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Communal Vomit Logue

Paper Hearts

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Lol, something comes to mind...

Hmm... a few years ago, I was in Chicago with some friends to see nine inch nails in concert. I had tuna stuffed tomatoes for dinner. They were delish.

Later, after a long taxi ride and too much smoke exposure, I almost blacked out in the mosh pit extending my hand to be about five feet from trent. I got squished. Then I felt nauseous. Then I went to the edge, tried to go up the steps, was told I had to go all the way around the stupid metal barricade to go up the steps to the bathroom. The oh so nice security agreed to escort me. I wharfed on him. Tuna tomato surprise, buddy.

When I say I gotta go, I GOTTA GO!

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Oh boy! Vomit talk!

Back in the 80's, my friends and I always went roller skating on Sunday nights. I was waiting for Jim to pick me up, and decided to wolf down some Spaghettios and a beer. On the way to the rink, we got high (back when I did that sort of thing). We had a blast, but I started to feel nauseous. I didn't say anything about how I was feeling to Jim. He dropped me off so he could meet up with his boyfriend. I hugged him and said that I had fun. Just as I said "fun", I got his shoes with the beer & Spaghettio combo.

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Me and my friend "PAT" were going to a show at "Pharos Golden Cup" many many moons ago. We stopped at Burger King just before the show and there were these 2 girls eating at the table next to us when we were carrying on conversation about puking. They were obviously grossed out since they moved over a few tables....which just made us talk louder about it and more descrptive....HAHA...After we were done eating, we went outside, and Pat decides he's going to puke in front of these girls....They were stting at the window, and Pat can puke on request, so he starts heaving RIGHT in front of them, and I see the looks on the girls faces- it was classic! I was laughing so hard I almost puked!!!!!!!!!!!! :laughing :devil

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Okay, I've got one, i started this mess, so I suppose i should take some responsibility. Truly, i meant for this to be an outlet for describing your vomit of the last weekend (ie, came out solid for 3 seconds filling my full throat and mouth on the way out, was bloody with full pieces of bow-tie pasta and smelled like smoked cheddar, etc. (just an example of what one might put)) but past vomit stories are welcome, as i stated, as well, and that's what I've got this time around:

Star Date: 65795000

This must have been about 1995 or 1996 and it involved my friend Stuart who now lives in Maryland, near DC. Stuart and i had gone down to a spot on the river (Clinton; i've said in the past I grew up in Mt. Clemens area) to attend this party of underagers like ourselves who had no where else to drink, really (I'd have been about 18) and it was all very tragic as you might expect. Well, little has fucking changed since then: i got smashed and Stuart being one of my best mates, ever, was by nature, always par for the course, as well. Stuart got fucking crocked though and just as he'd have probably fell over anyway, here come the boys-

Luckily, i saw them coming and was able to prepare (dropping my bottle and kicking it safely away) but Stu was desolated and so was less fortunate. I remember some pig ordering him to drop his drinks (he was double fisted at the moment) and Stu arguing with him because he hadn't noticed his badge or uniform with the way he was...so i yelled to him (i'm playing friendly psychology with the cops now to try to get us out of there) "Stuart. Drop your drinks man, it's a cop." (keep it simple). -Seconds later, it sank in and he drops them-now the cop is questioning him-"how many beers have you had", etc...Stuart gets this shitty grin on his face and i swear to you does not answer for a full ten seconds, just stares at the sad fucker, fucking grinning, so that finally the cop has to turn and ask me to like translate, essentially-so i repeat the cops question for Stuart and laughing now, Stu turns to me, smiling and announces proudly "37 beers." and starts really cracking up. Great so now it's over for him.

Okay so they cuff his ass and let my ass off because I'm playing good-boy, so i'm now forced to try to plead for his ass (having gained some political favor) saying that i'll take full responsibility for him and that nothing will happen, i'll get him home and so on-no idea how this worked but it did. So walking back towards the car (a girl from the party who was pretty sober volunteered to drive my car as part of the deal for the cop) i've now got to find Stuart before he gets in further trouble and describe his incredible and recent luck to him-finally i spot him, still cuffed but maybe 75 yards from where the cop had put him, he's lying on the ground behind a log looking pretty silly and so i call out to him "Stuart, what in fuck are you doing, man?" "Shut up, or they'll find me" he says. So i go and grab him before the cop notices what's going on because he's hidden ridiculously badly (this was a big party, so the cop was busy, thankfully) and i lead him back to get his cuffs off and along the way i tell him everything's okay, etc..

