discussion though.

I do go to Walmart alot...and I haven't really heard anything that would make me fear or look down on the general public. And like you said when you talked about bashing people...there is nothing wrong with assuming when there is really nothing to go on besides the title of the thread, the original post, and a post that seems to go against the first two things that I listed.

You asked for people to give some input...I thought that you wanted a discussion or a debate but now I see that it was more of a trap and anyone that decided to go in depth on the article in the link in order to make a comment would be bashed by you. I am sorry that you feel this way but I gave my opinions on the article, which I admit could have been a bit less caustic. I will debate the points in the article if that really does have something to do with what you want out or this thread...otherwise I see no other point in this thread than to try and take out anyone that has an opinion that differs from yours.

There are random crimes...and the operative word there is RANDOM! This basically means that it really doesn't have anything to do with society at all since random crimes can happen anywhere...even outside of america. How about you visit a few other countries before you make a comment on american society. Seriously, I got lots of input from Latvia and Estonia when I as there...and Norway was rather interesting as far as I was concerned. Random shit happens and no matter where you are there is really no way to be ready for that random event when it comes...and I would honestly like to see someone carry around a piece of rebar big enough to make a difference but small enough to keep hidden...

Edited by candyman
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Maybe its better you "presume" because you might be wrong,basically the only way to decipher people is to watch them when your out and about,just go to any random Wal-Mart and you'll see and hear how people really are.and btw did it ever occur to you that there are random crimes against people who have never done anything to anyone?

Since I'm being pedantic: somewhat flawed methodology there... in WalMart you are observing one segment of the population, in a fairly stressful environment. At the very least you would need to balance that by observing the same people in a pleasurable situation.

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...I'm gonna' go ahead & keep bashing peoples for their greed though...

......& the marked lack of work ethic IS atrocious...

...& they have no clue what hubris is...

.....not to mention using the word hate like they had a quota...

........I have found, that from time to time; I need a break from being the positive-role-model...& that if I do not take the break, I will surely loose my mind...SO, everything in moderation, I say...like wize, I do think it completely asinine to ONLY bash peoples, & things ALL THE TIME...without SOME kind of solution in your pocket..I see it as weak-mindedness to not flex some bit.

Meaning that sometimes bashing DOES have its place? :thumbsup: to being one of the few who realize this. EVERYTHING in moderation (says the moderator!), even "negative" things can be useful tools, it's just knowing when and where to use them.

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Just to test the violence in American society

Just wear a shirt that says"Assault me,I dare You"


"People Suck"

always have my re-bar with me

who remembers that idiot that got caned in believe it was in Taiwan for vandalizing property

and thinking because he was American that his sh&% didn't stink

Sooo...who was assaulted over a T-Shirt? Did I miss something?

Or is it you perpetuating violence by carrying rebar with you to attack a made-up assailant with?

Did he say it was because he was American or are you just assuming something in order to fufill your notions? Sounds like the latter.

There's assholes in every country.

I'm reading a whole lot of talk with no walk (i.e. speculation without proof).

American society isn't just going down, society all over the world is also, imo. But that's an OPINION...NOT a fact.

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You know I really like how you like to ass-ume,btw have you ever heard of self defense since people gang 20 against one??,and also where does race have anything to do with it,I posted a link,I did not write it!hating most of society is nor racist or illegal,not yet it isn't,I have seen bs people do in the past several years.I do not go to start trouble,but with most people today,you have to watch your back.

20 against one. Really? :rolleyes:

I stayed in Detroit at 6 Mile for a summer and walked around by myself all the time. Not only did I not get a single assailant/rapist...I definately didn't get 20. Either that or they were ninja rapists and had their way with me so fast that not even I knew it happened.

And I'd go as far as to say "with some people today, you have to watch your back." Definately NOT most.

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Maybe its better you "presume" because you might be wrong,basically the only way to decipher people is to watch them when your out and about,just go to any random Wal-Mart and you'll see and hear how people really are.and btw did it ever occur to you that there are random crimes against people who have never done anything to anyone?

Did it ever occur to you that there are LESS random crimes and violence that happen to people now than almost ever before in history or in any other country? Like in ancient Japan when a samurai would show up in your village and slaughter people for shits and giggles. Or the witch burnings of Europe? Speaking of Europe...why not the Holocaust? One of the most, if not the most, horrific events to happen in the history of the world and when did it happen? The good ol' days! In Europe, not America, of all places.

I live in Warren, a mile from Detroit, I walk around freely without fear because carrying fear and paranoia is fucking stupid. Be aware of your surroundings, be prepared to run if you must, but assume that nothing will happen to you because 99% of the time it doesn't.

