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Interracial couple denied marriage license in La.

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NEW ORLEANS – A Louisiana justice of the peace said he refused to issue a marriage license to an interracial couple out of concern for any children the couple might have. Keith Bardwell, justice of the peace in Tangipahoa Parish, says it is his experience that most interracial marriages do not last long.

"I'm not a racist. I just don't believe in mixing the races that way,"

Pretty much the definition of a racist, asshole. :mad:

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*shrugs* i dunno TWB...i dont think he even may truly have black friends i think the cable guy mighta been a black guy and asked to use the bathroom or something while installing cinimax one day or somthin along those lines and said they were his friends, i think its overly clear hes a dumbass in my opinion

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NEW ORLEANS – A Louisiana justice of the peace said he refused to issue a marriage license to an interracial couple out of concern for any children the couple might have. Keith Bardwell, justice of the peace in Tangipahoa Parish, says it is his experience that most interracial marriages do not last long.

"I'm not a racist. I just don't believe in mixing the races that way,"

Pretty much the definition of a racist, asshole. :mad:

Idea: Why don't we take pricks like this and strip them of any access to any type of government jobs and exile their asses to another country that won't put up with their attitudes?

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His reason doesn't even make sense. He does know that two people don't have to be legally married to have a child, no?

Good point. However, he still denied them a marriage license based on the fact that they're an interracial couple. Perhaps it's time we start disbarring any judge or other individual like him for holding onto those beliefs and expressing them in such a manner?

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His reason doesn't even make sense. He does know that two people don't have to be legally married to have a child, no?

He apparently also missed the memo stating that our own president is a mixed race person. IMO other than his politics he turned out just fine..sorta.

This dude just needs to have his job taken away, I'm frankly surprised that in the 34 years of his career this is the first time he's been sued.

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What a total wang!

When people think like this, it spills into and affects other areas of life. Jeez-o-peets, what a racist idiot! I wonder how many same race couples he's married that have ended up in divorce, abuse, or some other trauma. I would love to be able to find that out, and then throw a big media party outside his place of business with the statistics. If he's been doing this for over 30 years, there's got to be some sad stories in there somewhere (unfortunately) to prove to this a-hole that what he is doing is wrong, and completely unfounded. :rant:

Edited by ~Tszura~
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This is completely and utterly outrageous. Other than a blood relative, or if they are underage, no one should be able to tell someone else who they can or cannot marry. I don't care what "race" you are, what religion or even what GENDER a couple is, it is their personal right. Does this not directly infringe on their "unalienable" right to the pursuit of happiness? Isn't that what marriage is supposed to be all about - Trying to find happiness in this screwed up life? I mean, really.

And the idea that the kids will somehow be messed up, ostracized, or otherwise mistreated is ridiculous and no reason to deny anyone a marriage. If what will happen to the kids is a viable reason for denying a marriage, I would say that there are a lot of couples, interracial or not, who would be denied. For that matter, you might as well start telling people if they can or cannot have children. And quite frankly, that makes more sense than this.

I don't usually wish ill on other people, but I sincerely hope this asshole loses his job and any retirement benefits he might have received.


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you know people i support this you know why because if the government wont recognize a gay marriage or even allow it in most states even though if you read the article the government cannot tell a person who they can or cannot marry so with this little contradiction who is to say the guy has to sign the paper for the people to get married the government wont do it for the gays because they believe it is not a true marriage and a true marriage to them is between a man an a women. also did anybody else read the part were the guy said (im not telling them they cannot get married im just not going to be the one to do it) and you know what he is doing there ....... he is envoking his right to refuse service to anyone. so i guess the people should just suck it up and go down the fucking hallway to the next guy to sign there little paper and issue there marriage license. also people realize this if you fire this man for his belief even though he is a bigit and im not supporting racism you open the door and you know what happens then people could get fired for far stupideer stuff.

so in summory so the mod nazis dont get all over me im not racist and not supporting this guys bigit ways im supporting his right to believe what he wants and his right to refuse service to anyone. and man does the government like to refuse service they just love it just look up D.O.M.A. also like i said before look at how the government treats the gays when Same-sex marriage is permitted in six of the 50 states so 44 states refuse to marry gays and why is that allowed? so can we stop wanting to crucifie one man for doing what the government hell what our state is doing to people.

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you know people i support this you know why because if the government wont recognize a gay marriage or even allow it in most states even though if you read the article the government cannot tell a person who they can or cannot marry so with this little contradiction who is to say the guy has to sign the paper for the people to get married the government wont do it for the gays because they believe it is not a true marriage and a true marriage to them is between a man an a women. also did anybody else read the part were the guy said (im not telling them they cannot get married im just not going to be the one to do it) and you know what he is doing there ....... he is envoking his right to refuse service to anyone. so i guess the people should just suck it up and go down the fucking hallway to the next guy to sign there little paper and issue there marriage license. also people realize this if you fire this man for his belief even though he is a bigit and im not supporting racism you open the door and you know what happens then people could get fired for far stupideer stuff.

so in summory so the mod nazis dont get all over me im not racist and not supporting this guys bigit ways im supporting his right to believe what he wants and his right to refuse service to anyone. and man does the government like to refuse service they just love it just look up D.O.M.A. also like i said before look at how the government treats the gays when Same-sex marriage is permitted in six of the 50 states so 44 states refuse to marry gays and why is that allowed? so can we stop wanting to crucifie one man for doing what the government hell what our state is doing to people.

A private citizen can believe whatever they want. He's a government official. In official capacity he doesn't get that freedom. Not without consequences, anyways.

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A private citizen can believe whatever they want. He's a government official. In official capacity he doesn't get that freedom. Not without consequences, anyways.

Exactly. I feel that it's one thing to ask a church official to perform your marriage ceremony and have them deny you. That's a personal belief system, and their job is essentially their beliefs. A government official is not supposed to turn people away from a marriage, especially based on race. I don't support his bigotry, nor do I support the government telling people who are of the same sex that they cannot marry.

Like I said, if it's a church official, he should have the right to say that he will not do it based on his personal and religious beliefs. And I would not want a pastor/priest/whatever to perform my marriage ceremony if he didn't support it. But a government official shouldn't have that right. They want to take religion out of government, then your personal beliefs should have NOTHING to do with your job, no matter what they are.

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