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Storm Knight vs Gimp: Sushi night part 2

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We has a reservation. I made it for 20 people for now but I imagine it may change a bit - it would be appreciated if anyone who knows they will or will NOT be coming, please post here so I can call again Friday or Saturday and let them know a more accurate number.

Our reservation is under the name.....


As for our unfortunate performers who cannot make it, I inquired about pricing for carry-out. There are 2 options - buying off the menu as at any normal sushi restaurant (I can't seem to find a menu online, so I'm not sure what they have or the prices), or picking straight off the buffet. For the buffet, maki-zushi (rolls) are 50cents/piece (like, a standard roll is cut into about 6 parts, right? Each part/bite is $0.50), and nigiri-zushi or sashimi (just the fish, no rice) is $1/piece.

Please speak up with your orders! Nothing too specific please, I don't know what exactly they'll have, but a general idea of what you want / what you want to spend / things you definitely want included / things you definitely DON'T want included. XD

I am there for SURE, possibly with a + 1 depending how my friends work schedule comes out.

Regardless, I can't wait to see this Competition !

Both the Champion & the Challenger are great guys, may the man with the largest bottomless pit WIN ! ! !

DGN + SUSHI = GREAT TIMES with Friends ! ! !

By the way, um, since I have NEVER been there, is there a link to their location ? ? ?

Thanks . . . .

See U soon ! ! !

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*Looks as sushi bar with Gimp*

*Look at each other*

Simultaneously: OK we got what we want. What are you guys having?

*nods head* oh yea...there going to HATE us....after we leave that place...can you imagine the poor sushi chef is ganna have nightmare....it was only two of them...and they cleaned me out...ive never seen 2 people eat enough sushi that they coulda feed the dinner party they came with...oh god...i hope they dont come back

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Are you planning to come late? Give StormKnight a headstart? I don't think you need to give him a handicap...

The show starts at 7:00PM promptly! Be there!

(That's 26 hours from now, not 27 :p )

OOPS...yes then 26 more hours YAY no head start for Mr.Knight

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We need pics :p

I wish I could be there for this.. It shall be epic.

do you really wanna see pics of all the carnage me and StormKnight are ganna bestow upon the poor little FUJI i feel bad....almost, i mean really....pics of storm knight with half a spider roll hanging out his mouth well ok that would be epic

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soooooo close, I'm goin to bed now...but it was so hard to get to sleep cuz I'm sooooo hyped not only about the eat off...but i get to see soooo many amazing people i haven't been ABLE to hang out with in quite some time cuz i cant really hang out at CC anymore cuz of my door shift....but I'm so happy to see all my good gothy friends going

Hunhee, haven't been able to hang out with you and your other half since the almighty Gargleblaster ^_^, Claix and Spook same thing =D Tszura and Nightgaunt haven't seen y'all since Halloween :p i cant wait to meet Meg haven't had the pleasure yet ;) MOM....(aka Miss Starrr) haven't seen you since you seen my genitals LOL *snort* TheOsakaKoneko same thing i see you guys at CC but haven't been able to chill since Sushi last year =/ but YAY Cherny met with you briefly at DGN night 0.0 =P seems like AGES since i seen Nienna =D and Msterbeau and Riku the man that put it all into the works i pat you down every Saturday but haven't chilled since Sushi as well =/ =P and Mr.Knight the Champ....cant wait for our friendly eat off bro...shall be fun ^_^

i hope the others can make it out as well Brendette i haven't met you yet, hope to get the chance ^_^ Mean Sally DUDE i haven't seen you since i was able to indulge in some of your tasty baked goods at Halo's old place =/ hope you show ^_~ Kat hope you show as well Slogo and eevee you 2 better come, and Jynxxxy cant forget you of course Ive only met you once or twice and it was very brief cuz i was working every time at CC =/ i hope you are able to make it

see everyone in a handfull of hours hopfully everyone shows ^_^

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