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What's the last movie you saw?

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So you will watch Human Centipede...but not I Spit On Your Grave -_-

killin me here...

The last movie I saw was "Kick Ass"...What a dumb movie...total let down.

You want me to really make your head explode?

I'm considering seeing Antichrist.

I have no desire to see a woman cut out her own clit, BUT

I love Breaking the Waves, Dancer in the Dark, and Dogville.

Lars Von Trier is a special kind of fucked up.

He walks the line in all of his movies between woman-hating misogynist\

and a man who truly sympathizes and identifies with a woman's plight.

Anyway, those three movies are more emotionally gripping and demoralizing.

I've been told Antichrist is all kinds of crazy physically.

And I'm not exactly a member of the D'Amato/Fulci fan club.

We'll see.


Just saw My Bloody Valentine (1981) with friends.

Expected MUCH more. It was dull.

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You want me to really make your head explode?

I'm considering seeing Antichrist.

I have no desire to see a woman cut out her own clit, BUT

I love Breaking the Waves, Dancer in the Dark, and Dogville.

Lars Von Trier is a special kind of fucked up.

He walks the line in all of his movies between woman-hating misogynist\

and a man who truly sympathizes and identifies with a woman's plight.

Anyway, those three movies are more emotionally gripping and demoralizing.

I've been told Antichrist is all kinds of crazy physically.

And I'm not exactly a member of the D'Amato/Fulci fan club.

We'll see.

Ah, just actually read the synopsis. I would probably dig it, for reasons that would give away spoilers.

Ah, just actually read the synopsis. I would probably dig it, for reasons that would give away spoilers.
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The Human Centipede.


I didn't enjoy it. It didn't scare me much (at least not in the way that I enjoy being scared), just grossed me the fuck out.

Shoulda watched it over here, Pest, Tim and myself came up with so much amazing commentary during that particular film that even if you still didn't care for the story you would have at least been entertained :laugh:.

Shoulda watched it over here, Pest, Tim and myself came up with so much amazing commentary during that particular film that even if you still didn't care for the story you would have at least been entertained :laugh:.
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Shoulda watched it over here, Pest, Tim and myself came up with so much amazing commentary during that particular film that even if you still didn't care for the story you would have at least been entertained :laugh:.

Lol. Once my disgust wears off I will at least be able to shout "FEED HER!!" at opportune moments in the near future.

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Shoulda watched it over here, Pest, Tim and myself came up with so much amazing commentary during that particular film that even if you still didn't care for the story you would have at least been entertained :laugh:.

Ugh that is why I usually watch movies alone, I hate when people commentate.

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Ugh that is why I usually watch movies alone, I hate when people commentate.

The only people who should comment on movies are Crow, Servo, and Joel/Mike. Although I must admit I have been guilty of making a few jokes during movies.

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The only people who should comment on movies are Crow, Servo, and Joel/Mike. Although I must admit I have been guilty of making a few jokes during movies.

Yea I am guilty of it from time to time as well, which is another reason I usually watch movies alone, I wouldnt want to annoy someone by talking during a movie.

Unless its a party movie or something, or everyone is drunk. lol

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Yea I am guilty of it from time to time as well, which is another reason I usually watch movies alone, I wouldnt want to annoy someone by talking during a movie.

Unless its a party movie or something, or everyone is drunk. lol

I always subtitle everything, that's how I solve that. But I'm a reader/writer, so even if I'm not in a roomful of people, I pretty much always have subtitles on anyway because I'd rather read what's going on.

Oh and while I'm here: Saw Grown-ups last night after coming home from Industrial Tuesday. Was better than I expected it to be, imo David Spade and Rob Schneider's characters were the best, probably followed by a tie between Adam Sandler and Chris Rock. Not big into family movies, or movies with families in them and their mishaps and all that, but since it was chock full of the same kind of insulting one-liners we all troll each other with in my household, I could relate.

I always subtitle everything, that's how I solve that. But I'm a reader/writer, so even if I'm not in a roomful of people, I pretty much always have subtitles on anyway because I'd rather read what's going on.

Oh and while I'm here: Saw Grown-ups last night after coming home from Industrial Tuesday. Was better than I expected it to be, imo David Spade and Rob Schneider's characters were the best, probably followed by a tie between Adam Sandler and Chris Rock. Not big into family movies, or movies with families in them and their mishaps and all that, but since it was chock full of the same kind of insulting one-liners we all troll each other with in my household, I could relate.

Edited by Chernobyl
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Robo Geisha, from the same awesome Japanese people that brought you Machine Girl.

Liked it, was silly fun, just like its predecessor. Much better cinematography, but clearly they had a bigger budget. Had some familiar faces from Machine Girl also. Wasn't as big into the story, but that's personal preference, I thought Machine Girl was easier to relate with in an odd way.

Robo Geisha, from the same awesome Japanese people that brought you Machine Girl.

Liked it, was silly fun, just like its predecessor. Much better cinematography, but clearly they had a bigger budget. Had some familiar faces from Machine Girl also. Wasn't as big into the story, but that's personal preference, I thought Machine Girl was easier to relate with in an odd way.

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There was a really depressing yet inspiring movie on cable this morning. Didn't know what it was, apparently called "My Sister's Keeper", as I looked it up earlier today. Not the type of movie I usually watch, but it made me appreciate life. Had the ability to be heartfelt without being overtly covered in girly cheesiness, which is all I usually ask out of that type of a movie. Basically, Cameron Diaz is the mother of a girl who has been struggling with leukemia her whole life, and is so adamantly dedicated to trying to save her in anyway she forces the girl's younger sister to constantly be a donor. Not going to say anymore, because there'd be spoilers. Really going to sound lame, but I've been depressed all day now thinking about my Kitty that I've been without for almost two years now...it doesn't even get any "better" either...

There was a really depressing yet inspiring movie on cable this morning. Didn't know what it was, apparently called "My Sister's Keeper", as I looked it up earlier today. Not the type of movie I usually watch, but it made me appreciate life. Had the ability to be heartfelt without being overtly covered in girly cheesiness, which is all I usually ask out of that type of a movie. Basically, Cameron Diaz is the mother of a girl who has been struggling with leukemia her whole life, and is so adamantly dedicated to trying to save her in anyway she forces the girl's younger sister to constantly be a donor. Not going to say anymore, because there'd be spoilers. Really going to sound lame, but I've been depressed all day now thinking about my Kitty that I've been without for almost two years now...it doesn't even get any "better" either..
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Since I have been out of work sick all weekend, I am having a little marathon.

I watched a documentary about the aryian brotherhood...called "The Aryian Brotherhood" (lol) which was really cool!

"This Is It" The Documentary about Michael Jackson, also very good.

A documentary on poisonous animals in Australia called "Australia's Deadly Dozen" was ok, nothing I have not seen.

Watched the new "Star Trek" which was surprisingly good, despite my hating that particular franchise...

Watched "Ransom" Which I had only seen parts of, its alright, but nothing spectacular.

Probably watch a bunch more before the day is out...

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