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Trixies coffee house is no more


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Trixies coffee house in Roseville on Gratiot avenue closed their doors on sunday night. A very popular hangout with many DGNers is no more. This place saved my life while I was going through divorce. I found out about DGN through this place and the people I met. I have no idea what to do with myself on sunday nights now. Any DGNer who has a found memory please share it. The lack of money coming in closed the place down although I hear family of the owner are trying to get her to sighn the buisness over to them so they can keep it going.

Edited by prick
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I read some poems there not too long ago. My best friend and I (Niche) used to hang out there all the time and chain smoke while we discussed everything imaginable. Being there with her helped me through some bad relationships, including my divorce.

It made for great people watching and commentary.

There was also this one time when we got drunk before we went there and everything was really really funny :)

I rarely went there over the past few years because I just got too busy with other things.

I'm sorry I wasn't able to make it there for the last night. It's sad that the place closed.

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that place was such a major part of the last 5 or 6 years of my life. lots of open-mic fun, not to mention that it was the scene of the two best musical performances I ever gave. Met so many cool people there, and actually got to know a few of them.

Hopefully, Trish's family can keep it going...but even if they can't, I'm still thankful for the time it had.

bean water: if your friend Niche plays violin, I probably met you at some point.

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that place was such a major part of the last 5 or 6 years of my life. lots of open-mic fun, not to mention that it was the scene of the two best musical performances I ever gave. Met so many cool people there, and actually got to know a few of them.

Hopefully, Trish's family can keep it going...but even if they can't, I'm still thankful for the time it had.

bean water: if your friend Niche plays violin, I probably met you at some point.

Niche does play violin - she's part of Tone and Niche :)

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Wow! This sucks! Trixie's was always a comfortable place to go, and just hang out. I know we didn't make it often, but going to the poetry night when we could go was always a good time. Not knowing much about tea's, the helpful staff there always had good suggestions for whatever mood I was in. I was never disappointed. Yup, this sucks! I hope it can be resurrected!

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I remember when Trisha was a customer of mine at Monty's. She and her boyfriend at the time kept talking about opening the place; she was so excited. I was actually her very first employee and taught Trish, the middle sister, and Jeff how to make espresso drinks. This spring, Trish had me cover for her when she was out of town; what I saw there made me suspect that it was going to close for financial reasons. It didn't really help that recent events (I am NOT taking sides or talking any shit here--each had their separate reasons), spurred the hosts of the open mics to leave; Dave, Alyssum, Rev & Melinda were much loved and had loyal followings. I know that over the years, people have had their issues with Trish or others there, but to me, that place was a second home. I would be there almost daily except when finances made that impossible. I am going to miss the hell out of that place. But what most saddens me, and makes the closing of Trixie's the end of an era in my eyes, is that it was the last of the independent coffee houses with open mics that worked to inspire and create a small community around it in the Metro Detroit area. Gotham City Cafe: gone. The Zone: gone. Bittersweet: gone. Roadrunner's Raft (even though it was really a bar): gone. Lily's 21 (also a bar): gone. Cup-a-cino: gone. Urban Break: gone. Xhedo's: gone. I don't care much for AJ's, though I've tried. I've heard good things about Cafe 1923...is the tradition still alive?

But Trixie's. Since it first opened in December of 2001...so many memories. I would have to leave because of money or transportation issues, once for a couple of years at a stretch, but would come back and find some old friends and make new ones. I will miss the Scrabble. I will miss the cooperative crossword puzzle solving. I will miss talking to high school kids who are going through precisely the same kinds of experiences we've all had thinking no one before them have ever had those experiences. (It's endearing, really.) I will miss staying up to 1 am, my eyes wrestling the dual nemeses of cigarette smoke and exhaustion, as I suffer through the bad music just to hear some familiar faves and the occasional debut of a new gem (usually Spammer's). I will miss the idle chatter, confidences, wild conjecture, and double entendre. I will just miss the hell out of that place.

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Trixies closed down largely because the owner, Trish, spent the last two months of what was supposed to be rent traveling across the US with her new fling. I have little to no respect for Trish. Her attitutde, work ethic, and much of everything else were appalling, to say the least.

