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Paranormal Activity

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No, I have pleeenty of that in my life already....was it really that good? Cause you wanna see real ghosts...I know a few places.

Has anyone seen this movie yet? I just went and saw it. It scared the hell out of me. I love scary movies, I love extreme movies but this movie really scared the hell out of me. It lived up to its hype.

Sleep tight...

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well, to my dismay it is a fake. Still, I thought it was pretty scary. Maybe I'm getting old...

Yes, I know it is fake.

But there are other similar events...that are real...that I don't even want to think about. Don't get me wrong...I LOVE the paranormal, but facing a real ghost, poltergeist, demon, etc. freaks me out.

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I thought the movie was ok. I might have been able to wait to see it on dvd, but it had doubled what Saw 6 did in the opening weekend so I went to check it out. For a $15,000 movie, they raked in the dough for sure. Sucked or not, they made millions on it.

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I went and saw it on Sunday. It was okay. Not the scariest thing ever, but not bad. I started feeling sick midway through though - I think from the handheld camera screen so close. Next time I see something done in this style I've gotta sit nearer the back. That was ridiculous.

Agreed. The movie itself was fine, but the camera style left me wanting to :ralph when I left the theater.

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Have yet to see it, don't have the money to throw down atm on seeing movies. Maybe I'll rent it when it comes out, I want to see what all the hype is about. Constantin's little brother told me that watching it would make me not want to live in my (haunted) house anymore, but being scared by fake ghosts in a movie will probably not be as intense as the shit I've experienced in real life (some of it in this new house already), so I'll have to see about that.

Edited by Chernobyl
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this movie was all shades of boo!

the only good scene is when she is being dragged away! the rest was boring...

actually the other really awesome part was the preview for Daybreakers before the movie hehe

Mostly agreed, not as harshly but...in general anyway. That was an AWESOME scene though.

That other one looks good though. :)

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I liked this movie. It really did scare me when I was in the theater.

Oddly enough, although paranormal horror films scare me, I'm not nearly as scared when encountering such things in real life. I feel like my energy is potent enough to defend myself and sense things beforehand without being caught off guard. When you're watching a movie and identifying with the characters who are completely helpless, that isn't the case.

Come to think of it, many of the most effective horror scenes have somewhat played on the whole idea of being at home, in a place that SHOULD be safe, and yet there's unknown terrors lurking in the dark and you can't predict when they will come or how to deal with them (one reason supernatural films are scarier, at least for me).

Edited by Enishi
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  • 1 month later...

This was the worst movie I have ever seen in my entire life. It was boring, and not at all scary. Plus I was nauseated the entire time because of the camera jerking around so much. The only moderately decent part of the movie was the last few minutes.

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This was the worst movie I have ever seen in my entire life. It was boring, and not at all scary. Plus I was nauseated the entire time because of the camera jerking around so much. The only moderately decent part of the movie was the last few minutes.

Thank you Im glad im not the only one who felt this way! lol

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Thank you Im glad im not the only one who felt this way! lol

Lol. The eternal and I could not believe how awful that movie was! So many people and critics liked it though, and it just makes me wonder if there's another Paranormal Activity out there that other people saw that was better than this piece of crap.

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I figured it out.

Paranormal Activity is sweeping the nation taking over the souls of millions of people.

People who then watched the movie.

We are living in a nation of possessed souls!!!!!!!!!

They want our bodies!

And their entry point is our nauseous stomachs from watching that wrecthed mess.

RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1st Blair Witch

Then Cloverfield

Now this!

They are taking our souls, one mind-blowingly shitty movie at a time.

Soon they'll be none of us left.

Lillylu, bean, will you join the resistance?

Before it's too late!

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