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Storm Knight vs Gimp: Sushi night part 2

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Just catching up on this thread... :rofl:

OMG We have both witnessed FIRST HAND (sitting next to SK) the total annihilation that the SK can bring (to food). :fear:

This is awesome!!! I'll be there since I live so close! :)

Oh, come on. I know people that can eat more. Gimp, unfortunately, is not one of them.

Flashbacks and nightmares?! I can't be that bad. Annihilate food? I mean, I don't eat as fast as patron saint number 2, Luffy:

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Yeah, same place. This restaurant is rich with greatness.

They has bubbly teas and hot Japanee waitresses who aren't snooty.

Actually, I've never seen a Japanese girl in the place...cute Asian girls, yes, by the dozen, but I've never seen any Japanese people at all. Though this doesn't make the place any less awesome.

For those who are wondering, the sushi is sort of a side buffet, despite the fact that it's huge. They have a shit-ton of Japanee food and even have some Chinee, Korean and Thai favorites, so if you like any asian foods at tall, you'll definitely find something you like. Also, at dinner time, it's definitely pricey, but they pull out all of the crazy shit like lobster tails and swordfish and stuff you've prolly not ever had.

However, if you pay for lunch and try to take stuff marked as dinner items when it becomes dinner time, a guy comes out of the kitchen and karate chops your neck-back.

I don't think you could do lunch at 7pm anyway. ^^

Sushi is to the side, yes, but it's not at all a small selection...it's pretty kickass.

Lobster tails and the like are extra, but available. Yummies. :D

I personally eat so much sushi I can't think of anything else, besides maybe some green tea ice cream for dessert, so I don't need to pay extra for the lobster and such. ^^

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so whats the official date?????

Alright, looks like the date has been set,

Sushi night part 2, Featuring Storm Knight vs the Gimp

7:00 pm, Saturday, November 14th 2009

Fuji Restaurant, located on John R. Near 14 mile rd.

Cost for dinner: $19.99 +tax (yeah yeah, I know I know, +tax, lol)

Buffet includes all you can eat good quality sushi, other buffet items available as well.

Drinks extra.

Come one, come all, Lets have some fun!

OMG, Gimp, if you don't show up, then it will be StormKnight VS. the rest of us, and from what I've been reading from this thread, that is still going to be one hell of a challenge! lol =P

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OMG, Gimp, if you don't show up, then it will be StormKnight VS. the rest of us, and from what I've been reading from this thread, that is still going to be one hell of a challenge! lol =P

What? My appetite vs. everyone else there on DGN? Come on, I don't eat that much. :wink I mean, what is the fear or concern?

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OH MAN!! I soo would have loved to be a part of this.. but that is the night of "THE WITCHING HOUR" at the Leland Ballroom, and i have to be there setting up all day *pout* I LOVE SUSHI!! and one of my roomates does too..

Hmmm.. I wonder if I give someone money if they can bring me a sushi takeout box that night to the ballroom... that would be sooo awesome.

anyone interested in helping a lady in dire need of sushi??


I hope that this event happens again so that i can make it

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It's before that. Eat some Sushi... relax a bit... change and go to Leyland/City for the rest of the night. :yes

Fidget is working for me... she has to be at the Leland at 6:30

so.. anyone wants to bring 2 ladies in need soe sushi on their way back from this event????

we are sooo the ladies in distress!!

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Anyone need to work up an appetite before SUSHI NIGHT???

Help me MOVE! XDXD

I'm moving earlier that day from one apartment to another, both in Farmington Hills. It shouldn't be a HUGE job, since it's just the contents of a single 1 bedroom apartment (1 bed, 2 couches, a kitchen table and chairs, microwave and toaster, some lamps, a BIG desk, a couple computers and TVs, a china cabinet, a few shelves, a few dressers, and more boxes of books and purses and hats and more bags of clothing and wigs and hats and such than 1 girl should legally be allowed to own), but it's more than I can accomplish without some help! If I can get a few people to help out, it should go very quickly. People are more than welcome to chill about for a while afterwards and shower and such if they'd like before SUSHI NIGHT, or to make their way home and then come back out. I want to get started earlyish (late morning, maybe 11 or so?) and finish in early afternoon, giving lots of time for relaxing and cleaning up and such before SUSHI NIGHT, and also finishing before dark.

I think last year when I moved we completed the entire job in under 6 hours, and that included an hour drive from old place to new place, plus 2 separate trips to pick up furniture from other cities bought off Craig's List, and a leisurely lunch, so I think this should be no problem.

Thread about this:


I am offering multiple rewards in exchange for your kindly offered services, including but not limited to my unending devotion and gratitude!! :D:D


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Ladies and Gentleman come one come all to Sushi Mania at the FUJI!!!! where you will witness Mike "Stormknight" take on Jesse "Gimp" in the ultimate Sushi eat off...no prisoners will be spared at this event its a no holds bar fishy eat off and the winner will be crowned sushi eating champion until the next title defense main the event starts at

at 7pm





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dammit why does it have to be the night of our show :cry ... were going to have make another sushi night @ fugi that's not on a show night cuz that place is so good and its just around the corner from me ..and it would be nice to have a large group of friends there with me!!!

Edited by XillaToxic
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