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No Kidding!? Me Too!


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No Kidding, Me Too! is an organization whose purpose is to remove the stigma attached to brain dis-ease through education and the breaking down of societal barriers. Our goal is to empower those with brain dis-ease to admit their illness, seek treatment, and become even greater members of society.

The Goal

Make Brain Dis-ease cool and sexy. We want a normal conversation in America to be:

"I have bipolar disorder/schizophrenia/insert dis-ease"

"No Kidding, Me Too!"

Who Has The Stigma:

Those suffering from brain dis-eases including anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, specific phobias, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating, pyromania, kleptomania, compulsive gambling, addictions, paranoia, multiple personality disorder, gender identity disorder, Down's syndrome, psychosomatic disorder, traumatic brain injury (TBI), tic disorders, and others.

How Will NKMT Accomplish This?

• Create strategic partnerships with members of industry, academia, organizations and government to ensure a broad-based spectrum of support and input.

• Organize the creative talents of our industry professionals to generate messages for various media and use our celebrity status to ensure these messages are heard. The messages will be of empowerment and acceptance and can include topics as basic as giving job opportunities to those with a brain dis-ease.

• Coordinate, participate in and generate interest for national and regional educational events consistent with our goal.

Edited by Scales
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  • 3 weeks later...

That seems like a great organization. Have you ever attended Powerday in Lansing?

I deleted my account on nkm2 and accounts on myspace, put too much out there and then went into withdrawal mode because of it. I like to test my limitations. Nkm2 is still a great organization.

To Write Love On Her Arms seems to have the most youth following for a mental health organization despite being Judeo-Christian and having a female-based title so they honestly anger me (mostly for the religious injection) but I have to respect their following.

I haven't heard of Powerday, but I checked out the website for it and it looks interesting.

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I deleted my account on nkm2 and accounts on myspace, put too much out there and then went into withdrawal mode because of it. I like to test my limitations. Nkm2 is still a great organization.

To Write Love On Her Arms seems to have the most youth following for a mental health organization despite being Judeo-Christian and having a female-based title so they honestly anger me (mostly for the religious injection) but I have to respect their following.

I haven't heard of Powerday, but I checked out the website for it and it looks interesting.

TWLOHA annoys the shit out of me because the whole thing started with a herion addict that sliced up her arms while stoned. As a former cutter, it just bothers me that the best example those people could find of someone who self harms was someone strung out on drugs. There are people out there who are trying to live a normal life as best as they can, who still hurt themselves.

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TWLOHA annoys the shit out of me because the whole thing started with a herion addict that sliced up her arms while stoned. As a former cutter, it just bothers me that the best example those people could find of someone who self harms was someone strung out on drugs. There are people out there who are trying to live a normal life as best as they can, who still hurt themselves.

Yeah I can't even 100% say that I'm a former cutter. If my coping mechanisms managed to fail its a better choice to me, done sterile, than anything worse. I haven't cut in months and the usual secrecy of it is something I deal with, but don't completely care about; I'm sure I think, some of my loved ones know or have seen scars on me. I feel for all the people who are stuck in that rut though too.

My son has "Love" on his arms today....

That's good, not to cause any conflict about it. I didn't participate in it and totally forgot about it, but one of my coping mechanisms is purposefully forgetting. Like I've said before I can't deny that TWLOHA is basically good and has helped people. I hope that it gives him a greater sense of meaning.

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TWLOHA annoys the shit out of me because the whole thing started with a herion addict that sliced up her arms while stoned. As a former cutter, it just bothers me that the best example those people could find of someone who self harms was someone strung out on drugs. There are people out there who are trying to live a normal life as best as they can, who still hurt themselves.

Generally heroin addicts have deep mental issues.. That's why they start doing a drug that could kill them at any time. I honestly think it's a fine example.

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Generally heroin addicts have deep mental issues.. That's why they start doing a drug that could kill them at any time. I honestly think it's a fine example.

I used to lived below a couple that were heroin addicts. I felt sorry for them, I used to give them food and shit, they had alot of mental health issues. Ultimately, the wife ended up dying of an overdose and the very next day the husband committed suicide.

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