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Most likely, the tobacco lobby forced keeping it on the books.

Due to past events I don't really think the tobacco lobby is anything more than three guys locked in a room...if tobacco takes any action in defense of what they do people tend to cry "Oh someone help the children" and then tobacco gets sued. The FDA has tobacco by the balls so I doubt any action was taken to defend or get rid of anything at all.

And Rev...they taste good but they still smell really bad when the smoke hits you...unless angels smell like B.O.

So enough with this considering we can't change anything about it...what are they goin to ban next and how can we stop it before they piss off the "minority" that likes, uses, or does care about it?

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This is Jacked up I didn't think they would really do it :shock:


I seriously didn't think they would do it either.

I hate the smell of regular cigarette smoke with a passion. Clove cigarettes smell good to me though. I guess the cloves mixed in with the tobacco makes it more tolerable (plus it brings to mind good memories of clubs and friends and having fun).

I can't say I'm a fan of smoking, but to me, are not most who smoke cloves only enjoying them occasionally?

Don't goths have any voting power? Isn't there anything that can be done to fix this?

Edited by Onyx
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I gotta say. Everyone I know that started smoking underage used Marlboro, Newports or some variety of menthol. I'm the only freak that started on flavored cigs... Guess how many I smoke a week? 3-4 individual cigs. Guess how many they smoke? Packs. I stopped to prove a point for 2 weeks. I just like them, so I have one from time to time.

Hey, we could ban things that are bad for us... Then we can join the Amish, 'cause that's what we'll have by the time we're done.

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I gotta say. Everyone I know that started smoking underage used Marlboro, Newports or some variety of menthol. I'm the only freak that started on flavored cigs... Guess how many I smoke a week? 3-4 individual cigs. Guess how many they smoke? Packs. I stopped to prove a point for 2 weeks. I just like them, so I have one from time to time.

Hey, we could ban things that are bad for us... Then we can join the Amish, 'cause that's what we'll have by the time we're done.

Exactly! Same with everyone I know who smoked at a young age.

If everyone did the 3 to 4 cigs like you do it wouldn't be affecting health as drastically (if at all).

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As a clove smoker, and a casual (social) smoker, I have to say I'm pissed about this. I enjoy my cloves when I have them, and I still get a nicotine high from them when I smoke -- clearly not addicted. I can't smoke regular cigarettes; they taste like ass to me and they also hurt my throat when I have them. I'm down to my last four Djarum Bali Hai's.

I can't exactly import them myself, since I live with my parents and they don't believe I smoke -- kept it a secret for ages.

So what now?! I guess I won't be touching cigarettes ever again. But damn, has this got me pissed off. Not only that, but nobody online offers Bali Hai's or Specials or Cherry Djarums for import! FUCK!

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As a clove smoker, and a casual (social) smoker, I have to say I'm pissed about this. I enjoy my cloves when I have them, and I still get a nicotine high from them when I smoke -- clearly not addicted. I can't smoke regular cigarettes; they taste like ass to me and they also hurt my throat when I have them. I'm down to my last four Djarum Bali Hai's.

I can't exactly import them myself, since I live with my parents and they don't believe I smoke -- kept it a secret for ages.

So what now?! I guess I won't be touching cigarettes ever again. But damn, has this got me pissed off. Not only that, but nobody online offers Bali Hai's or Specials or Cherry Djarums for import! FUCK!

do they not sell Djarums in Canada?

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...no kid...you're wrong. :harhar:

...& we still gets the cloves cigars! (I'm goin' to try some tomorrow!)

NO! I guess I am the only person that thinks they smell bad then...or your sense of smell sucks...fight to the death?

I had no idea there were clove cigars...and I have no idea where I will find the time it takes to smoke a whole one either.

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do they not sell Djarums in Canada?

I really don't have any idea if they do, I heard they got axed there too... can't remember where I read that. Besides, I would need either a passport or an enhanced ID to get into Canada. So since I have neither at the moment... A bit difficult. Also, I did find a rather reasonable site tonight where I can buy them online, but only in cartons... But they do have Specials, Bali Hai's, and Cherry. So I guess I'm set. Just need to get some spare money together and ship them to my friend's place.

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As a clove smoker, and a casual (social) smoker, I have to say I'm pissed about this. I enjoy my cloves when I have them, and I still get a nicotine high from them when I smoke -- clearly not addicted. I can't smoke regular cigarettes; they taste like ass to me and they also hurt my throat when I have them. I'm down to my last four Djarum Bali Hai's.

I can't exactly import them myself, since I live with my parents and they don't believe I smoke -- kept it a secret for ages.

So what now?! I guess I won't be touching cigarettes ever again. But damn, has this got me pissed off. Not only that, but nobody online offers Bali Hai's or Specials or Cherry Djarums for import! FUCK!

...I'll be doing a review of the cigars later today...if, I find them...but, as there are no less than 4 liquor stores, & 2 smoke shops in the half mile to the laundry mat...I should have little troubles...

