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DGN Aftermath - Halloween Edition! (Oct 31)

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Soooo... What an eventful and fun-filled evening this was. :yes

First.. The Van of Doom carried a full load of DGNers down to the club. There was a fair bit of driving involved but who wants to see people left behind? Not me! Aboard were: Bean Water, Lord of Sins, Slogo (The video man) Eevee, Mina Rose and her exceedingly cute and tiny friend, Marlene.

We arrived around 11PM and found the place already crazy hopping. I had brought the remainder of the candy I was giving out earlier in the evening and ended up leaving it by the DJ booth for everyone to snack on. :evil:

I saw and spoke with many, many DGNers!


First off.. Spook and Tastywonderbunny. Great to see you both out and congrats again on your engagement!!! You guys make a great couple!

Speaking of couples- I met Wormsinwomb for the first time and her man. Yay!!

Also met Lillylu29 for the first time!

LMLC was in her usual ornery mood! :-)

Talked with DJ Saint for a second, and his lovely lady out on the dance floor for a while.

Stormknight was quite the social butterfly. Bouncing around more than usual. :p

The lovely AstralCrux whom I had met for the first time at The Damned II show, and her exceedingly bosomy friend. :drool :

Industrial Girl 2000 and her gang. Hahaha... They kept peeking under my kilt.

Hunhee and her man Mike.

And many others... as well as many others not on DGN

I danced for a few hours at least. I was attacked by drunk psuedo-Russian and psuedo-Mexican women's on the dance floor. Was used as an anti-douchebag shield by another female friend. Snogged with someone who shall remain nameless at this time. :wub:

I think we left around 3:30 or maybe a bit later after some issues with someone temporarily losing their ride.

Good times!!!!

Edited by Msterbeau
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would like to say


Last nights party was OUTSTANDING ! ! !


for keeping us dancing till 4:30 ! ! !

THANK U to all our BARSTAFF for keeping us intoxicated,

We really do love DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME and the 1 EXTRA HOUR to drink ! ! !

THANK U to our SECURITY Team for keeping all of us safe ! ! !


THANK U to our more than 1,200 Guests ! ! !


We hope everyone had the best Halloween ever ! ! !

p.s. Thanks also to our Friends @ HOSTESS for the hundreds of TWINKIES we gave away as TREATS -

we thought you might enjoy them while watching our ZOMBIE type flick above the bar.



Edited by Leland City Club
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It all began in the VoD (thanks Msterbeau!). We arrived at City and it was already nuts. Wearing my dragonfly wings was a big mistake with how crowded it was, but I got tons of compliments on my costume :) I danced for several hours. The only thing that sucked was waiting 15 minutes to get a bottle of water. Good times.

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Hey I didnt get no twinkie!! and I was their promptly at 10 :X

YAY finally got to meet Msterbeau, Prick, Gimp and talked to TitsMcGee :jamin

Seen my usualy buds :) LOS, Slogo, Eevee, Tacohitts, and Stormknight :bunny:

Tanuki pleasure as always even if our dance was cut short :wink love yea!

Im sure I seen more of you just not good with names.. so sorry

Way to many people were there last night couldent dance as much as I love to but thats ok Ill make up for it next weekend! :bunny:

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ugh...i'm very glad everyone had fun...me and Rocky (Moneygirl) made a guy cry at the end of the night...EMS got called into the mens bathroom for reasons i'am not allowed to disclose 5 more guys got kicked out later that night and 2 females....and doing a up down squat motion patting down around 500 guys....you sure do feel it the next day let me tell you...those are bum busters in themselves

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I enjoyed myself...though would've had more fun without having to deal with assholes and the long wait at the bar just for WATER. :rant:

I saw too many people to really comment on. And I'm too tired to, lol

I went in the VoD. And I ended up tearing off the lion tail from my costume and wearing my fox tail and fox ears...and went as an eevee (the Pokemonz).

I highly enjoyed the company of LoS throughout the night along with Slogo, bean_water, Mstrbeau, Calix, Spook, Prick, and GirlWithTail.

TitsMcGee and hunhee, it was very nice seeing two you again. :thumbsup:

And it was cool meeting Fidget, though it was brief.

