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Which Historical Figure Were You In A Past Life?


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ok.. so I shared my 10 top results here... I CANT STOP LAUGHING MY ASS OFF! no wonder some people hate me!!! :help:

1. Theodora, Byzantine empress originally famous for her comedy/strip tease/sex act until she married the Emperor Justinian the Great. She and her husband outlawed rape of lower class women. accelerated Catholic-Monophysite schism. Beliefs: Catholic (100%)

2. Attila the Hun, leader of the Hunnic Empire and warrior who reigned over an empire that stretched from central Asia into Germany, In Europe, he is remembered as the epitome of cruelty and rapacity. In other histories he lionized as a great and noble king (85%)

3. George Washington, first president of United States, military leader. Beliefs: Episcopalian (82%)

4. Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism, mayor of Nauvoo, Illinois. Killed by an angry mob. (79%)

5. Lenin, Russian revolutionary, political leader. Beliefs: Russian Orthodox; Atheist; (79%)

6. Muhammad, Prophet of Islam; conqueror of Arabia. Beliefs: Islam (79%)

7. Caligula, Roman Emperor Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus commonly known by his nickname Caligula. A noble and moderate ruler during the first two years of his rule, but soon changed to a cruel, extravagant, sexual perverse and insane tyrant.. He had people killed for his amusement. He referred to himself as a god, even dressing as gods Hercules, Mercury, Venus and Apollo. Assassinated by members of his own bodyguard and the Roman Senate. (73%)

8. Elagabalus, transsexual Roman emperor. He married and divorced five women, but his most stable relationship seems to have been with his chariot driver, whom he referred to as his husband. He also married a man named Zoticus, an athlete, in a public ceremony at Rome. Allegedly Elagabalus would paint his eyes, and wear wigs before prostituting himself in taverns and brothels. (73%)

9. Aristotle, influential Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor, and astronomer.. Beliefs: Platonism / Greek philosophy A homosexual according to lambda.org (70%)

10. Ivan The Terrible. Impulsive, intelligent with a fierce temper. In a rage killed his own son whom he had groomed to ascend to the throne. The surviving son, the mentally retarded Fyodor became tsar. (70%)

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My top 10:

1. Theodora, Byzantine empress originally famous for her comedy/strip tease/sex act until she married the Emperor Justinian the Great. She and her husband outlawed rape of lower class women. accelerated Catholic-Monophysite schism. Beliefs: Catholic (100%)

2. Mary Wollstonecraft, Anglo-Irish feminist, intellectual and writer (88%)

3. Susan B. Anthony, pioneer of women’s rights . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians. (88%)

4. Cleopatra, Egyptian ruler. Committed suicide by forcing an asp against her breast. (77%)

5. Joan of Arc, "the Maid of Orleans" was a 15th century Catholic Saint and national heroine of France. Burned at the steak for heresy. (77%)

6. Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of telephone, worked with deaf. Beliefs: Unitarian/Universalist. (66%)

7. Benjamin Franklin, American politician, inventor, publisher and originator of aphorisms. Ardent competitive swimmer who developed swim fins. Beliefs: Presbyterian; Deist . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (66%)

8. Charles Darwin, biologist; described evolution. Beliefs: Anglican (nominal); Unitarian (66%)

9. Lucrezia Borgia, Italian femme fatale, daughter of a pope. Her family was synonymous with political and sexual corruption. (66%)

10. Michelangelo, painter; sculptor; architect. Beliefs: Catholic A homosexual according to lambda.org (66%)

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WOAH! Nearly ALL my heros are in there!

...& there are more further down the list...but, they get smaller & smaller...

1. Leonardo da Vinci, artist; inventor. Beliefs: Catholic A homosexual according to lambda.org . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (100%)

2. Francis Bacon, English statesman, essayist, and philosopher, delineated inductive scientific method. Beliefs: Anglican A homosexual according to lambda.org (95%)

3. Aristotle, influential Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor, and astronomer.. Beliefs: Platonism / Greek philosophy A homosexual according to lambda.org (93%)

4. Benjamin Franklin, American politician, inventor, publisher and originator of aphorisms. Ardent competitive swimmer who developed swim fins. Beliefs: Presbyterian; Deist . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (88%)

5. Michelangelo, painter; sculptor; architect. Beliefs: Catholic A homosexual according to lambda.org (84%)

6. Socrates, philosopher A homosexual according to lambda.org. Forced to commit suicide by drinking hemlock juice. (77%)

7. Louis Pasteur, French chemist and microbiologist. Created first vaccine for rabies. Best known for inventing pasteurization. Advocated that doctors sanitize their hands and equipment before surgery. Before that, few doctors bothered to scrub up. Beliefs: Catholic (70%)

8. Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of telephone, worked with deaf. Beliefs: Unitarian/Universalist (68%)

9. Archimedes, father of experimental science. Beliefs: Greek philosophy. During the Siege of Syracuse he was killed by a Roman soldier despite orders that he should not be harmed. (68%)

10. Jeremy Bentham, English jurist, philosopher, and legal and social reformer. As requested in his will, his body was preserved and displayed in a wooden cabinet, (68%)

11. William Shakespeare, English playwright. Beliefs: Catholic; Anglican. Coiner of many common terms and phrases. (68%)

12. Albert Einstein, physicist; originated the theory of relativity, won Noble prize. Beliefs: Jewish . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (65%)

