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How, am I such a 'hippy'?

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...it is the dreads?

.....that are cut into a MOHAWK?

.......or, that I colour them like a Celt?

......or, maybe the beads on the ends....

(even though the beads are mostly of things like
, & totems of
, & mystery)

...is it the never ending parade of military surplus gear?

..............who ever met a hippy with polished boots? :hrhr:

...is it the nearly-ever-present grin? {SMI2LE}

(what, I just know more than you)


.....is it that I say, "PEACE!" when I leave the room of peoples I love?

(Funny, how no one ever calls Dr.Dre a hippy.)

.....is it because, I preach that we must Love, Our Brothers...?

('cause, I often state quite clearly that Love, ain't Like)

...is it because I share what I have with those around me?

This, is a very OLD custom in a great MANY Tribes...)

.....my 'cloaks of many colours'?

(This shows the wearer is rich, in Spiritual Knowledge...)

...so, what is it about US, that has THE WORLD...unanimously deciding...we are some hippys?

Edited by Rev.Reverence
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I didn't even think about that! Yep, yep. I think it's the dreads/beard combo!

But I has no beard :stuart:

Maybe it's the tree hugging?

Just cuz one has physically hugged a tree, does not make one a hippie.. It makes us lovers of nature and Mother Earth.. Oh shit ... That sounded a little hippie like :X

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Guest Megalicious

But I has no beard :stuart:

Just cuz one has physically hugged a tree, does not make one a hippie.. It makes us lovers of nature and Mother Earth.. Oh shit ... That sounded a little hippie like :X

Fucking Hippy!!!! *grabs torch and pitchfork*

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I take it, by posting this thread that being labeled a hippie, bothers you both.

I used to have long hair.

So I can relate, but on a much lesser scale.

From time to time,

I did have people that I encountered in my travels, say things like "Get a haircut Hippie!" or "You look like a hippie, when are ya gonna cut your hair???"

Ya know what,

If you and OMG are happy in your own shells, and you're not hurting yourselves or anyone else with the wardrobe and hairdoo(s) that you choose to wear, then seriously, why give a fuck if anyone has a problem with it.

Life's too short to give naysayers any attention.

Edited by creatureofthenyte
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And ultimately, people's need to pigeonhole everyone into neat little categories... which changelings like us, of course, make mock of by our very existence.


The words "bohemian," and "eclectic" come to mind...but not "hippie."

That's some of what I see in us :yes

I take it, by posting this thread that being labeled a hippie, bothers you both.

I used to have long hair.

So I can relate, but on a much lesser scale.

From time to time,

I did have people that I encountered in my travels, say things like "Get a haircut Hippie!" or "You look like a hippie, when are ya gonna cut your hair???"

Ya know what,

If you and OMG are happy in your own shells, and you're not hurting yourselves or anyone else with the wardrobe and hairdoo(s) that you choose to wear, then seriously, why give a fuck if anyone has a problem with it.

Life's too short to give naysayers any attention.

Really.. We don't get upset about it... We just don't get it :p

We have many peoples that are insistent that we are hippies.. It makes Me giggle more than anything else.

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LMAO!! Ha, I fall guilty here. LOL. Hippie to me is not the dress, nor the hair or SMELL...its the personality. There never has been a true definition of what a "hippie" is besides Hollywood's Cheech and Chong...and as far as I saw..thy were druggies COMPLETELY LOST. No no you do not far under Hollywood hippie. You struck me as a TEACHER of ways, traditions unknown to a lot of U.S. "kids" and you struck me as a "non-conformist" and that too can span out further than anyone can get into a definition. Does that sound acceptable?

Oh, but if your feet are commonly dirty and you smell of patchouli, balm of any sort and you do the OHM before bed......you just might be A HIPPIE.

:w00t: Now go to my page and read....I'll have you roll your eyes again. LOLOLOLOL

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:rolleyes: Awe...Sister Ratsel...you were but 1 comment, in a torrential downpour of 'hippy-ing'...even with me dreads covered...even with a blue mohawk...even with a blue beard...even with this coal under me eyes (every-day-all-day)...evem in my punker-leathers.....& yes, even in military dress...

...I think, I figured our the #1 deepest rooted reason peoples would skip directly to hippy...

........I walk, exactly like Shaggy from the Scooby Doo... ::yes

THAT...has GOT to be IT!

...if you layer ANY or ALL these other 'suspected-hippy-behaviors' with the subconsciousness picking up the first body language that is sent...me bopping along as I walk up...lookin' like I am jamin' to some tune no one else can hear ( :secret: I am!).....the brain tell you, "THAT, is a hippy!"

O_M_G: hippie

Rev: not a hippie

Hm...interesting.....what makes the difference between us?...you are the only one I have seen give this opinion...

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  • 3 weeks later...

to be honest, I believe it is the dreads and the colors, and perhaps the fact that every time I am around you two, I smell a natural musk incense (its a rather beautiful smell, by the way, and you'd seem naked without it..... though I wonder if I'm the only one that smell this lol - not to be confused with the very natural smell of body odor, which isn't all that pleasant LOL - which I have to say, I've never smelled on either of you... though... if you did smell like armpits, cuz for some reason some people tend to believe that hippies don't bathe, it would make more sense for one to call you hippie lol)

perhaps its not that at all.. being very young, and born in the 80's my ideas of what a hippie are are constructed from pictures taken in the 60's, and films either of the 60's or meant to fall in that time period... and from what I see... its the fact that where ever you go, without even trying, you have a very thick air of love, all around you.. you embrace all beings, no matter who they are, what they believe (even if you don't agree with it)... and both of you always have something wise and deep to say, even if you aren't meaing to be wise and deep lol :)

I hope that makes sense. Sometimes I have a hard time explaining what I mean, or how I feel... and it ends up looking like an insult, when its not meant to be... :)

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to be honest, I believe it is the dreads and the colors, and perhaps the fact that every time I am around you two, I smell a natural musk incense (its a rather beautiful smell, by the way, and you'd seem naked without it..... though I wonder if I'm the only one that smell this lol - not to be confused with the very natural smell of body odor, which isn't all that pleasant LOL - which I have to say, I've never smelled on either of you... though... if you did smell like armpits, cuz for some reason some people tend to believe that hippies don't bathe, it would make more sense for one to call you hippie lol)

perhaps its not that at all.. being very young, and born in the 80's my ideas of what a hippie are are constructed from pictures taken in the 60's, and films either of the 60's or meant to fall in that time period... and from what I see... its the fact that where ever you go, without even trying, you have a very thick air of love, all around you.. you embrace all beings, no matter who they are, what they believe (even if you don't agree with it)... and both of you always have something wise and deep to say, even if you aren't meaing to be wise and deep lol :)

I hope that makes sense. Sometimes I have a hard time explaining what I mean, or how I feel... and it ends up looking like an insult, when its not meant to be... :)

That was very sweet :)

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