Djarum sais that they have cigars in all their same ole' flavors...

NO! I guess I am the only person that thinks they smell bad then...or your sense of smell sucks...fight to the death?

I had no idea there were clove cigars...and I have no idea where I will find the time it takes to smoke a whole one either.

No...Morbid said he is not into the smell...but, there is no accounting for the sence of smell...look at me...I smell like a goat, but, still have 2 happy Ladies that can not wait to smell me...

...& also, I heard a long, long time ago, that evil peoples hate how Angels smell...

......yup, sounds like it's time for a duel! EN~GUARD! :starwars:

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No...Morbid said he is not into the smell...but, there is no accounting for the sence of smell...look at me...I smell like a goat, but, still have 2 happy Ladies that can not wait to smell me...

...& also, I heard a long, long time ago, that evil peoples hate how Angels smell...

......yup, sounds like it's time for a duel! EN~GUARD! :starwars:

:animier: Make love not Duels!

Yeah I guess it is a matter of taste. I know that cloves were banned from alot of places BEFORE the smoking bans hit the towns. Even the strip club didn't like them because they choked the strippers...or maybe that was my hands...not really sure. I don't really know what I smell like but it is probably a mixture of motor oil and brake clean and there are no ladies looking for me...even after I shower.

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I for one would like them to ban all cigarettes. I smoke and more then anyone I know. I am killing myself and all around me. All you smokers know that sitting in the smoking section doesnt keep it from the non. Or shutting a door doesnt keep it from getting to our children. We are weak and Im the first to have the balls to admit I need help quiting. Take away my cigarettes and I cant smoke them. Lets think about the others and not ourselves.

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The only reason that I am putting down my cigarettes is because they are not going to help me at Basic. After I am done there I will start again. Are they killing me? Yes. Are they killing me faster or are they bringing me an end that isn't supposed to be? Nobody can say yes or no to that one.

Just don't ban shit. It is that simple. If people are too lazy to make decisions for themselves and want the rest of society to have everything ready for them fine...but it shouldn't work that way.

Bring flavored cigs back and then we can start doing this the right way...which would be to sit down and have a talk instead of preaching and banning. There are alot of things that are not "good" for a person but when did we get into the business of running peoples lives? I don't need to sit in a smoking section while non-smokers sit on their side...we each have our own restaurants and bars. And if I don't want to smoke around children I just move away...the smoke doesn't travel very far at all. You really don't have to say you are weak at all...but that is what the anti-smoking people would like. It is the chemical in the cigarettes and being weak has nothing to do with any chemical process. If you would like information on quitting I have many sources but not all of them are going to tell you what you want to hear.

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The only reason that I am putting down my cigarettes is because they are not going to help me at Basic. After I am done there I will start again. Are they killing me? Yes. Are they killing me faster or are they bringing me an end that isn't supposed to be? Nobody can say yes or no to that one.

...about life, & death, we can only agree...it comes for us all...

..& you don't need to have ever even thought of a cigarette or ANYTHING!

DEATH COMES.....even sometime, to sleeping babies.

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thing that bugs me about smokers saying "it's my life, i can fuck it up if i want to", is that smoking is known to be a major contributor (i won't get into the debate on whether it's clinically proven or not) to some pretty serious diseases. now, consider that a ton of people who smoke are uninsured, and the fact that they can say "it's my body", etc. i feel, is bullshit. who's gonna pay for your treatment, your end-of-life care, if you're uninsured? the tax-payers. now, if you want to smoke, fine, but if you want to knowingly do that to yourself, you should have to sign a release, stating that you're declining govt medical assistance. when you get sick from smoking, you just have to suffer & die, because it was your choice.

how does that grab yas!?

(yeah, i know it's a crock - i'm just trying to make a point that it doesn't affect only the smoker.)

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I only smoke in area where it is either a smoking bar or where I am alone. If the majority of the people in the room are taking part in an activity it means that they have the "right of way" there.

You could punish smokers for health insurance stuff...but what about people that drink? When my aunt worked in the ER it was like those people made regular trips to the ER and then soon developed some complication that had to be treated elsewhere. So they did that to themsleves yet there is no ban or even a movement to better regulate the alcohol in this country.

Like I said you can go after smokers...but only after you go after the people that also partake in activities that fall into the "sin" bracket...I believe you will find alot more in there besides cigarettes and soda.

Also, no matter what you do it ALWAYS has secondary effect on others and it doesn't matter if it is immediate or not...it doesn't even matter if it is health related or not. It is life and until absolutely positive proof can be given I don't think that it is anyones place to be blaming others and banning the things they do.

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The whole banning thing is a very slippery slope I don't want us to go down, but it seems we are already sliding down uncontrollably.

All this soooo reminds me of Demolition Man.


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The whole banning thing is a very slippery slope I don't want us to go down, but it seems we are already sliding down uncontrollably.

All this soooo reminds me of Demolition Man.



...they would not have to kill me..........I'ld die on the spot!

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