13. Euclid, mathematician; Euclidian geometry. Beliefs: Platonism / Greek philosophy (65%)

14. Pythagoras, mathematician, mystic and scientist . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (65%)

15. Muhammad, Prophet of Islam; conqueror of Arabia. Beliefs: Islam (63%)

16. Confucius, founder of Confucianism. His philosophy emphasized personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationships, justice and sincerity. Five centuries before Christ he wrote ‘‘never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself.’’ (59%)

17. Galen, innovative Greek physician; surgeon to the gladiators, gained then-new anatomical knowledge; the profit motive, said Galen, incompatible with a devotion to the art of healing (59%)

18. Martin Luther, founder of Protestantism and Lutheranism. Beliefs: Catholic; Lutheran . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (59%)

19. Thomas Jefferson, 3rd president of United States. Beliefs: Episcopalian; Deist (59%)

20. Abraham Lincoln, 16th president of U.S.; led during Civil War. Beliefs: Deist, general theist, once said, 'When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That is my religion'. Assassinated. (56%)

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2. Jeremy Bentham, English jurist, philosopher, and legal and social reformer. As requested in his will, his body was preserved and displayed in a wooden cabinet, (93%) Books, etc.

3. Muhammad, Prophet of Islam; conqueror of Arabia. Beliefs: Islam (91%) Books, etc.

4. St. Paul, proselytizer of Christianity. Beliefs: Judaism; Christianity. Was beheaded in Nreo-ruled Rome (91%) Books, etc.

5. Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of telephone, worked with deaf. Beliefs: Unitarian/Universalist (86%) Books, etc.

6. Dante Alighieri, poet. Exiled from his native Florence, He died never returning home (86%) Books, etc.

7. Plato, founder of Platonism. Beliefs: Platonism / Greek philosophy . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (86%) Books, etc.

8. Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism, mayor of Nauvoo, Illinois. Killed by an angry mob. (82%) Books, etc.

9. Abraham Lincoln, 16th president of U.S.; led during Civil War. Beliefs: Deist, general theist, once said, 'When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That is my religion'. Assassinated. (80%) Books, etc.

10. Aesop, fable composer, compiler and teller. Aesop met with a violent death at the hands of the inhabitants of Delphi, possibly because of his sarcasm and insults. (80%) Books, etc.

11. George Washington, first president of United States, military leader. Beliefs: Episcopalian (80%) Books, etc.

12. Moses, major prophet of Judaism. Beliefs: Judaism (80%) Books, etc.

13. Johann Gutenberg, developed movable type; printed Bibles. Beliefs: Catholic (78%) Books, etc.

14. Pythagoras, mathematician, mystic and scientist . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (78%) Books, etc.

15. Thomas Edison, inventor of light bulb, phonograph, etc. Beliefs: Congregationalist; agnostic (78%) Books, etc.

16. Tsai Lun, inventor of paper. Beliefs: Chinese traditional religion (78%) Books, etc.

17. Francis Bacon, English statesman, essayist, and philosopher, delineated inductive scientific method. Beliefs: Anglican A homosexual according to lambda.org (76%) Books, etc.

18. Martin Luther, founder of Protestantism and Lutheranism. Beliefs: Catholic; Lutheran . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (76%) Books, etc.

19. Buddha. Gautama Buddha was a spiritual teacher from Ancient India and the founder of Buddhism.[1] He is generally recognized by Buddhists as the Supreme Buddha (Sammâsambuddha) of our age. The time of his birth and death are uncertain: Best estimates are 400 or 500 years before Christ. Beliefs: Hinduism; Buddhism (73%) Books, etc.

20. Jesus Christ, founder/namesake of Christianity. Beliefs: Judaism; Christianity. Crucified (73%) Books, etc.

there's up to me 20

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Hey wait thats not.... I mean.... I am not...

Okay I guess thats right... *sigh*

1. Elagabalus, transsexual Roman emperor. He married and divorced five women, but his most stable relationship seems to have been with his chariot driver, whom he referred to as his husband. He also married a man named Zoticus, an athlete, in a public ceremony at Rome. Allegedly Elagabalus would paint his eyes, and wear wigs before prostituting himself in taverns and brothels. (100%) Books, etc.

2. Augustus Caesar, the grand-nephew and primary heir of Julius Caesar; first Roman emperor. Beliefs: Roman state paganism A homosexual according to lambda.org (87%) Books, etc.

3. Caligula, Roman Emperor Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus commonly known by his nickname Caligula. A noble and moderate ruler during the first two years of his rule, but soon changed to a cruel, extravagant, sexual perverse and insane tyrant.. He had people killed for his amusement. He referred to himself as a god, even dressing as gods Hercules, Mercury, Venus and Apollo. Assassinated by members of his own bodyguard and the Roman Senate. (87%) Books, etc.

4. Leonardo da Vinci, artist; inventor. Beliefs: Catholic A homosexual according to lambda.org . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (87%) Books, etc.

5. Peter the Great, forged Russia into a great European nation. Beliefs: Russian Orthodox A homosexual according to lambda.org (87%) Books, etc.

6. Socrates, philosopher A homosexual according to lambda.org. Forced to commit suicide by drinking hemlock juice. (87%) Books, etc.

7. Abraham Lincoln, 16th president of U.S.; led during Civil War. Beliefs: Deist, general theist, once said, 'When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That is my religion'. Assassinated. (75%) Books, etc.

