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Where does your "look" come from?


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I like black clothes.

I don't like attention.

I like dread falls.

I like having my septum pierced.

I like red hair.

I like changing my hair color.

I like tattoos.

I like pants.

I like my eyes and lips, so I highlight those things.

Edited by bean water
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"yes thats cleanish"

"that looks comfy"

"ooh thats warm"


That was funny

I hate clothes. I wish we could all be naked all the time, then there'd be no hierarchy.

Although I'm a total hypocrite since I'm always dressing the women at City Club with my eyes.

Seriously, boobs are sexy, asses are sexy, your stomach rolls are not!

If you're a size 18, why are you wearing a size 12 outfit??

My look is:

Doc Martens, black pants I found on the floor, black shirt that doesn't give me moobs.

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oK...first off...this song, is what I really identify with...be it cliche or not...I have no care...it was, is, & most likely will ever be pertinent in my mind, in definition to me.....I AM DIFFERANT...so, I being an honest being, dress on "THE-ODD-SIDE"...


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They're called Juggalos :tongue:

I try not to be the same person twice but I usually leave hints of yellow in case someone is clever enough to figure it out. Some do, most don't, and I go unnoticed if I choose to.


They are ghetto-goths that listen to, & follow the ICP...Crazy Davy & some of us gother-than-rivet-heads started doing this style in the mid 90s, when ICP was wearing jerseys & gangster fare still... Swear it.

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comfort is a big issue

I had my leather jacket in 00. I walked around a lot and in a windy Michigan winter it was and still is helpful.

Black is just a good color for fat guys such as myself

T shirts and jeans are comfortable though

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I am me.... I wear mostly black well cause to try and find something in the stores for a heavy gal for some reason the designers seem to think you need to have a HUGE ulgy flower on whatever it is your trying to buy on it.... I go for comfort but if im going out with a friends or what not I try to be a lil more dressy.. most of the things I own thoe are concert shirts, and jeans.

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I've been avoiding this thread because I really don't know what to say.

I get some of my style from the rock scene. Band tees, ripped jeans, Converse, hoodies, beanies, studded bracelets.

At the club...it is usually a cute sort of gothic theme...I'm not sure where I got that from. Maybe just whatever I feel like. When I wear brighter clothes to the club, its based on the rave scene.


And sometimes I wear the layered tanks with brighter hoodies...and sometimes skinny jeans.

But that's not too often.


So, I dunno.

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My look as of now came from one word that you all are gonna kill me for but.......emo. Yeah. I used to dress like almost every other girl in Detroit (although I always had my own twist on things and sometimes didn't wear stuff the girls would typically wear...I like "funkier" stuff I guess). But I moved to Harper Woods and of course not everyone dresses the same in the suburbs. In the city all I saw was the hip hop looking guys and the girls with their styles. In high 12th grade when I went to Grosse Pointe North I saw some of that style. And I heard this one girl tell this boy that he was "so emo" and I asked what emo was. They told me something (I forgot) but I wanted to know more so I looked it up. I had already been liking Fall Out Boy (shut up laughing!) and learned that they were called "emo" so I looked up everything I could listened to all the bands that I heard of through that one word and it evolved from there. The style of course was a part of it and I liked it and slowly began wearing black eyeliner doing it heavier and heavier, then black nails, then thew rest of it came along. Everything went from there. That lead to me liking the "goth" look and all the variations and anything else like "punk" and all it's variations. I also incorporate a little scene style sometimes and raver but that could also be considered "emo". Some of it crosses over into other styles. I want a more extreme look though. Lol.

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gothic retro gypsy-queen urban barbarian ghetto biker chick, evolved from GQ girl in high school (late '70s) and old school punk in college (early '80s). At work I wear African.

The bar scene that starts around 2:57 is a pretty fair representation of how I dressed through most of the '80s. However, my friends & I did not work choreographed dance magick against sleazy dudes. At least not that I remember.


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