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Where does your "look" come from?


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Some people have a signature look to them. Some people have a style all their own. Sometimes, it was inspired by something at some point in their life.

So where does yours come from?

Me personally - I blame Taxi Driver around 1995. As a dirt poor angry aggressive teenager with a giant chip on the shoulder, that movie blew me away. I mohawked my hair for the first time shortly after seeing that. The hawk has been part of my look ever since. The aviators that I am never without don't come from that though. They come from a female I used to know wearing some. I took them off of her face and put them on and decided "Hey, I like that!". The rest is history lol. I've been told many times that the hawk and glasses is how someone knew it was me at city lol. Heck at Dead-Line the other day I had three people say that...

So, I can say my own look was originally inspired by Taxi Driver and has evolved from there. You?

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Several places... the music and movies I like... and my wife likes the facial hair.

I used to have more of a look.... that came from an odd combination of Ogre, Pantera, and various specters... from movies and comic books.... I also liked purple hair and tall boots

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Several things:

-Simple but formal, capable of being anywhere in professional society and circles I wander with minimal changes.

-Functional and practical without looking like I walked out of a war zone.

-Outfits that can blend to a lot of areas with only a few pieces. Comes from needing to travel with very little.

-Ease of care and fast processing.

-A lot came from the service dress uniforms, with a bit of a nod to Interlochen in dress-and-go style.

-Organic (mostly cotton,) is my preferred fabric.

-Strong preference to neutral/dark colors. I wear brighter on rare occasions.

-The hair is military. I take all of 10 seconds to get ready in the morning, compared with 5 minutes when I had my hair longer.

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My "look" is what I ended up with about 2-3 yrs ago, after my debacle that ended with me getting a real haircut for the first time in 14 yrs. Nowadays, my look is neat, clean, easy to maintain. I don't have long hair anymore, so now I don't get hit with the usual bs: When ya gonna cut yer hair ?? Cut yer hair Hippie! Things like that. I spent a great deal of my time in a work uniform anyway, so wearing my own clothes sometimes feels foreign to me.

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I've been through alot of phases with different 'looks'

The old hair, that was mostly shaved with bangs...came from Fairuza Balk's character in American History X.

But my STANDARD look mostly comes from:

- Growing up with my grandma watching her do her hair in the 50's styles.

- Old family photos

- Old movies/ movie starlets

- Growing up around motorcycles/car shows/ the whole classic-car-greaser type lifestyle

And my heritage plays a part sometimes, too. [Chicano]

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well, considering i was a tomboy growing up... yeah, it started there.. all with a pair of male boardshorts with oranges, neon greens, yellows... and the base color was black... i was three... that was my first "goth" article of clothing. LOL

I liked the usual thing that kids like, growing up, simply because kids in my time (yeah, i know its not that long ago, sillies, but think about it) didn't really have all that variation in their wardrobe. generic pants when its cold, generic shorts when its warm... and the same goes with shirts. the most crazy thing i had that was "out there" was a pale pink parka, when i was around five.. and that's only because the purple one wouldn't have been warm enough (purple was actually my favorite color, as well as red.. and red was usually a boy's color for some reason), and mom wouldn't let me pick from the boy's coats lol

when i started being able to pick my own clothes, when we went shopping, it started to get more girly... but i still preferred darker colors for the most part.. and sadly, in coordinating colors.... like: light green shorts if my shirt had light green stripes on them... i dressed like a little old man, when i was in middle school.. LOL

in 8th grade, i became "goth" or as many people often refered to me as "that freak over there". I dunno how or why or whatever, but my lipstick got darker, my clothes turned black.. and i have no idea how, because I'd NEVER seen someone wear what i wore, or wear their makeup like i did, or any of that... I just loved the look and its evolved over the years.. granted those are short years, but years none the less...

right now, i'm more of a "goth who can't afford anything 'goth' " right now... can't afford the clothing I like... so... walmart it is LOL they have some nice clothing there, but none that i can really wear... can't wear the cute stuff, i'm too old/big... don't want to wear the more adult stuff, because 40 year old corprate woman just isn't my style (it looks good, but not me)... and everything's just so... vibrant! i like colors, but i don't want to look like an upholstered couch lol or a tent, or a 90 year old woman.. or even a 40 year old woman. I can go for 30ish, but I'm still 23... LOL (and no, i don't like the teeny stuff... well.. some of it, i guess, but I can't wear it anyway, because of my boobs and tummy LOL)

in my wardrobe, right now, i have a pair of tan slacks, a brown shirt to match.... some black pants, some red shirts... some sweaters and that's pretty much it. lol also, a couple skirts.. one i made is white.. had a Spanish red skirt but the fabric is older than I am, and is too delicate to wear anymore... i've ripped it. :(

A friend of mine calls me a "Gothic gypsy" i don't know if that's accurate or not. i suppose it is, based on what i've worn around him, but yeah.. who knows... i love layers, even if they don't match... ones that hug my boobs and flow off my hips... i love a good pair of pants, and warm shirts.. my most popular article of clothing are my tank-tops and my skirts.... and a pair of sweat pants :)

ok, so i don't think that answered the question, but it did give a glimpse into my closet LOL


(I feel like i just wrote a small essay. LOL)

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My look changes a lot, but I do have some basic guidelines I try to follow.

1) I like to stick as closely as possible to classic, simple lines. Too much detail, tailoring, frou-frou detracts from one's natural beauty, and it bugs me.

2) Any time I can work in a hint of "retro" I will.

3) I always try to choose things that are feminine and figure flattering. Even if I am being a tom-boy for a day I like to look like a girl. I've never been a fan of gender neutral hair styles. I like clothes that accentuate my hourglass figure, my legs, and my neck. I always try to be sexy without being slutty. Of course the line between sexy and slutty is a lot different for professional clothing, casual clothing, dress clothing, and club wear, but I usually have a sexy touch in there somewhere, even if it's just frilly lingerie under my clothes.

4) Most of my clothing tends to be pretty low maintenance. I hate ironing, I hate hand-washing, I hate going to the dry cleaners. I will choose clothing that does not require me to do these things whenever possible.

5)Most importantly, I try wear things in a way that is as unique as it can possibly be. I don't want 10 other people to be dressed in the exact same style that I am wearing. I never wear more than one trendy thing at a time, because I hate the idea of looking like a trend-slave.

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Well, clothing wise, I've always sported one of two looks, baggy shorts and a band shirt or very large pants, a band shirt an a hoodie. lol Now, from the time I was 12 to 20, I kept really long blonde hair, atleast down to my shoulder blades, everyone used to be able to spot me from the hair and hoodie. Now a days, everyones just thinks I'm Slogo... lol

But I get my style basically from Metal Heads, which is cool, it allows me to fit into almost any type of Metal group and, the goth scene. lol

Edited by TheLordOfSins
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  On 10/25/2009 at 4:44 PM, kat said:

I am creating a new look that I would probably call Ghetto-Goth.

They're called Juggalos :tongue:

I try not to be the same person twice but I usually leave hints of yellow in case someone is clever enough to figure it out. Some do, most don't, and I go unnoticed if I choose to.

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