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Senate OKs Measure Related to Rape Claim

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The Senate voted 68-30 to attach the amendment sponsored by Democratic Sen. Al Franken of Minnesota to a larger defense spending bill.

I am really glad that this had bipartisan support.... but 30 people voted AGAINST THIS??? WTF??? (Oh and btw.... all 30 of the opposition belonged to a certain political party, 3 guesses as to which one)

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Only one guess is needed - the Republican Party. They were and still are extremely tight with KBR and countless other contractors who have no doubt covered up stories like the one Jones went through or had similar arbitration policies. Either way this is a long overdue bill.

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Only one guess is needed - the Republican Party. They were and still are extremely tight with KBR and countless other contractors who have no doubt covered up stories like the one Jones went through or had similar arbitration policies. Either way this is a long overdue bill.

We have a winner!

*Gives darknight1 pudding*

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That's not to say that Democrats themselves aren't entirely innocent of getting their hands dirty in some questionable affairs. If you take notice, many of our nation's highest ranking Democrats have been involved with the so-called Bilderberg Group for years...our current Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, has been documented several times and observed attending several of these meetings, despite not having official US approval to do so. Associations such as these are a clear violation of United States Code, Title 18, Section 953, also known as the Logan Act. You can read up on it for yourselves.

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Only one guess is needed - the Republican Party. They were and still are extremely tight with KBR and countless other contractors who have no doubt covered up stories like the one Jones went through or had similar arbitration policies. Either way this is a long overdue bill.


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I'm not surprised at DoD being opposed either. They are proving themselves to be complete tools. Just look at how they're still clinging onto the "don't ask, don't tell" policy still...which never should be in existence in the first place. In ancient Greece, the army had no problems with homosexuals and bisexuals serving. They encouraged it because it made their soldiers fight even harder and better (no pun intended). So holding onto that ridiculous policy is stupid and very pointless.

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I think Voting against protecting rape victims is ok, as long as you're against raising taxes.

AND if you're FOR freedom.

Which this communist bill is certainly not for.


This bill is prohibiting the invisible hand of the markeplace from deciding if it wants to thrust

inside a woman's vajayjay or not.

I mean, who do these dems think they are???

Today they prohibit companies who allow rape to get govt contracts.

What's next?

Mandatory gay rubdowns as part of their pinko-communist-fascist sensitivity training??

I mean, don't forget these are the guys that brought you sexual harassment laws and affirmative action.

You don't know what they're capable of.

It's a slippery slope.

Those GOP Senators are American heros.

I for one think they should be commended their bravery

It took a lot of courage for these THIRTY men,

men with wifes,

and mistresses,

and call girls,

to say

"Hey it's not our business being a police state telling companies what they can do with

their employees bodies.

It's only our business telling women directly what they can and can't

do with their bodies once they get knocked up

due to the completely protected practice of being raped at work,

in the first place!"


It's so nice to see the GOP standing up for their core conservative values

and showing once and for all

exactly what their true view on women's rights are.



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Meh...not that this isn't an important issue but its probably not going to help anything. I did not see the bill but I am going to guess that its another thing from the government where the title boasts of heroic efforts to help people, the bill itself contains little that will actually help people, and those that vote against the bill in (possible) hopes for a better option get demonized by passionate people that read or hear the "buzz" words.

Not saying I am against the ends...its just that the means here, like most other bills, don't really take this thing seriously and after this the issue will be tossed back onto the pile.

And how did the "don't ask don't tell" policy get in here? That has nothing to do with not letting gay people in either...its about not running around screaming "I am gay" at everyone...in the military you generally keep shit to yourself unless it is business.

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I think Voting against protecting rape victims is ok, as long as you're against raising taxes.

AND if you're FOR freedom.

Which this communist bill is certainly not for.


This bill is prohibiting the invisible hand of the markeplace from deciding if it wants to thrust

inside a woman's vajayjay or not.

