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Afternoon guys:)

I've been here before ages ago, and wanted to start fresh, so me describe myself for the dark masses of your car and rapper filled city:)

My name is Morten(danish version of the german name Martin, which is based on the roman god of war, just to start with something totally epic, poetic and all that jazz:P)and I'm from Denmark.

I am 17 years old. Currently I'm attending Holstebro Gymnasium(A note on the Skandinavian school system: Gymnasium equals end high school and start college, not like your gyms :p) where I'm studing Social Sciences, English, and Mathematics, witch is somewhat interesting. Social Sciences is very text heavy, and the texts are like lead to read, but I'm happily jumping around like a cheerleader on crackXD Which leads me to my primary hobby: POLITICZZZZ!! I love politics. all the lying, all the spin, all the rephrasing, just to keep the people sedated. Things like this are damn funny.XD I'm the kinda guy that sits alone at home and yell loudly and obnoxiously at a metting in the danish parliament(A note on our parliament: It is not like the british parliament. It's very silent and very very boring and nerdy to common people:P)If I am to tie me to an ideology, I would say that I'm a Anarcho-Communist, which shortly is communism, but without goverment, because we are able to make society without the oppresion of power hungry politicians that buttfuck the people with the idea of representive democracy, yet I see this as a kinda utopic dream. nuff said about the politics:)

as I do not own a photo of myself or a cammera, I'll describe my looks: I'm 1.90 meters high, 96 kg in weight and somewhat athletic. I have 56 cm long dark brown hair. There, now you can create a mirror image in your head xD +100 points to me for awesome discription!

Well I guess that this is all I have to say about myself. If anyone want to chat and stuff, just holla:)

The best of luck.


PS: If there are any spelling/gramma mistakes, then feel free to point it out. English is my secondary language and I may learn something:) And hey, if anything you teach me can get me a better grade, I have no problem with being corrected:D

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thanks for the warm welcome guys:D


I just looked that up. I actually don't speak any language that well (even English).

Mange tak:D Herligt at der er nogen der syndes vores sprog er værd at skrive. (Just to give yourself something to work withXD)

Welcome. Your job now is to recruit one person from every nation in the EU. We have England, Germany and France covered.

I'll try my best:P

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Mange tak:D Herligt at der er nogen der syndes vores sprog er værd at skrive.

K, without looking it up, I'm thinking 'mange tak' is 'thank you' and 'skrive' means 'write.' Translating....

Thank you: D Wonderful that [to] someone who sins, our language is worth writing.

Yay! I win! j/k

'Velkommen,' as LOS said. I hope you like it here. Now, I'm not an official editor here, but if I were to proofread your intro paragraph, I might have made the following changes:

Afternoon guys, :)

I've been here before ages ago and wanted to start fresh, so allow me to describe myself for the dark masses of your car and rapper filled city. :)

My name is Morten (Danish version of the German name Martin, which is based on the Roman god of war, just to start with something totally epic, poetic and all that jazz :p) and I'm from Denmark.

I am 17 years old. Currently, I'm attending Holstebro Gymnasium. (A note on the Skandinavian school system: gymnasium equals the end of high school and the start of college, so it is not like your 'gym.' :p ) There I'm studying Social Sciences, English, and Mathematics, which is somewhat interesting. Social Sciences is very text heavy, and the texts are like lead to read, but I'm happily jumping around like a cheerleader on crack. XD

Which leads me to my primary hobby: POLITICZZZZ!! I love politics. All the lying, all the spin, all the rephrasing, just to keep the people sedated. Things like this are damn funny. XD I'm the kinda guy that sits alone at home and yells loudly and obnoxiously at a televised meeting of the Danish parliament. (A note on our parliament: it is not like the British parliament. It's very silent and very, very boring and nerdy to common people. :p) If I am to tie myself to an ideology, I would say that I'm a Anarcho-Communist, which shortly is communism, but without government, because we are able to make society without the oppression of power-hungry politicians that butt-fuck the people with the idea of representive democracy. I see this as a kinda utopic dream. 'Nuff said about the politics. :)

As I do not own a photo of myself or a camera, I'll describe my looks: I'm 1.90 meters high, 96 kg in weight and somewhat athletic. I have 56 cm long dark brown hair. There, now you can create an image in your head. xD +100 points to me for that awesome description!

Well, I guess that this is all I have to say about myself. If anyone wants to chat and stuff, just holla. :)

The best of luck.


PS: If there are any spelling/'gramma' mistakes, then feel free to point it out. English is my second language and I may learn something. :) And hey, if anything you teach me can get me a better grade, I have no problem with being corrected. :D

I don't know if I can get you a better grade. I do know that you seem highly intelligent, so I should be ashamed of myself for changing things you already know about, but I can't resist. I'm one of those "Gramma Nahtzees" that get bitched about on the board, and, well, you did invite it. Please know that I mean no harm. Again, 'Velkommen' to DGN!

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