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Conservatives Maintain Edge as Top Ideological Group

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Conservatives Maintain Edge as Top Ideological Group (full story here)

PRINCETON, NJ -- Conservatives continue to outnumber moderates and liberals in the American populace in 2009, confirming a finding that Gallup first noted in June. Forty percent of Americans describe their political views as conservative, 36% as moderate, and 20% as liberal. This marks a shift from 2005 through 2008, when moderates were tied with conservatives as the most prevalent group.

let me just add... It seems Obama has done something since he came into office... he has pushed people farther to the right.

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It is interesting... but it makes me wonder.... If Obama is pushing people to the right, does that make him a more successful or less successful anti-christ?

I am only asking because as I understand it... the anitchrist is supposed to unite people like never before and then be all evil stompy... I think its possible that Obama is an actual human politician...

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Conservatives Maintain Edge as Top Ideological Group (full story here)

PRINCETON, NJ -- Conservatives continue to outnumber moderates and liberals in the American populace in 2009, confirming a finding that Gallup first noted in June. Forty percent of Americans describe their political views as conservative, 36% as moderate, and 20% as liberal. This marks a shift from 2005 through 2008, when moderates were tied with conservatives as the most prevalent group.

let me just add... It seems Obama has done something since he came into office... he has pushed people farther to the right.

Okay, a thought that just crossed my mind, please help me decipher it if you can....

Conservatism is the top ideological group in America; Yet Obama, the Liberal Democrat won the election.

If the majority of people in America are of the Conservative Ideology, then why did most American vote Liberal when they voted for president ?

Maybe I'm just missing something here.

As some may have already have seen,

my views tend to lean toward conservatism.

However, I find myself raising my hand saying "umm Whatchootawkinbout Wyllis!??" at this moment.

Clarification....someone....anyone...Beuller.....anyone ?

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Okay, a thought that just crossed my mind, please help me decipher it if you can....

Conservatism is the top ideological group in America; Yet Obama, the Liberal Democrat won the election.

If the majority of people in America are of the Conservative Ideology, then why did most American vote Liberal when they voted for president ?

Maybe I'm just missing something here.

As some may have already have seen,

my views tend to lean toward conservatism.

However, I find myself raising my hand saying "umm Whatchootawkinbout Wyllis!??" at this moment.

Clarification....someone....anyone...Beuller.....anyone ?

One theory... (and just a thought off the top of my head). Is the Obama was not in fact elected on his Ideology at all.... he was elected because he was the one who was the most NOT BUSH of the candidates. It will take a lot of time for the name "conservative" or "republican" to heal from the damage Bush caused the labels.

Now the term "liberal" was successfully made into almost a put down over the previous administration... I think what is happening now is that most Americans who considered themselves conservative are simply trying to reclaim the term, as Bush put such a negative association with it. So what happened was a lot of people who were Conservatives were like "Hey I am a conservative, but this political entity took the term conservative and twisted it to mean rightwing extremist, and I don't want to be affiliated with that, so I am going to vote for the other bloke, so I can sleep at night."

I don't think of Bush as in the same line of thinking as most of the conservatives I have talked with, even if he used the term. So in a sense I agree with the artical, there are more conservatives then liberals, but the conservatives are real ones, not fanatical Bush brand.

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One theory... (and just a thought off the top of my head). Is the Obama was not in fact elected on his Ideology at all.... he was elected because he was the one who was the most NOT BUSH of the candidates. It will take a lot of time for the name "conservative" or "republican" to heal from the damage Bush caused the labels.

Now the term "liberal" was successfully made into almost a put down over the previous administration... I think what is happening now is that most Americans who considered themselves conservative are simply trying to reclaim the term, as Bush put such a negative association with it. So what happened was a lot of people who were Conservatives were like "Hey I am a conservative, but this political entity took the term conservative and twisted it to mean rightwing extremist, and I don't want to be affiliated with that, so I am going to vote for the other bloke, so I can sleep at night."

I don't think of Bush as in the same line of thinking as most of the conservatives I have talked with, even if he used the term. So in a sense I agree with the artical, there are more conservatives then liberals, but the conservatives are real ones, not fanatical Bush brand.

Hmmn, good points indeed. Perhaps Bush putting that aforementioned negative association with conservatism, could be one of many reasons why so many people hated him...

Edited by creatureofthenyte
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Hmmn, good points indeed. Perhaps Bush putting that aforementioned negative association with conservatism, could be one of many reasons why so many people hated him...

I really have no issues, and in fact agree with a lot of people who call themselves conservative on many points... It's really only the Bushy Conservatives I have an issue with. I mean you call yourself conservative, titsmcgee as well... but I don't get the impression that you guys are wire tapping, anti islamic, christian warrior, prisoner tourchering, big business sucking, kill all the poor, science is evil, knuckleheads that have been associated with the term.