I mean, who do these dems think they are???

Today they prohibit companies who allow rape to get govt contracts.

What's next?

Mandatory gay rubdowns as part of their pinko-communist-fascist sensitivity training??

I mean, don't forget these are the guys that brought you sexual harassment laws and affirmative action.

You don't know what they're capable of.

It's a slippery slope.

Those GOP Senators are American heros.

I for one think they should be commended their bravery

It took a lot of courage for these THIRTY men,

men with wifes,

and mistresses,

and call girls,

to say

"Hey it's not our business being a police state telling companies what they can do with

their employees bodies.

It's only our business telling women directly what they can and can't

do with their bodies once they get knocked up

due to the completely protected practice of being raped at work,

in the first place!"


It's so nice to see the GOP standing up for their core conservative values

and showing once and for all

exactly what their true view on women's rights are.



I got it e...that was the sarcasm! YAY! :animier:


Meh...not that this isn't an important issue but its probably not going to help anything. I did not see the bill but I am going to guess that its another thing from the government where the title boasts of heroic efforts to help people, the bill itself contains little that will actually help people, and those that vote against the bill in (possible) hopes for a better option get demonized by passionate people that read or hear the "buzz" words.

Not saying I am against the ends...its just that the means here, like most other bills, don't really take this thing seriously and after this the issue will be tossed back onto the pile.

And how did the "don't ask don't tell" policy get in here? That has nothing to do with not letting gay people in either...its about not running around screaming "I am gay" at everyone...in the military you generally keep shit to yourself unless it is business.

Interesting point of view...I can dig it.

...you do realize...the don't ask don't tell policy means if ONE person you know, tells the authorities that you are gay, they boot you out, so, ex-lovers, turned-down-lovers...some one who wants your job, or even just don't like you...

...the queers in Service deserve to be treated fairly, before they stop defending us...

.....how hilarious would it be, if a third of the armed forces came out of the closet & said, "WE'RE HERE, WE'RE QUEER; GET USED TO IT!"

Top Brass would have NO CHOICE but to repeal this doggedly backwards bull shit.

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Interesting point of view...I can dig it.

...you do realize...the don't ask don't tell policy means if ONE person you know, tells the authorities that you are gay, they boot you out, so, ex-lovers, turned-down-lovers...some one who wants your job, or even just don't like you...

...the queers in Service deserve to be treated fairly, before they stop defending us...

.....how hilarious would it be, if a third of the armed forces came out of the closet & said, "WE'RE HERE, WE'RE QUEER; GET USED TO IT!"

Top Brass would have NO CHOICE but to repeal this doggedly backwards bull shit.

Hey, someone had to say something different in here...and I managed not to use a buzz word like Fox too. It is actually what I believe too...do it right even if it takes more time and effort! I also didn't want to make the now all too common snap judgement that republicans made up 100% of the people in the wrong here...if that side truly is wrong. Don't we have a thing where you are innocent until proven guilty? I could actually see the "no" votes going to the republicans...most of the time they tend to take more time on the issue and try to get some votes going...I use most of the votes on statewide smoking bans as my reference.

There are two guys in the Marines that my friend knows, he is a Marine too, that are gay and people know that they are gay...they are still in.

As far as I have seen and heard the rule mostly states that they could care less about what you are or do and if you make a point of pushing the issue, cause a scene, or your situation causes problems with the working order of things then there will be a corrective action.

I remeber people bitching about religious issues in the military too...not here...but again it isn't WHAT you are it is HOW you handle it. There are also a few soldiers in the Marines stationed with another friend that are followers of Islam...and the Marines tend to place G*D pretty high up there, sorta christian, but they don't have an issue...

Even straight people are "encouraged" to keep their love life out of their work life...which is how it should be.

I could be wrong too but I have alot of my family and friends serving in the military and we have talked about this sort of thing before. There probably isn't completely fair treatment...but that would be known as the shitty reality that we live in.

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