And to everyone else I saw whom I didn't mention...it was great seeing all of you! :grouphug

PS to Marc...I saw you snogging.


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I enjoyed myself...though would've had more fun without having to deal with assholes and the long wait at the bar just for WATER. :rant:

I saw too many people to really comment on. And I'm too tired to, lol

I went in the VoD. And I ended up tearing off the lion tail from my costume and wearing my fox tail and fox ears...and went as an eevee (the Pokemonz).

I highly enjoyed the company of LoS throughout the night along with Slogo, bean_water, Mstrbeau, Calix, Spook, Prick, and GirlWithTail.

TitsMcGee and hunhee, it was very nice seeing two you again. :thumbsup:

And it was cool meeting Fidget, though it was brief.

And to everyone else I saw whom I didn't mention...it was great seeing all of you! :grouphug

PS to Marc...I saw you snogging.


It was great to meet you! I had no idea that we were both friends with Nikki. I never knew YOU were the Bri she was always talking about!

And i'm sorry Msterbeau I saw you dancing but I didn't get the chance to say hi!

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Crazy. Fucking CRAZY. Next year, I arrive EARLY and make sure I have a couple drinks before 12, because from 12-2 it's impossible to get to the bar!!! INSANITY! There were more people than New Year's, I swear...so crowded. I couldn't believe it. It was a good time, but...damn. I don't think I saw many people because it was so crowded, you really couldn't see anyone. Sorry I missed most everyone.

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That was the busiest I have ever seen the club.


I was incognito in my costume--though it was an exaggeration of my usual. :p

Hope everyone had a great time!

I think I saw you at the bar for a moment.

I was pretty incognito myself, though not really...but not at all in anything like I usually wear so I definitely threw a few people off.

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I had a blast!!! :D

I spent most of my night being courted by this Dr.Hottie.. :drool

I shook hands with the President!- who was much better looking in person lol.

Saw Pyramid Head from Silent Hill .. I MEAN THERE WERE SOME KICK @$$ COSTUMES!!!

It was great seeing StormKnight, and Mark :)...

And Finny i owe you big time HONEY! You are the greatest :unworthy: !

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I enjoyed myself...though would've had more fun without having to deal with assholes and the long wait at the bar just for WATER. :rant:

I saw too many people to really comment on. And I'm too tired to, lol

I went in the VoD. And I ended up tearing off the lion tail from my costume and wearing my fox tail and fox ears...and went as an eevee (the Pokemonz).

I highly enjoyed the company of LoS throughout the night along with Slogo, bean_water, Mstrbeau, Calix, Spook, Prick, and GirlWithTail.

TitsMcGee and hunhee, it was very nice seeing two you again. :thumbsup:

And it was cool meeting Fidget, though it was brief.

And to everyone else I saw whom I didn't mention...it was great seeing all of you! :grouphug

PS to Marc...I saw you snogging.


Shush! :secret:

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I had a blast!!! :D

I spent most of my night being courted by this Dr.Hottie.. :drool

I shook hands with the President!- who was much better looking in person lol.

Saw Pyramid Head from Silent Hill .. I MEAN THERE WERE SOME KICK @$$ COSTUMES!!!

It was great seeing StormKnight, and Mark :) ...

And Finny i owe you big time HONEY! You are the greatest :unworthy: !

Oh shit!! I forgot I saw you there! Sowwy! (There really were an overwhelming amount of people...)

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was it a black wallet that folds out? if so we have it..up front at the door you are more then welcome to pick it up this Friday or Saturday just ask Chrissy, Rocky (the two girls sitting up front) for it..if it is not there it was moved back into coat check so ask the girl there..or ask one of the bouncers...Myself, Bill, Fuzzy, Miki, Will, or Aarondale and we will get it to ya :yes

Edited by TheGimp
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What a wonderful time I had! It was great to see some rarities like Tits Mcgee and Girl with tail there. I got to chase a creeper away from Eevee witch I love doing. I saw so many of my beloved family there that I couldnt possibly mention them all. I see I missed a few DGNers tho which does suck bad!

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