I have watched her fight with her mother, yell at employees and customers alike, treat the place like it was a flop house when-ever she wanted, and more often then not act like she was above everyone else. Thats NOT the way someone who is running a public place, such as Trixies, should have acted, and her attitude and lack of responsible spending habits are much to do with the reasons why Trixies had to close down.

I loved Trixies. Patty, Jeff, and some of the other employees were amazing people to hang out with and talk with. Hell, my best friend Deuce used to work there along time ago.

so...I guess it comes down to hoping that Patty and some others can keep it alive, and till then, looking for some other place ot chase ppl around the block and have an AMAZING cup of coffee with an AMAZING crowd of people.

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Trixies closed down largely because the owner, Trish, spent the last two months of what was supposed to be rent traveling across the US with her new fling. I have little to no respect for Trish. Her attitutde, work ethic, and much of everything else were appalling, to say the least.

I have watched her fight with her mother, yell at employees and customers alike, treat the place like it was a flop house when-ever she wanted, and more often then not act like she was above everyone else. Thats NOT the way someone who is running a public place, such as Trixies, should have acted, and her attitude and lack of responsible spending habits are much to do with the reasons why Trixies had to close down.

I loved Trixies. Patty, Jeff, and some of the other employees were amazing people to hang out with and talk with. Hell, my best friend Deuce used to work there along time ago.

so...I guess it comes down to hoping that Patty and some others can keep it alive, and till then, looking for some other place ot chase ppl around the block and have an AMAZING cup of coffee with an AMAZING crowd of people.

Well said bro!!yeah she was not even around for the last day,yes I had lost respect for her as well,she was so cool back in the days.I really hate it when people change for the worst,and they get all uptight when you mention they changed for the worst,and allowing highschool brats to do what ever they wanted.other than that,I have been going there almost 6 years,and damn I missed the old day,Jeff,mom,and the rest of the crew are very good friends of mine,and always will,so hopefully mom will take over,so for right now FT's will be the place to go,been running into a few of the Trixies crowd there.


Edited by Darque Metallion
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  • 3 weeks later...

I am interested. There are some items of mine there that I forgot to collect, like my chair and my Super Scrabble game. I wonder if people will let me have them without bidding on them. I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish I had the money to buy the cappuccino machine and grinder and accoutrements. I want to open a coffeehouse some day. And I want one of those type cappuccino makers, because most of them on the market today are crappy fully automated ones that make espresso with weak-ass crema and burn the espresso to boot. Maybe if I buy a MegaMillions ticket today.........

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I am interested. There are some items of mine there that I forgot to collect, like my chair and my Super Scrabble game. I wonder if people will let me have them without bidding on them. I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish I had the money to buy the cappuccino machine and grinder and accoutrements. I want to open a coffeehouse some day. And I want one of those type cappuccino makers, because most of them on the market today are crappy fully automated ones that make espresso with weak-ass crema and burn the espresso to boot. Maybe if I buy a MegaMillions ticket today.........

I wonder if Jeff got his piano out of there.

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guess thats official then. I had heard things about Patty and Mo trying to buy the place off trish...guess trish decided to be too much of a bitch....*sigh*.....

Not cool, Dude :dry:

She's out.. Has nothing to do with it now.

She's going on to a better life w/ a really great guy. You shouldn't dog on her for trying to build a family life for herself.. Even if she has been a bit shady at times.

Everyone has their reasons for doing shit.. YOU, of all people, should know how that goes.

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Not cool, Dude :dry:

She's out.. Has nothing to do with it now.

She's going on to a better life w/ a really great guy. You shouldn't dog on her for trying to build a family life for herself.. Even if she has been a bit shady at times.

Everyone has their reasons for doing shit.. YOU, of all people, should know how that goes.

do you even know the story behind it?

How she KNEW she needed the money for rent, but blew it flying her and her well off boy-toy all over the US?

Were you there when she yelled at Patty in front of everyone?

Or there when 3 ppl helped her move her stuff out of Daves place and she bitched them out after?

Did you live with her and hear her bitching about everyone in the coffee house?

She even complained about Jeff.

She is the REASON that the Coffee house is gone. Shady does not describe how trish treated or spoke about a good portion of the ppl there.

She was knowingly irresponsible, and when Patty and Mo attempted to buy her half of the shop off her, Trish refused.

Ducks a Duck, Omg...and Trish is a bitch....and is the reason we lost a great place.

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Thank you, drive through :)

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