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Large Hadron Collider 'Being Sabotaged from the Future?

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Scientists claim the giant atom-smashing Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is being jinxed from the future to save the world.

In a bizarre sci-fi theory, Danish physicist Dr Holger Bech Nielsen and Dr Masao Ninomiya from Japan claim nature is trying to prevent the LHC from finding the elusive Higgs boson. Called the "God particle," the theoretical boson could explain the origins of mass in the universe — if physicists2.gif can find the darn thing.

The scientists say their math proves nature will "ripple backward through time" to stop the LHC before it can create the God particle, like a time traveller who goes back in time to kill his grandfather.

“One could even almost say that we have a model for God,” Dr Nielsen says in an unpublished essay. “He rather hates Higgs particles, and attempts to avoid them.”

"While it is a paradox to go back in time and kill your grandfather, physicists agree there is no paradox if you go back in time and save him from being hit by a bus," Dannis Overbye wrote in the New York Times.

"In the case of the Higgs and the collider, it is as if something is going back in time to keep the universe from being hit by a bus."

“It must be our prediction that all Higgs producing machines shall have bad luck,” Dr Nielsen told the New York Times.

European science agency CERN designed the world's biggest particle accelerator2.gif to shoot beams around a freezing 27km concrete ring underground near Geneva, smashing atoms together in search of the elusive "God particle" believed present at the Big Bang.

The multi-billion-dollar machine, built over almost 20 years, was set to launch in late 2008 but broke down after it overheated during a test run.

The relaunch was pushed back to late 2009 as more parts had to be replaced, and CERN was recently scandalised when a LHC scientist was found to have approached al-Qaeda for work.

The LHC - which features in sci-fi plots such as Dan Brown's Angels and Demons and the new TV2.gif show FlashForward - has been dubbed a "doomsday device" with claims it will open black holes.

Last year, Professor Brian Cox of Manchester University told the UK Telegraph that LHC scientists had received threatening emails and phone calls2.gif demanding that the experiment be halted.

But Prof Cox, ex-keyboardist for 1990's pop group D:REAM, dismissed the hysteria in rock-star style.

"Anyone who thinks the LHC will destroy the world is a tw—," he said.

The LHC is set to start up again next month.

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I don't really think something needs to go back in time to stop this machine...but I will bet money that the sheer stupidity this project has now reached has caused it to collapse in on itself. It is no longer monkeys at typewriters...it is monkeys in white coats at the console of a billion dollar cock-ring.

When all is said and done we will have no new particles to awe us but we will have the sweetest billion dollar roller derby track this side of the galaxy. Tune in next time to see what happens when we turn the machine on while the teams are on the track...

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The scientists say their math proves nature will "ripple backward through time" to stop the LHC before it can create the God particle, like a time traveller who goes back in time to kill his grandfather.

Nowhere in this article does it say ANYTHING about "SOMEONE" traveling through time...

...it clearly states "SOMETHING"...you all see that word 'like'...it denotes the use of a METAPHOR...

...what they are saying, is that they believe that the Universe will not let the experiment happen.

.....when they are about to do it, the SUB-ATOMIC-PARTICLES (perhaps from a 'successful test') are going back in time & wrecking the experiment...

AS IF, the Universe were a sentient piece of cloth, regenerating, or defending itself.

..kinda' lends toward the Scientific Argument For G*D.

.....you see now?

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Nowhere in this article does it say ANYTHING about "SOMEONE" traveling through time...

...it clearly states "SOMETHING"...you all see that word 'like'...it denotes the use of a METAPHOR...

...what they are saying, is that they believe that the Universe will not let the experiment happen.

.....when they are about to do it, the SUB-ATOMIC-PARTICLES (perhaps from a 'successful test') are going back in time & wrecking the experiment...

AS IF, the Universe were a sentient piece of cloth, regenerating, or defending itself.

..kinda' lends toward the Scientific Argument For G*D.

.....you see now?

AHA! Even in my current sleepy state I belive I understand...but I will try again later when I have ahd my coffee.

The other option is just that this thing is a whole lotta hype about nothing...like the guy with the "awesome" hot rod in his garage that never really runs because he doesn't really know what he is doing...it just looks good on the front.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If it were possible to create a black hole in a laboratory, it would be so small as to pose no threat,as I am given to understand it. It has been theorized (and claimed to be reality by John Titor) that two of these tiny singularities spinning in opposition would be necessaryto facilitate physical time travel. Titor went on to claim that there are no paradoxes in time travel because when you go back in time, you actually shift to another universe or reality that is very close to, but not precisely the same as the one you originate from. The difference may be as small as a single blade of grass being a slightly different shade and you wouldn't notice the difference. I don't necessarily buy into the whole Titor story, but what these scientists are saying is something I can keep an open mind about. When you start mucking around at the quantum level, all bets are off. We have only the barest understanding of the underpinnings of reality where science and poetry seem to comingle with reckless abandon. I have always supported the supercollider. Damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead! Did the men in charge of the Manhattan Project let the possibility of igniting the Earth's atmosphere hold them back? Was the Apollo program scrapped over concerns about Van Allen radiation? If we don't take calculated risks, we're going to go nowhere.

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If it were possible to create a black hole in a laboratory, it would be so small as to pose no threat,as I am given to understand it.

You should read the CERN website about the collider and then maybe some more about Black holes.

The scientists at CERN admit there is a real chance at creating a black hole… depending on which one you talk to it’s between a 3% and 12% chance that a black hole will be created by every collision. Then it’s a 50/50 chance that Hawkings was right. If he was, Hawkings radiation will cause the Black hole to dissipate before it’s a danger. If he was wrong, we will have about 3 hours before we feel the first affects of the world dropping into the black hole’s gravity well.

A black holes size means nothing. Infinite density creates infinite mass which means infinite gravity.

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