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I really have no issues, and in fact agree with a lot of people who call themselves conservative on many points... It's really only the Bushy Conservatives I have an issue with. I mean you call yourself conservative, titsmcgee as well... but I don't get the impression that you guys are wire tapping, anti islamic, christian warrior, prisoner tourchering, big business sucking, kill all the poor, science is evil, knuckleheads that have been associated with the term.

Well thanks...I think.

I don't believe in wiretapping.

Umm I'm not anti Islamic..

Not quite sure what the term Christian Warrior means

Prisoner torturing, not 100% sure as to what my position on that is.

Big business sucking = taxing them to death, so they have to layoff alot of people...yeah I'm not cool with that.

Kill all the poor..Max Baucus, Harry Reid, And Nancy "wicked witch of the west" Pelosi seem to be a helluva lot more interested in that then I am.(I still support insurance being able to be sold across state lines realistically driving down costs...oh yah and tort reform too.)

I don't believe science is evil; I do think that Al Gore is doing all that environmental stuff just for the money.

I am okay with science but I think cap and tax will kill our economy; people will get sick when they catch a cold cuz they can't afford to put the heat on.

So yeah, I'm a conservative I guess.

Edited by creatureofthenyte
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I really have no issues, and in fact agree with a lot of people who call themselves conservative on many points... It's really only the Bushy Conservatives I have an issue with. I mean you call yourself conservative, titsmcgee as well... but I don't get the impression that you guys are wire tapping, anti islamic, christian warrior, prisoner tourchering, big business sucking, kill all the poor, science is evil, knuckleheads that have been associated with the term.

How exactly did I get brought into this lol.

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The "conservatives" that I don't like are the neo-cons. They are far too jingoistic.

I've got no problem with patriotism just jingoism.

A patriot says "I love my country and there's nowhere else I'd rather be".

A jingoist says "I love my country and everyone else should too. If there is anywhere else someone would rather be they're insane and should die".

Yet the jingoist tends to be tougher on immigration so they'd rather just have fun making the world jealous. The conservative movement used to be a movement with smart people who had ideas: Goldwater, Buckley, hell, even for all his faults Nixon was still a smart guy. Then the conservatives thought "Hey, let's run with people like Dan Quayle or George Bush (Jr.) or Sarah Palin". They went from promoting the valedictorians to promoting stupidity. Now I know that this isn't all conservatives but it seems like the ones they try to make their leaders are the ones who give conservatism a bad name. I wouldn't have agreed with a lot Nixon or Goldwater had to say but I'd trust them to do their job because they never tried to make stupidity a virtue.

Now I'm not saying everyone needs to be a genius to become president but there are some basic things you should know. Good example is when someone was asking W about Sunni vs. Shiite Muslims he was dumbfounded. He said he thought they were all Muslims. When you go to war in a shitstorm like the Middle East there are some very important things to know.

Now, to defend why I have liberal leaning views, nobody summarized it more than John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

If by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people — their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties — someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal," then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal."

* Acceptance of the New York Liberal Party nomination (14 September 1960)

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Now, to defend why I have liberal leaning views, nobody summarized it more than John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

If by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people — their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties — someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal," then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal."

* Acceptance of the New York Liberal Party nomination (14 September 1960)

Anyone who looks at what's going in this country these days,

10% unemployment, & a 12 TRILLION Dollar deficit, and the smoke & mirrors health care bill that is poised to be rammed up our assess,

can clearly see why conservatism is on the rise.

The Democrat party of 1960, and the Democrat party of 2009, are two Completely different animals.

JFK really cared about the people; Nancy Pelosi does Not.

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The Liberals have almost become the very thing they were fighting against in the 60's. My stupid relatives, not stupid because they are liberal, have been activists since they could remember...but they don't remember what happened to the Democratic party...so now they just hate both parties. Not saying every democrat is a liberal or that every republican in a conservative...but they do tend to group together like that more often than not.

And screw Kennedy...he started humping Iraq in 1963 and now we get to deal with his messed up foreign policy love child.

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The Liberals have almost become the very thing they were fighting against in the 60's. My stupid relatives, not stupid because they are liberal, have been activists since they could remember...but they don't remember what happened to the Democratic party...so now they just hate both parties. Not saying every democrat is a liberal or that every republican in a conservative...but they do tend to group together like that more often than not.

And screw Kennedy...he started humping Iraq in 1963 and now we get to deal with his messed up foreign policy love child.

I think he was pretty screwed.

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I think he was pretty screwed.

Well yes having your head turned into ground beef right in front of your wife is considered being screwed. Not to mention how sick he was and all the nasty drugs he was taking to try and help that. All those meds probably fouled any decision making that wasn't on the home front.

At least the rest of his relatives lived long, healthy...oh wait...they got screwed too...but not Ted he just got what was coming to him.

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