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Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

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hey at least he has the balls to say this

"Let me be clear: I do not view it as a recognition of my own accomplishments, but rather as an affirmation of American leadership on behalf of aspirations held by people in all nations," he said at the White House. "To be honest, I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many of the transformative figures who've been honored by this prize."

NOT that iam agreeing that he deserves it...

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hey at least he has the balls to say this

"Let me be clear: I do not view it as a recognition of my own accomplishments, but rather as an affirmation of American leadership on behalf of aspirations held by people in all nations," he said at the White House. "To be honest, I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many of the transformative figures who've been honored by this prize."

NOT that iam agreeing that he deserves it...


To his credit even he thinks he doesn't deserve it.

I thought that he did a good job handling it.

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He donated the 1.4 million dollar cash award that came with the prize, to charity.

I thought that was cool.

I do think though, that Norway's motive for giving him the prize may have some political motivation.

It does make one wonder....

But yeah the fact that he is not keeping the money is a good move.

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I would hope that people who don't like this would hold it against the committee and not Obama. It's not his fault they chose him. He didn't ask for it or want it. Imagine one day waking up and being told that YOU had won it. Not having done ANYTHING. (A silly analogy I know but still.) Would it be your fault? Would you want everyone hating you for something you didn't have anything to do with? The committee is smoking the good stuff apparently, but that's not Obama's fault.

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He donated the 1.4 million dollar cash award that came with the prize, to charity.

I thought that was cool.

I do think though, that Norway's motive for giving him the prize may have some political motivation.

They're anti-war to a point that's illogical and they're trying to "bribe" him to get completely out of Afghanistan/Iraq even if it means that it will backfire on us in the near future (which I'm sure it would, you don't just start a fight like that, pull out for no reason, and have the other party NOT come and attack you). They're fucking crazy.

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Wait a second.... this is actually great news.... I mean... I have potential to become a billionare.... so they should just give me the billions now! I have the potential to own an island in the South Pacific... so they should just give it to me. WOW.

In reading the above artical... it almost seems like he won the award not for being a great President, but for being a President who is not Bush.... FAIL

ROFL! My thoughts exactly.

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I would hope that people who don't like this would hold it against the committee and not Obama. It's not his fault they chose him. He didn't ask for it or want it. Imagine one day waking up and being told that YOU had won it. Not having done ANYTHING. (A silly analogy I know but still.) Would it be your fault? Would you want everyone hating you for something you didn't have anything to do with? The committee is smoking the good stuff apparently, but that's not Obama's fault.


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I would hope that people who don't like this would hold it against the committee and not Obama. It's not his fault they chose him. He didn't ask for it or want it. Imagine one day waking up and being told that YOU had won it. Not having done ANYTHING. (A silly analogy I know but still.) Would it be your fault? Would you want everyone hating you for something you didn't have anything to do with? The committee is smoking the good stuff apparently, but that's not Obama's fault.

I don't really think anyone has held anything against Obama for this. Maybe a few nut jobs...but not many. I think people are just too stunned to comment properly and it looks like they are blaming Obama.

I still don't like Obama but I do think that he handled this well. I think that the people that gave him the prize gave it to him for reasons that are completely stupid considering that he has really done nothing for peace or with any war in any country...I honeslty don't think he even knows who our commander in the middle east is. Most people are just put off by how this looks like one more celebrity type happening with Obama. I actually find it stupid that people say he got the award for not being Bush. Bush did not really do well but I do give him credit for the effort he put into at least TRYING to help those in Africa...and for whatever hand he had in TRYING to put resources into Iraq to help the rebuild and rehab their cities.

I also wonder...could Obama have turned this down?

They should probably give awards to multiple people...if you think about peace, talk about peace, or if you even have the balls to make what you feel is an effort toward peace by trying to help a suffering populace then you should get an award, $10, and ice cream.

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I would just like to point out that Mahatma Gandhi was nominated 5 times before his death and still never received and Noble Peace Prize. And yes Obama could have declined it has happened before but only once.

The Vietnamese politician Le Duc Tho, awarded the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize jointly with US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, is the only person who has declined the Nobel Peace Prize. They were both awarded the Prize for negotiating the Vietnam peace accord. Le Doc Tho said that he was not in a position to accept the Prize, citing the situation in Vietnam as his reason.
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