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So, bean and I were planning in sitting at home with a $.48 Banquet Turkey Pot Pie on Thanksgiving, and then I thought---


We could do a potluck, where each person brings something.

Or if you can't bring something, yourself.

Or if you can't bring yourself, have someone else do it.


Anyone else alone on Thanksgiving?

Want to get together?

Maybe find a Thanksgiving horror movie or some other flick to watch?

We'll get a turkey--you'd get the rest.

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Someone tell me location, and what needs to be brought. Unlike many of my past holidays, I will not be working for either Thanksgiving or Christmas. So instead of working to give family people the day off, I am going to be an orphan this year.

I can bake, and do some cooking.

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if i land the job that i just got interviewed at, or some other, i don't know if i can make it, but in the event that i can, I'd love to come, and I'll offer gas money to someone to come get me, along with something yummy... I'll know more, the closer it gets. I'm hoping to make something like my mom's broccoli casserole (which is the best damn thing I've ever eaten ever. lol) so, i if i can make it, that's what I'll bring. I'll keep you all posted....

This was an awesome idea!

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Someone tell me location, and what needs to be brought. Unlike many of my past holidays, I will not be working for either Thanksgiving or Christmas. So instead of working to give family people the day off, I am going to be an orphan this year.

I can bake, and do some cooking.

It would be at our house. Pm either me or the eternal for the location/address :)

Once it gets closer, we will figure out who is bringing what and what needs to be brought.

As a side note, our house is small, so I hope everyone doesn't mind being crammed together.

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This sounds like fun. I presume the party will still be going after us non-orphans are well done with the family celebrationings? XD I'd love to stop by later in the evening. I will be a stuffed goose by that point but I'd be happy to bring something tasty or at the very least a couple bottles of wine to contribute to everyone else's overfilling of themselves. XD

What city is this lovely home in?

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P.S. I'm doing a trial run of a Thanksgiving dinner tonight, if anyone's in my area, and wants to drop in...just because I wanted a turkey dinner.

The boneless turkey breast roast is just about to come out of the oven. Mashed potatoes and gravy, dressing, veggie medley, cranberry sauce, and Cheddar Bay biscuits.

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It would be at our house. Pm either me or the eternal for the location/address :)

Once it gets closer, we will figure out who is bringing what and what needs to be brought.

As a side note, our house is small, so I hope everyone doesn't mind being crammed together.

Sweet...I'm touching heinies.

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Ok, I got your attention.

This IS going to happen.

Kids are great!

Although I have ano screeching rule

Two screeches


and they eat outside

For all the people coming, BRING FOOD!

We are supplying a 20 lb turkey and Mashed Potatoes.

(Although we need a good carver)

You bring the rest.

I will PM people bean and my address the week of.

BYOW. (Bring your own wine--let's have some class for T'giving)


FANGSGIVING--PART DEUX--The child-free edition

AFTER the families leave---

ANYONE that wants to come here to unwind after putting up with

their own f&^%ed up families, post here.

If there's enough interest, We'll do a post-T'giving party after the kids leave.

We can bitch about our families, gossip about all the DGNers we don't like

(It's happened at every other get-together--why not this one??

AND watch a good movie starring people more sane than our families



This will be a drama-free zone ALL NIGHT!

That's the whole point.

There's the family you're stuck with and the family you choose.

PS I feel silly posting this on a goth board, but we have a cat.

If you're allergic, don't come. I don't say that to be a dick, but if we put her in a room all night, she would claw though the door. She's sweet, but when she's away from her humans, she gets terrified.

If we close the door for a minute, it sounds like ten rats are trying to make their way in, and that's no fun to listen to while eating turkey. :yes

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Menu for Thanksgiving:


Turkey ---the eternal

Mashed Potatoes ---bean water

Potato Salad ---Ivycat

Water ---Mother Nature


Stuffing (bread/cornbread stuffing---maybe with onions & celery)

Homemade turkey gravy

Green bean and fried onion casserole.

Canned Jellied cranberry sauce (the homemade stuff is always hit or miss and we got kids coming)

Cranberry jello mold.(optional)

Big tossed salad

Tofurkey (If you're vegetarian and want to bring a non-meat alternative)

Sweet Corn

Deviled Eggs

HOT Rolls (or Pilsbury Crescent Rolls)

Pumpkin pie or Apple Pie or Pecan Pie or brownies or pumpkin cheesecake :bow

DINNER GUEST CHOICE (if you think you can make something better than what's above)


That disgustingly sweet concoction made with mashed sweet potatoes, pineapple and melted crusty marshmallows on the top.


Sweet potatoes---Leave em at home. My house I say YES to deviled eggs and NO to sweet potatoes or yams


CHECK YOUR NAME IF YOU'RE COMING (and what you're bringing--many of the things above can be bought at Meijer's)

AND how many in your group or family, so I know if one turkey's enough











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