8. Aesop, fable composer, compiler and teller. Aesop met with a violent death at the hands of the inhabitants of Delphi, possibly because of his sarcasm and insults. (75%) Books, etc.

9. Alexander the Great, king of Macedonia; one of the greatest military minds in history; conquered much of what was then the civilized world. Beliefs: Greek state paganism A homosexual according to lambda.org (75%) Books, etc.

10. Aristotle, influential Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor, and astronomer.. Beliefs: Platonism / Greek philosophy A homosexual according to lambda.org (75%) Books, etc.

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Guest Megalicious

My top 10 - and pretty dead on with the exception of Freud. I hate Freud... grrr.

1.Joan of Arc, "the Maid of Orleans" was a 15th century Catholic Saint and national heroine of France. Burned at the steak for heresy. (100%) Books, etc.

2.Charles Darwin, biologist; described evolution. Beliefs: Anglican (nominal); Unitarian (94%) Books, etc.

3. Mary Wollstonecraft, Anglo-Irish feminist, intellectual and writer (85%) Books, etc.

4.Susan B. Anthony, pioneer of women’s rights . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians. (85%) Books, etc.

5.Albert Einstein, physicist; originated the theory of relativity, won Noble prize. Beliefs: Jewish . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (80%) Books, etc.

6.Archimedes, father of experimental science. Beliefs: Greek philosophy. During the Siege of Syracuse he was killed by a Roman soldier despite orders that he should not be harmed. (80%) Books, etc.

7. Benjamin Franklin, American politician, inventor, publisher and originator of aphorisms. Ardent competitive swimmer who developed swim fins. Beliefs: Presbyterian; Deist . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (80%) Books, etc.

8. Euclid, mathematician; Euclidian geometry. Beliefs: Platonism / Greek philosophy (80%) Books, etc.

9. Leonardo da Vinci, artist; inventor. Beliefs: Catholic A homosexual according to lambda.org . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (80%) Books, etc.

10.Sigmund Freud, founded Freudian school of psychology/psychoanalysis (i.e., the ‘‘religion of Freudianism’‘). Beliefs: Jewish; atheist. Died of a posssibly unintentional morphine overdose (80%) Books, etc.

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My top 32 :p

1.Charles Darwin, biologist; described evolution. Beliefs: Anglican (nominal); Unitarian (100%) Books, etc.

2.Leonardo da Vinci, artist; inventor. Beliefs: Catholic A homosexual according to lambda.org . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (100%) Books, etc.

3.Muhammad, Prophet of Islam; conqueror of Arabia. Beliefs: Islam (96%) Books, etc.

4.Thomas Jefferson, 3rd president of United States. Beliefs: Episcopalian; Deist (93%) Books, etc.

5.Buddha. Gautama Buddha was a spiritual teacher from Ancient India and the founder of Buddhism.[1] He is generally recognized by Buddhists as the Supreme Buddha (Sammâsambuddha) of our age. The time of his birth and death are uncertain: Best estimates are 400 or 500 years before Christ. Beliefs: Hinduism; Buddhism (84%) Books, etc.

6. Galen, innovative Greek physician; surgeon to the gladiators, gained then-new anatomical knowledge; the profit motive, said Galen, incompatible with a devotion to the art of healing (84%) Books, etc.

7. Sigmund Freud, founded Freudian school of psychology/psychoanalysis (i.e., the ‘‘religion of Freudianism’‘). Beliefs: Jewish; atheist. Died of a posssibly unintentional morphine overdose (84%) Books, etc.

8. Albert Einstein, physicist; originated the theory of relativity, won Noble prize. Beliefs: Jewish . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (81%) Books, etc.

9. Louis Pasteur, French chemist and microbiologist. Created first vaccine for rabies. Best known for inventing pasteurization. Advocated that doctors sanitize their hands and equipment before surgery. Before that, few doctors bothered to scrub up. Beliefs: Catholic (81%) Books, etc.

10. Pythagoras, mathematician, mystic and scientist . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (78%) Books, etc.

11. Jesus Christ, founder/namesake of Christianity. Beliefs: Judaism; Christianity. Crucified (71%) Books, etc.

12. Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism, mayor of Nauvoo, Illinois. Killed by an angry mob. (71%) Books, etc.

13. Archimedes, father of experimental science. Beliefs: Greek philosophy. During the Siege of Syracuse he was killed by a Roman soldier despite orders that he should not be harmed. (68%) Books, etc.

14. Galileo Galilei, astronomer; accurately described heliocentric solar system. Beliefs: Catholic (68%) Books, etc.

15. George Washington, first president of United States, military leader. Beliefs: Episcopalian (68%) Books, etc.

16. Hippocrates, Greek physician, known as the "father of medicine". He is credited with being the first physician to reject superstitious beliefs that blamed supernatural or divine forces with causing illness. (68%) Books, etc.

17. Karl Marx, founder of Marxism, Marxist Communism. Beliefs: Jewish; Lutheran; Atheist; Marxism/Communism (68%) Books, etc.

18. Plato, founder of Platonism. Beliefs: Platonism / Greek philosophy . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (68%) Books, etc.

19. Ptolemy (Claudius Ptolemaeus), astronomer, mathematician and geographer (68%) Books, etc.

20. Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of telephone, worked with deaf. Beliefs: Unitarian/Universalist (65%) Books, etc.

21. Benjamin Franklin, American politician, inventor, publisher and originator of aphorisms. Ardent competitive swimmer who developed swim fins. Beliefs: Presbyterian; Deist . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (65%) Books, etc.

