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I've just recently begun "Freecycling." Those forums are fine and dandy, but I thought we could use something similar here on DGN.

Definition, as quoted from the Google dictionary:

Freecycling, also known as Free Recycling, is the act of giving away usable unwanted items to others instead of disposing of them in landfills.

Here are the rules:

When making an offer, be sure to put "OFFER:" as the first word in the beginning sentence of the reply.

When you are looking for needed items, be sure to put "WANTED:" as the first word in the beginning sentence of the reply.

When following up on the status of a posted item, write "PENDING PICKUP:" or "TAKEN:". This will help to let others know if the item has been spoken for, or picked up, so that your PM box doesn't become cluttered with inquiries.

It is also common courtesy to post an offer reply, when making a request reply to the thread for needed/wanted items.

Please try to keep all inquiries and replies for posted items limited to PMs, as not to threadjack!

I will be re-posting all of the same items here as I have in my local Freecycle forums, until they are taken. If any of you are Freecyclers on local Freecycling forums, I encourage you to do the same!

Hopefully, we can establish our own little "FREEkCYCLING" circle here. :biggrin:

Edited by jynxxxedangel
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OFFER: Asst. Yamaha dirtbike parts, entry door, etc. LIST FOLLOWS:

The Yamaha m/c parts were left behind in my shed by the previous owners. There is a yellow gas tank (I'd say about a gallon), an air intake, and some sort of line (fuel, possibly?). I don't need or use any of these things, and they are taking up valuable space.gallery_1079_828_25539.jpggallery_1079_828_8807.jpggallery_1079_828_28870.jpg

There are also two big glass jars of various hardware-- screws/nuts/bolts/framing nails/washers/cotter pins/allen wrenches/etc., if you would also like to take those!

Also, is what appears to be some sort of small, gas-powered room heater. It looks to be pretty old. The wires are still connected.


There is also a large steel entry door, not sure of the exact size (it's up in the loft, and I can't reach up there). It has a half-circle glass window at the very top (unbroken), and appears to be quite sturdy. There is no knob, but all hinges appear to be present. You will probably need a ladder to get this out from the loft.gallery_1079_828_10352.jpg

Also in the shed are two large bags of (not-so easily) returnable bottles, for which I cannot find anyplace that takes the brands. I've tried Hiller's, I've tried nearly every party store from here to Commerce, and no dice. Most of them are from discontinued Smirnoff products, micro-brew beers, and imports. There are probably a total of about $8 or more in there. If you feel up to a quest, and think you can return them someplace, you are MORE THAN WELCOME TO THEM. Just get them outta my shed! :p

Anyone interested in these things can send me a PM. Porch pick-up will be available for the smaller items. The others will require a truck to move.

Thanks for looking!

Edited by jynxxxedangel
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OFFER: 19" Samsung colour television

Older model. It will need an RF modulator box and HD converter, as it is ancient. TV is in good shape; the controls panel door is missing, as well as the remote.

Send a PM, to arrange porch pick-up.

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WANTED: Working computer and monitor; must be internet compatible

I am teaching my mother to use computers and internet, and she has no rig of her own. Age, size of monitor, manufacture is unimportant-- just as long as it runs Windows 95-XP, and is connectible by cable modem to the internet.

Thanks in advance!

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WANTED: Working large-capacity automatic washer, and wood-splitting wedge and maul

I am in need of a decent working washing machine. I don't care what it looks like, I don't care how old it is; just so long as it is working, has a spin cycle, doesn't leak all over the place, and is large enough to wash large bed linens! As you all know, all I have to work with is an old wringer washer, and the small size of the wringer presents a problem, when trying to wash large laundry items.

Also wanted, are a wood-splitting wedge, and maul. If you have extras of each lying about in your shed, they would be well-used, and greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

Edited by jynxxxedangel
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