So anyway, i'm only able to get him into the front of my car, because i basically have to shove him in because he's too fucked to help himself and this is a 2-door (81 Fairmont Futura, plaid interior). -On the front passenger floor of the G-ride is a poster of John Denver we had pulled out of some god foresaken album from somewhere i can't remember and it was really quite hilarious, so i decided i needed it available for reference at all times and so that's where i kept it, in my car, it was a beautiful fucking poster. Alright so I'm still trying to play everything cool, because it's not over yet and i've given this fucker my word that i can handle this fucker but before we can even get the door shut, he goes and throws-up all over John Denver. "Asshole, you puked on John Denver!" and all he did was laugh. it was sort of funny, but this was a big puke and John Denver was a mess and it was a hot time of year and this shit smelled. There was so much of it, it might have actually been 37, like he said. -I made his crazy ass help me clean the car the next day because i was pissed about John Denver and i just have a thing about other people's vomit but sadly, the poster was destroyed.

There are 8 million stories in the naked city...

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Oh, and another:

This was maybe a month ago...maybe a few of you will remember me recounting this story in my explanation for why i had to leave Leland early the night before...

it happened very early in the evening in the City Club's men's powder room...there was a junky in the first stand who shot up and immediately puked. Later, he apparently fell back into the club w/out flushing.

So now it's much, much later, maybe 1:30 but everyone who has had the misfortunate mistake of trying his stall has turned off with no luck. -But I'm fucking shitty by now , right? So i fucking go into this thing because it's the only one open and i've forgotten and there in front of me (lo and behold) is a perfect still-life of vomit in a public toilet, mixed with a few fleks of blood and a syringe floating about in it stupidly. -My first thought was about were my fucking camera was but next, i had to go home early.

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This new years I had to go to a fancy work party with my man at the art institute. I didn't eat all day.

Well I proceeded to drink about a bottle of wine by myself.....then the dinner came.

I am a vegan and all they had was rice and lettuce for me to eat.....already to drunk by then.

I got sick all over in my car and out the window on the way home.

The next day was a bad snow storm and while I was washing it out the puke kept re-freezing to the car.

You know those things in the door you put your stuff in? My side was full of rice barfola. I like to never got it out of there.

It was stuck to the side of my car and while I was barfing out the window going down I94 people were swerving to avoid getting hit by it.

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October of 2003, the week before my wedding. It was my bachelorette party. I had allready downed an entire pitcher of melon balls (melon liquor, vodka, orange juice), and proceeded to finish the half of a fifth of melon liquor, mixed with vodka (the oj was gone). We had rented a limo to take us around to different clubs. I sort of remember going to Luna, and I'm told we went to City, but I do not recall this. Anyhow, we are doing shots of raspberry pucker in the limo, and as soon as I took a shot, I had to yell for the limo driver to pull over so I could puke. I also puked right outside of Luna, on my neighbors lawn, in my bushes, and infront of some gas station somewhere. I'm told that the limo had to be pulled over a few times so I could vomit.

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You know those things in the door you put your stuff in?  My side was full of rice barfola.  I like to never got it out of there.

It was stuck to the side of my car and while I was barfing out the window going down I94 people were swerving to avoid getting hit by it.


-Nice one!

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I was once at a party where previous to drinking, I had consumed an entire case of gushers. (the fruit snacks) After about 15 Killian's, I found my self crawling to the bathroom, making it just in time to puke up all the gushers. Interestingly enough, I had consumed enough of the fruit snacks that it didn't taste like vomit at all...

Hmmm... I should remember this should I ever partake in a drinking contest. :laughing

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A few months back I caught a ride with some friends up to the clubs in Seattle.

The driver told us to "just go nuts he's got the driving covered" (his first mistake)

On the way home he stopped for gas, This woke me up.

About ten miles down the road I could not take the motion of the car anymore. so I told him to pull over. He asked why. (second mistake)

I forgot my answer but I'm sure it was very demanding (and fully drunktarded). And he was like "Now?!" (third mistake)

So before he could pull over I decorated his dashboard, and door panel, and floor....ect. With a healthy mix of vodka-red bull and mushroom bacon swiss burger. (proly not the best food to put over $60 worth of alcohol, .......he told us to go nuts)

This finally got him to pull over.

I mean don't ask the drunk ass why they want you to pull over! just do it!

Needless to say I gave him alot of gas $$ so he could get it detailed.

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