22. Euclid, mathematician; Euclidian geometry. Beliefs: Platonism / Greek philosophy (65%) Books, etc.

23. Isaac Newton, physicist; theory of universal gravitation; laws of motion. Beliefs: believed in the Arianism of the Primitive Church . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (65%) Books, etc.

24. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Composer. Credited with more than 600 compositions. When he was five years old, he could both read and write music and had precocious skills as a keyboard and violin player. (65%) Books, etc.

25. Joan of Arc, "the Maid of Orleans" was a 15th century Catholic Saint and national heroine of France. Burned at the steak for heresy. (59%) Books, etc.

26. Charlemagne, Holy Roman Empire created with his baptism in 800 AD. Beliefs: Catholic (56%) Books, etc.

27. Christopher Columbus, explorer; led Europe to Americas. Beliefs: Catholic (56%) Books, etc.

28. Cleopatra, Egyptian ruler. Committed suicide by forcing an asp against her breast.. (56%) Books, etc.

29. Ferdinand Magellan, navigator; named Pacific Ocean; first circumnavigation of globe. Beliefs: Catholic (56%) Books, etc.

30. Marco Polo, explorer, was one of the first Westerners to travel the Silk Road to China. Kublai Khan took a liking to Marco, who was an engaging storyteller. Marco was sent on many diplomatic missions throughout Khan’s empire. The Khan appreciated Marco so much that he would not all him to return home to Venice until 17 years had passed (56%) Books, etc.

31. Mary Wollstonecraft, Anglo-Irish feminist, intellectual and writer (56%) Books, etc.

32. Moses, major prophet of Judaism. Beliefs: Judaism (56%) Books, etc.

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My top 4 :p

1. George Washington, first president of United States, military leader. Beliefs: Episcopalian (100%)

2. Jesus Christ, founder/namesake of Christianity. Beliefs: Judaism; Christianity. Crucified (96%)

3. Susan B. Anthony, pioneer of women’s rights . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians. (96%)

4. Leonardo da Vinci, artist; inventor. Beliefs: Catholic A homosexual according to lambda.org . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (92%

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Oh dear...

1. Adolf Hitler, conqueror; dictator. Unsuccessful street artists To many evil incarnate. Beliefs: born/raised in, but rejected Catholicism . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians. Committed suicide via gunshot/overdose of cyanide (100 %)

2. Francisco Pizarro, Spanish conqueror in South America; defeated Incas. Beliefs: Catholic (94 %)

3. Napoleon Bonaparte, French emperor, general. Beliefs: Catholic (nominal). Died in exile. (94 %)

4. Michelangelo, painter; sculptor; architect. Beliefs: Catholic A homosexual according to lambda.org (89 %)

5. Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of telephone, worked with deaf. Beliefs: Unitarian/Universalist (84 %)

6. Charles Darwin, biologist; described evolution. Beliefs: Anglican (nominal); Unitarian (84 %)

7. Karl Marx, founder of Marxism, Marxist Communism. Beliefs: Jewish; Lutheran; Atheist; Marxism/Communism (84 %)

8. Leonardo da Vinci, artist; inventor. Beliefs: Catholic A homosexual according to lambda.org . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (84 %)

9. Sigmund Freud, founded Freudian school of psychology/psychoanalysis (i.e., the ‘‘religion of Freudianism’‘). Beliefs: Jewish; atheist. Died of a posssibly unintentional morphine overdose (84 %)

10. Thomas Edison, inventor of light bulb, phonograph, etc. Beliefs: Congregationalist; agnostic (84 %)

11. Benedict Arnold, now the synonym for ‘‘traitor’’, he was considered by many to be the best general in the Continental Army, but he switched sides to the British. Arnold was embittered and resentful toward Congress for passing him over for promotion and not approving or refunding his wartime expenses; Arnold himself had paid nearly all of the expenses of his force’s campaigns in Canada. (78 %)

12. Christopher Columbus, explorer; led Europe to Americas. Beliefs:

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Here is My Top 4:

1. Mary Wollstonecraft, Anglo-Irish feminist, intellectual and writer (100%)

2. Susan B. Anthony, pioneer of women’s rights . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians. (100%)

3. Abraham Lincoln, 16th president of U.S.; led during Civil War. Beliefs: Deist, general theist, once said, 'When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That is my religion'. Assassinated. (91%)

4. Benjamin Franklin, American politician, inventor, publisher and originator of aphorisms. Ardent competitive swimmer who developed swim fins. Beliefs: Presbyterian; Deist . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (87%)

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top 25

1. Abraham Lincoln, 16th president of U.S.; led during Civil War. Beliefs: Deist, general theist, once said, 'When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That is my religion'. Assassinated. (100%) Books, etc.

2. Benjamin Franklin, American politician, inventor, publisher and originator of aphorisms. Ardent competitive swimmer who developed swim fins. Beliefs: Presbyterian; Deist . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (81%) Books, etc.

3. Karl Marx, founder of Marxism, Marxist Communism. Beliefs: Jewish; Lutheran; Atheist; Marxism/Communism (75%) Books, etc.

4. Mohandas Gandhi, Indian leader and Hindu religious reformer. Beliefs: Hinduism; influenced by Jainism (mother was a Jain) . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (72%) Books, etc.

