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Yeah, you put the devil out, but did you let him leave his bags?


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Putting this in health because it applies to my own mental health. I saw this posted elsewhere and it really hit home for me. I have a really bad tendency to hold a grudge, here lately especially against my former employer. I read a description that holding a grudge is like taking poison and expecting someone else to die, heh heh.

Also reminds me of that saying, "Living well is the best revenge". Still working on the living well part but determined to get there.



Yeah, you put the devil out, but did you let him leave his bags?

You got out of a bad relationship because it was bad, but you are still resentful and angry (you let the devil leave his bags)

You got out of financial debt, but you still can't control the desire to spend on frivolous things (you let the devil leave his bags)

You got out of a bad habit or addiction, but you still long to try it just one more time (you let the devil leave his bags)

You said, I forgive you, but you can't seem to forget and have peace with that person (you let the devil leave his bags)

You told your ex that it was over, but you still continue to call (you let the devil leave his bags)

You got out of that horribly oppressive job, but you are still trying to sabotage the company after you've left (you let the devil leave his bags)

You cut off the affair with that married man/woman, but you still lust after him/her (you let the devil leave his bags)

You broke off your relationship with that hurtful, abusive person, but you are suspicious and distrusting of every new person you meet (you let the devil leave his bags)

You decided to let go of the past hurts from growing up in an unstable environment, yet you believe you are unworthy of love from others and you refuse to get attached to anyone (you let the devil leave his bags)

When you put the devil out, throw out his bags as well.

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There are a lot of good points here. I could do with a different metaphor, though. This one sounds a little like a televangelist's sermon.

hah, yeah I can see that.

I looked at as simply a metaphor. (and my former company IS the Devil).

oops, there's that baggage again! Doh!

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Very well put indeed.

As far as the addiction thing goes...if you hit rock bottom you usually develop an aversion to a substance then you no longer crave it.

But who wants to hit rock bottom everytime?

And as for the relationships gone bad thing....everyone tries to tell me to forgive and heal my heart and only send out pos energies...

But my take is...to try to soften my heart towards someone means I have to think of them fondly.

The only thing that works for me is to just totally forget it.

But if you have to see them everyday (like a boss) then you have to try to look past it which is tough.

Just don't pee in his coffee.

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This is why I refuse and I mean REFUSE!! to ever date again,be with someone,get close to someone ever again,I was never meant to be with anyone,ever!esp in this country where dis-honesty among society is more prevalent than government/corporate corruption.

why I hate most humans,they really disgust me.when I quit socializing with any certain person I just disappear.

excellent thread Onyx!!

Edited by Tacohitts
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Very well put indeed.

As far as the addiction thing goes...if you hit rock bottom you usually develop an aversion to a substance then you no longer crave it.

But who wants to hit rock bottom everytime?

I think that's kind of the point... if you truly get rid of the baggage, and deal with the issues that contributed to the addiction, you will break the cycle of addictive behavior and won't have to bottom out your life ever again.

And as for the relationships gone bad thing....everyone tries to tell me to forgive and heal my heart and only send out pos energies...

But my take is...to try to soften my heart towards someone means I have to think of them fondly.

Don't have to think of them fondly... just not think of them with hostility. Lot of space between the two.

The only thing that works for me is to just totally forget it.

If you can totally forget it, then you have forgiven... or at least grown past the level of holding grudges and dwelling on past wrongs.

But if you have to see them everyday (like a boss) then you have to try to look past it which is tough.

Just don't pee in his coffee.

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