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Ratsel the Crafter


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Well I just started my yearly craft making again....yep, I'm a crafty one. Well, the majority of my things will be sold at the Michigan Mayfest and at the annual October Pagan Fest/Fair, but I'd like to know if anyone here is interested in a few thing, and I can make them specialty. Right now I'm finishing my hemp line, (necklaces, bracelets, anklets)for men too. If you want one....let me know. There is a photo below.

Then I am starting my Tarot Card Pouches....made with rockabilly fabrics....LOL those will all be one size and one price.

After that I have to begin my couch pillow cases.....those will not come with pillows and they will be for the more um darker themed home.


After that I'm going to be making stuff people can wear at places like fetish clubs or ..... oh oh oh.....CITY CLUB!

Ok, another thing...... I am not expensive.

Pass the word. Thanks.







The pillow here was actually a flub up. so if you like it...then you'd really like the ones i put work into.

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I can, yes, but i need the measurement of your pillow(s)

I do not have enough of that particular fabric left for that, but I have these I can use.



Sorry not the blk and wht polka dot skulls. I don't have enough of that anymore.

Edited by Ratsel
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I can, yes, but i need the measurement of your pillow(s)

I do not have enough of that particular fabric left for that, but I have these I can use.



Sorry not the blk and wht polka dot skulls. I don't have enough of that anymore.

Ohhh I like all Of them. I will have to messure my pillow. I would love to have one made for the pillow i use and I can talk to my lover and see if he would like one for the pillows he uses when he is with me. I really like the pink skulls But i do also have a thing for cherrys.

you only need width and leanght correct?

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better strategy...measure your best fitting pillow case FLAT and i can take it up 1/2 all the way around. Thats better.

yes WxL

Ok, and I talked to m lover. He thinks its a nice idea but also said the fabrics sound a bit girl for him but if I want all matching pillow cases that he would deal. so I am most likely gunna see about getting one. how much would you charge for one?

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Ok, and I talked to m lover. He thinks its a nice idea but also said the fabrics sound a bit girl for him but if I want all matching pillow cases that he would deal. so I am most likely gunna see about getting one. how much would you charge for one?

well if the fabrics are too girlie for him, just wait a while, i'm not going anywhere. I can buy some different fabrics in a month or two. And I would charge $10 a case. Fabric isn't cheap.

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Ok I'll talk to him. He knows I have OCD tendacys and I could only deal with unmacthing pillow cases for a few hours before I fliped. So I will wait. He just thinks it's a tad girly, and he knows I don't do girly that much and when I do i will go completly over bored with it. So that might be another reason he said that. I do wish I wasn't alergic to hemp. The bracelets are so lovely. I would love to get one for my lover but he couldn't wear it arond me x_x. I am also in the Tarot Card pouches. Sadly to say my pouch tore apart, and I have nothing to store my cards in and I am worried about loosing some sence this is my 2nd deck. My first one got throwen into a fire. but thats a whole nother story.

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