5. Charles Darwin, biologist; described evolution. Beliefs: Anglican (nominal); Unitarian (67%) Books, etc.

6. Mary Wollstonecraft, Anglo-Irish feminist, intellectual and writer (67%) Books, etc.

7. Susan B. Anthony, pioneer of women’s rights . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians. (67%) Books, etc.

8. Thomas Jefferson, 3rd president of United States. Beliefs: Episcopalian; Deist (67%) Books, etc.

9. Aesop, fable composer, compiler and teller. Aesop met with a violent death at the hands of the inhabitants of Delphi, possibly because of his sarcasm and insults. (64%) Books, etc.

10. Lenin, Russian revolutionary, political leader. Beliefs: Russian Orthodox; Atheist; Marxism/Communism (64%) Books, etc.

11. Maximilien Robespierre, de facto dictator. During the French Revolution/Reign of Terror he sent 1285 victims to the guillotine. Eventually, citizens turned on him and he was beheaded. (64%) Books, etc.

12. Simon Bolivar, National hero of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. Beliefs: Catholic (nominal); atheist (64%) Books, etc.

13. Thomas Edison, inventor of light bulb, phonograph, etc. Beliefs: Congregationalist; agnostic (64%) Books, etc.

14. Confucius, founder of Confucianism. His philosophy emphasized personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationships, justice and sincerity. Five centuries before Christ he wrote ‘‘never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself.’’ (62%) Books, etc.

15. Martin Luther, founder of Protestantism and Lutheranism. Beliefs: Catholic; Lutheran . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (62%) Books, etc.

16. Nicoli Machiavelli, wrote The Prince an influential political treatise. Beliefs: Catholic (62%) Books, etc.

17. St. Paul, proselytizer of Christianity. Beliefs: Judaism; Christianity. Was beheaded in Nreo-ruled Rome (62%) Books, etc.

18. Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of telephone, worked with deaf. Beliefs: Unitarian/Universalist (56%) Books, etc.

19. Cleopatra, Egyptian ruler. Committed suicide by forcing an asp against her breast.. (56%) Books, etc.

20. Joan of Arc, "the Maid of Orleans" was a 15th century Catholic Saint and national heroine of France. Burned at the steak for heresy. (56%) Books, etc.

21. Queen Elizabeth I, British monarch; restored Church of England to power after Queen Mary. Beliefs: Anglican (56%) Books, etc.

22. Adolf Hitler, conqueror; dictator. Unsuccessful street artists To many evil incarnate. Beliefs: born/raised in, but rejected Catholicism . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians. Committed suicide via gunshot/overdose of cyanide (54%) Books, etc.

23. Christopher Columbus, explorer; led Europe to Americas. Beliefs: Catholic (54%) Books, etc.

24. Ferdinand Magellan, navigator; named Pacific Ocean; first circumnavigation of globe. Beliefs: Catholic (54%) Books, etc.

25. Francis Bacon, English statesman, essayist, and philosopher, delineated inductive scientific method. Beliefs: Anglican A homosexual according to lambda.org (54%) Books, etc.

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I know you all kept your list short, but I wanted to include all the ones they showed me that were above 0% :)