And Wal-Mart? A certain demographic of people shops at Wal-Mart, people who are trying to save money and doesn't care about quality merchandise. I've noticed that many people who shop at Wal-Mart have larger families, which, can be MASSIVE added stress if money is tight. So you have kids running around getting into shit, causing a mess, and you're poor on top of it and so yeah...you're probably crabby. I've been around the poorer demographic so much for the past 8-9 years I understand it and many people who are low income are easily irritated because their lives are stressed, they have mouths to feed, they have no insurance or job security, their kids are complaining because the other kids in school get better stuff than they do, whenever they get money it has to go to bills and if anything is left over it usually goes to stress reducers (i.e. alcohol, cigarettes, weed, coke, whatever), they don't get to do anything fun or productive because of the lack of money, etc, so of course many lower income families act differently than people who live out in places like Birmingham, that should be pretty common logic.

This is why I DON'T shop at Wal-Mart, I want quality stuff, I don't want cheap shit and to put a bunch of processed cancer-causing garbage in my body and I'm willing to pay more to make sure I get quality. Also I'm going to start buying ALL farm raised animal products because the way that animals are treated on feedlots is ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING and I want no part in consuming that evil bullshit riddled with the animal's agony, antibiotics, growth hormones and pesticides because "it's cheaper and more convenient". So I refuse to even walk into a Wal-Mart to buy anything because I am absolutely 100% against what their company stands for. I also don't buy anything from Hot Topic because they are owned by The Gap and care about your money and not the scene, and that also goes for a club in the area that I used to go to but no longer am spotted there because they are against what I believe in.

You're going to base an ENTIRE country on something as despicable as Wal-Mart? That's foolish. I'm sorry it just is. And it's incorrect. I shop at places like Randazzo's, Trader Joe's, Meijer, etc because I'm trying to AVOID those people and I don't want to be associated with it. If you have SUCH and issue with the place...why do you go there?

Edited by Chernobyl
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There's always a "grass is greener on the other side of the hill" effect that occurs when one is evaluating their own location versus others.

One person I talked to who lived for awhile in a third world country (I forget which one, it might have been the Philippines) mentioned that in some areas of that country, an entire family will skip showing up on a date for, say, a party, then show up on a different date completely unannounced. Timeliness, orderliness and critical thinking are a strong habitual tendency here which we take for granted.

Some problems which I believe (and speculate) America in particular has would be:

-too much reliance on automobiles, not enough public transportation

-too much debt, both on a public and private level

-a strange combination of sexual liberalness and hangups from the more puritan/victorian eras, which manifests as:

a. people being branded sex offenders for something as ludicrous as peeing in the woods

b. other forms of neuroses, such as people only being able to relax and get frisky if they're drunk, people being attracted to the worst partners, possibly due to the aforementioned subconscious puritan tendencies, wherein they want to take the blame for the "sin" of having sex off themselves and place it on their partner, or the alcohol

-a fucked up family court system

-overabundance of individualism, paradoxically resulting in more comparing of oneself to others, greater problems with self esteem and a stronger ice barrier between strangers. Foreigners and people who have traveled outside America have noted that its much easier to approach people in public in other countries, as this collective ice barrier doesn't exist.

On the other hand though, in countries which do not have the aforementioned hangups, there might be a greater chance of being mugged, ending up poor, not having access to electricity or running water, or having to bribe the police just to get help.

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Meaning that sometimes bashing DOES have its place? :thumbsup: to being one of the few who realize this. EVERYTHING in moderation (says the moderator!), even "negative" things can be useful tools, it's just knowing when and where to use them.

And Wal-Mart? A certain demographic of people shops at Wal-Mart, people who are trying to save money and doesn't care about quality merchandise. I've noticed that many people who shop at Wal-Mart have larger families, which, can be MASSIVE added stress if money is tight. So you have kids running around getting into shit, causing a mess, and you're poor on top of it and so yeah...you're probably crabby. I've been around the poorer demographic so much for the past 8-9 years I understand it and many people who are low income are easily irritated because their lives are stressed, they have mouths to feed, they have no insurance or job security, their kids are complaining because the other kids in school get better stuff than they do, whenever they get money it has to go to bills and if anything is left over it usually goes to stress reducers (i.e. alcohol, cigarettes, weed, coke, whatever), they don't get to do anything fun or productive because of the lack of money, etc, so of course many lower income families act differently than people who live out in places like Birmingham, that should be pretty common logic.

Wise words... Enishi, too. Especially the last two points.

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