  1. Susan B. Anthony, pioneer of women's rights . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians. (100%)
  2. Mary Wollstonecraft, Anglo-Irish feminist, intellectual and writer (90%)
  3. Joan of Arc, "the Maid of Orleans" was a 15th century Catholic Saint and national heroine of France. Burned at the steak for heresy. (80%)
  4. Theodora, Byzantine empress originally famous for her comedy/strip tease/sex act until she married the Emperor Justinian the Great. She and her husband outlawed rape of lower class women. accelerated Catholic-Monophysite schism. Beliefs: Catholic (80%)
  5. Leonardo da Vinci, artist; inventor. Beliefs: Catholic A homosexual according to lambda.org . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (76%)
  6. Michelangelo, painter; sculptor; architect. Beliefs: Catholic A homosexual according to lambda.org (76%)
  7. Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of telephone, worked with deaf. Beliefs: Unitarian/Universalist (71%)
  8. Aristotle, influential Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor, and astronomer.. Beliefs: Platonism / Greek philosophy A homosexual according to lambda.org (71%)
  9. Benjamin Franklin, American politician, inventor, publisher and originator of aphorisms. Ardent competitive swimmer who developed swim fins. Beliefs: Presbyterian; Deist . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (71%)
  10. Francis Bacon, English statesman, essayist, and philosopher, delineated inductive scientific method. Beliefs: Anglican A homosexual according to lambda.org (71%)
  11. Jeremy Bentham, English jurist, philosopher, and legal and social reformer. As requested in his will, his body was preserved and displayed in a wooden cabinet, (71%)
  12. Karl Marx, founder of Marxism, Marxist Communism. Beliefs: Jewish; Lutheran; Atheist; Marxism/Communism (71%)
  13. Johann Sebastian Bach, a composer whose works were practically forgotten for nearly a century, until Felix Mendelssohn called Bach a genius. Beliefs: Lutheran; Catholic (64%)
  14. King David, biblical King of Israel, warrior, writer of psalms, slayer of giant Goliath. (64%)
  15. Ludwig van Beethoven, composer. Beliefs: Catholic (64%)
  16. Muhammad, Prophet of Islam; conqueror of Arabia. Beliefs: Islam (64%)
  17. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Composer. Credited with more than 600 compositions. When he was five years old, he could both read and write music and had precocious skills as a keyboard and violin player. (64%)
  18. Charles Darwin, biologist; described evolution. Beliefs: Anglican (nominal); Unitarian (61%)
  19. Sigmund Freud, founded Freudian school of psychology/psychoanalysis (i.e., the ''religion of Freudianism''). Beliefs: Jewish; atheist. Died of a posssibly unintentional morphine overdose (61%)
  20. Thomas Jefferson, 3rd president of United States. Beliefs: Episcopalian; Deist (61%)
  21. Archimedes, father of experimental science. Beliefs: Greek philosophy. During the Siege of Syracuse he was killed by a Roman soldier despite orders that he should not be harmed. (59%)
  22. Confucius, founder of Confucianism. His philosophy emphasized personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationships, justice and sincerity. Five centuries before Christ he wrote ''never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself.'' (59%)
  23. Johann Gutenberg, developed movable type; printed Bibles. Beliefs: Catholic (59%)
  24. Louis Pasteur, French chemist and microbiologist. Created first vaccine for rabies. Best known for inventing pasteurization. Advocated that doctors sanitize their hands and equipment before surgery. Before that, few doctors bothered to scrub up. Beliefs: Catholic (59%)
  25. Martin Luther, founder of Protestantism and Lutheranism. Beliefs: Catholic; Lutheran . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (59%)
  26. Pythagoras, mathematician, mystic and scientist . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (59%)
  27. Thomas Edison, inventor of light bulb, phonograph, etc. Beliefs: Congregationalist; agnostic (59%)
  28. Abraham Lincoln, 16th president of U.S.; led during Civil War. Beliefs: Deist, general theist, once said, 'When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That is my religion'. Assassinated. (57%)
  29. Cleopatra, Egyptian ruler. Committed suicide by forcing an asp against her breast.. (57%)
  30. Galileo Galilei, astronomer; accurately described heliocentric solar system. Beliefs: Catholic (57%)
  31. Queen Elizabeth I, British monarch; restored Church of England to power after Queen Mary. Beliefs: Anglican (57%)
  32. Buddha. Gautama Buddha was a spiritual teacher from Ancient India and the founder of Buddhism.[1] He is generally recognized by Buddhists as the Supreme Buddha (Sammâsambuddha) of our age. The time of his birth and death are uncertain: Best estimates are 400 or 500 years before Christ. Beliefs: Hinduism; Buddhism (52%)
  33. Charlemagne, Holy Roman Empire created with his baptism in 800 AD. Beliefs: Catholic (52%)
  34. Galen, innovative Greek physician; surgeon to the gladiators, gained then-new anatomical knowledge; the profit motive, said Galen, incompatible with a devotion to the art of healing (52%)
  35. Ptolemy (Claudius Ptolemaeus), astronomer, mathematician and geographer (52%)
  36. George Washington, first president of United States, military leader. Beliefs: Episcopalian (50%)
  37. Albert Einstein, physicist; originated the theory of relativity, won Noble prize. Beliefs: Jewish . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (47%)
  38. Dante Alighieri, poet. Exiled from his native Florence, He died never returning home (47%)
  39. Euclid, mathematician; Euclidian geometry. Beliefs: Platonism / Greek philosophy (47%)
  40. Mohandas Gandhi, Indian leader and Hindu religious reformer. Beliefs: Hinduism; influenced by Jainism (mother was a Jain) . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (47%)
  41. Nicolaus Copernicus, astronomer; taught heliocentricity. Beliefs: Catholic (priest) (47%)
  42. Nicoli Machiavelli, wrote The Prince an influential political treatise. Beliefs: Catholic (47%)
  43. Plato, founder of Platonism. Beliefs: Platonism / Greek philosophy . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (47%)
  44. Socrates, philosopher A homosexual according to lambda.org. Forced to commit suicide by drinking hemlock juice. (47%)
  45. Tsai Lun, inventor of paper. Beliefs: Chinese traditional religion (47%)
  46. William Shakespeare, English playwright. Beliefs: Catholic; Anglican. Coiner of many common terms and phrases. (47%)
  47. Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism, mayor of Nauvoo, Illinois. Killed by an angry mob. (45%)
  48. Catherine de Medici, Queen of France whose hatred of Protestants knew no bounds, and who ordered the Massacre of St Bartholomew in which thousands of Huguenots were killed. (40%)
  49. Hippocrates, Greek physician, known as the "father of medicine". He is credited with being the first physician to reject superstitious beliefs that blamed supernatural or divine forces with causing illness. (40%)
  50. Irene, empress of Byzantium, overthrew her son, she had him blinded in the room where she had given birth to him. (40%)
  51. Lucrezia Borgia, Italian femme fatale, daughter of a pope. Her family was synonymous with political and sexual corruption. (40%)
  52. Simon Bolivar, National hero of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. Beliefs: Catholic (nominal); atheist (38%)
  53. Winston Churchill, British wartime prime minister. (38%)
  54. Adolf Hitler, conqueror; dictator. Unsuccessful street artists To many evil incarnate. Beliefs: born/raised in, but rejected Catholicism . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians. Committed suicide via gunshot/overdose of cyanide (35%)
  55. Isaac Newton, physicist; theory of universal gravitation; laws of motion. Beliefs: believed in the Arianism of the Primitive Church . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (35%)
  56. Lenin, Russian revolutionary, political leader. Beliefs: Russian Orthodox; Atheist; Marxism/Communism (35%)
  57. St. Paul, proselytizer of Christianity. Beliefs: Judaism; Christianity. Was beheaded in Nreo-ruled Rome (35%)
  58. Jesus Christ, founder/namesake of Christianity. Beliefs: Judaism; Christianity. Crucified (33%)
  59. Christopher Columbus, explorer; led Europe to Americas. Beliefs: Catholic (28%)
  60. Ferdinand Magellan, navigator; named Pacific Ocean; first circumnavigation of globe. Beliefs: Catholic (28%)
  61. Moses, major prophet of Judaism. Beliefs: Judaism (28%)
  62. Aesop, fable composer, compiler and teller. Aesop met with a violent death at the hands of the inhabitants of Delphi, possibly because of his sarcasm and insults. (23%)
  63. Alexander the Great, king of Macedonia; one of the greatest military minds in history; conquered much of what was then the civilized world. Beliefs: Greek state paganism A homosexual according to lambda.org (23%)
  64. Augustus Caesar, the grand-nephew and primary heir of Julius Caesar; first Roman emperor. Beliefs: Roman state paganism A homosexual according to lambda.org (23%)
  65. Constantine the Great, Roman emperor, made a saint for completely legalized Christianity, also a murderous tyrant who killed his own wife and a son. Beliefs: Roman state paganism; Christianity (23%)
  66. Henry VIII. English King known for his political struggles with Rome which led to the formation of the Anglican church. Henry wanted a male heir, to avoid rival claims to the crown. He married sex women. Two marriages were annulled; two wives were beheaded, one died, one survived. Late in life, Henry became grossly overweight, covered with boils and had to be moved about with the help of mechanical inventions. (23%)
  67. Ivan The Terrible. Impulsive, intelligent with a fierce temper. In a rage killed his own son whom he had groomed to ascend to the throne. The surviving son, the mentally retarded Fyodor became tsar. (23%)
  68. Joseph Stalin, revolutionary and ruler of USSR, mass murderer. Beliefs: Russian Orthodox; Atheist; Marxism. (23%)
  69. Maximilien Robespierre, de facto dictator. During the French Revolution/Reign of Terror he sent 1285 victims to the guillotine. Eventually, citizens turned on him and he was beheaded. (23%)
  70. Oliver Cromwell, British political and military leader. Beliefs: Puritan (Protestant) (23%)
  71. Peter the Great, forged Russia into a great European nation. Beliefs: Russian Orthodox A homosexual according to lambda.org (23%)
  72. Tomas de Torquemada first Inquisitor General of Spain known for his zealous campaign against Jews, Muslims and other non-Christians. He used use of torture, anonymous denunciation to achieve convictions. (23%)
  73. Benedict Arnold, now the synonym for ''traitor'', he was considered by many to be the best general in the Continental Army, but he switched sides to the British. Arnold was embittered and resentful toward Congress for passing him over for promotion and not approving or refunding his wartime expenses; Arnold himself had paid nearly all of the expenses of his force's campaigns in Canada. (21%)
  74. Marco Polo, explorer, was one of the first Westerners to travel the Silk Road to China. Kublai Khan took a liking to Marco, who was an engaging storyteller. Marco was sent on many diplomatic missions throughout Khan's empire. The Khan appreciated Marco so much that he would not all him to return home to Venice until 17 years had passed (16%)
  75. Napoleon Bonaparte, French emperor, general. Beliefs: Catholic (nominal). Died in exile. (16%)
  76. William the Conqueror, laid foundation of modern England. Beliefs: Catholic (16%)
  77. Attila the Hun, leader of the Hunnic Empire and warrior who reigned over an empire that stretched from central Asia into Germany, In Europe, he is remembered as the epitome of cruelty and rapacity. In other histories he lionized as a great and noble king (11%)
  78. Caligula, Roman Emperor Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus commonly known by his nickname Caligula. A noble and moderate ruler during the first two years of his rule, but soon changed to a cruel, extravagant, sexual perverse and insane tyrant.. He had people killed for his amusement. He referred to himself as a god, even dressing as gods Hercules, Mercury, Venus and Apollo. Assassinated by members of his own bodyguard and the Roman Senate. (11%)
  79. Elagabalus, transsexual Roman emperor. He married and divorced five women, but his most stable relationship seems to have been with his chariot driver, whom he referred to as his husband. He also married a man named Zoticus, an athlete, in a public ceremony at Rome. Allegedly Elagabalus would paint his eyes, and wear wigs before prostituting himself in taverns and brothels. (11%)
  80. Francisco Pizarro, Spanish conqueror in South America; defeated Incas. Beliefs: Catholic (11%)
  81. Julius Caesar, Roman general, dictator. Beliefs: Roman state paganism A homosexual according to lambda.org. Assassinated in Roman Senate (11%)
  82. Nero, Roman emperor. Famous for cruelty, matricide and fiddling while Rome burned. Beliefs: Roman Paganism (11%)
  83. Vlad the Impaler did not just impale his enemies, he also burned to death all the vagrants, disabled and mentally-ill people he could find. (11%)
  84. Marcus Junius Brutus Not the first traitor in history, but the first to become famous. After fighting for the Roman Empire, commanded by his adoptive father, Julius Caesar, he joined another traitor, Cassius to take power. Not satisfied with the treason, he conspired to assassinate his father. The dying Caesar uttered the immortal 'et tu Brute? ' After the betrayal, Brutus led an army to dominate the Roman Empire, but was defeated by Marc Anthony. Defeated and perhaps feeling guilty, he committed suicide. (9%)
Some of these made me scratch my head.... some were a bit depressing.... and some made perfect sense... but yeah.. um.... Edited by GothicRavenGoddess
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Top 25... muhahahahahahaha!

1. Muhammad, Prophet of Islam; conqueror of Arabia. Beliefs: Islam (100%) Books, etc.

2. George Washington, first president of United States, military leader. Beliefs: Episcopalian (94%) Books, etc.

3. Jesus Christ, founder/namesake of Christianity. Beliefs: Judaism; Christianity. Crucified (94%) Books, etc.

4. Leonardo da Vinci, artist; inventor. Beliefs: Catholic A homosexual according to lambda.org . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (89%) Books, etc.

5. Julius Caesar, Roman general, dictator. Beliefs: Roman state paganism A homosexual according to lambda.org. Assassinated in Roman Senate (84%) Books, etc.

6. Lucrezia Borgia, Italian femme fatale, daughter of a pope. Her family was synonymous with political and sexual corruption. (84%) Books, etc.

7. Plato, founder of Platonism. Beliefs: Platonism / Greek philosophy . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (78%) Books, etc.

8. Aesop, fable composer, compiler and teller. Aesop met with a violent death at the hands of the inhabitants of Delphi, possibly because of his sarcasm and insults. (73%) Books, etc.

9. Marco Polo, explorer, was one of the first Westerners to travel the Silk Road to China. Kublai Khan took a liking to Marco, who was an engaging storyteller. Marco was sent on many diplomatic missions throughout Khan’s empire. The Khan appreciated Marco so much that he would not all him to return home to Venice until 17 years had passed (73%) Books, etc.

10. Michelangelo, painter; sculptor; architect. Beliefs: Catholic A homosexual according to lambda.org (73%) Books, etc.

11. Simon Bolivar, National hero of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. Beliefs: Catholic (nominal); atheist (73%) Books, etc.

12. William the Conqueror, laid foundation of modern England. Beliefs: Catholic (73%) Books, etc.

13. Abraham Lincoln, 16th president of U.S.; led during Civil War. Beliefs: Deist, general theist, once said, 'When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That is my religion'. Assassinated. (68%) Books, etc.

14. Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of telephone, worked with deaf. Beliefs: Unitarian/Universalist (68%) Books, etc.

15. Benjamin Franklin, American politician, inventor, publisher and originator of aphorisms. Ardent competitive swimmer who developed swim fins. Beliefs: Presbyterian; Deist . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (68%) Books, etc.

16. Buddha. Gautama Buddha was a spiritual teacher from Ancient India and the founder of Buddhism.[1] He is generally recognized by Buddhists as the Supreme Buddha (Sammâsambuddha) of our age. The time of his birth and death are uncertain: Best estimates are 400 or 500 years before Christ. Beliefs: Hinduism; Buddhism (68%) Books, etc.

17. Francis Bacon, English statesman, essayist, and philosopher, delineated inductive scientific method. Beliefs: Anglican A homosexual according to lambda.org (68%) Books, etc.

18. Jeremy Bentham, English jurist, philosopher, and legal and social reformer. As requested in his will, his body was preserved and displayed in a wooden cabinet, (68%) Books, etc.

19. Pythagoras, mathematician, mystic and scientist . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (68%) Books, etc.

20. Socrates, philosopher A homosexual according to lambda.org. Forced to commit suicide by drinking hemlock juice. (68%) Books, etc.

21. Alexander the Great, king of Macedonia; one of the greatest military minds in history; conquered much of what was then the civilized world. Beliefs: Greek state paganism A homosexual according to lambda.org (63%) Books, etc.

22. Caligula, Roman Emperor Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus commonly known by his nickname Caligula. A noble and moderate ruler during the first two years of his rule, but soon changed to a cruel, extravagant, sexual perverse and insane tyrant.. He had people killed for his amusement. He referred to himself as a god, even dressing as gods Hercules, Mercury, Venus and Apollo. Assassinated by members of his own bodyguard and the Roman Senate. (63%) Books, etc.

23. Catherine de Medici, Queen of France whose hatred of Protestants knew no bounds, and who ordered the Massacre of St Bartholomew in which thousands of Huguenots were killed. (63%) Books, etc.

24. Elagabalus, transsexual Roman emperor. He married and divorced five women, but his most stable relationship seems to have been with his chariot driver, whom he referred to as his husband. He also married a man named Zoticus, an athlete, in a public ceremony at Rome. Allegedly Elagabalus would paint his eyes, and wear wigs before prostituting himself in taverns and brothels. (63%) Books, etc.

25. Joan of Arc, "the Maid of Orleans" was a 15th century Catholic Saint and national heroine of France. Burned at the steak for heresy. (63%) Books, etc.

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1. Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of telephone, worked with deaf. Beliefs: Unitarian/Universalist (100%)

2. Archimedes, father of experimental science. Beliefs: Greek philosophy. During the Siege of Syracuse he was killed by a Roman soldier despite orders that he should not be harmed. (100%)

3. Louis Pasteur, French chemist and microbiologist. Created first vaccine for rabies. Best known for inventing pasteurization. Advocated that doctors sanitize their hands and equipment before surgery. Before that, few doctors bothered to scrub up. Beliefs: Catholic (100%)

4. Albert Einstein, physicist; originated the theory of relativity, won Noble prize. Beliefs: Jewish . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (90%)

5. Benjamin Franklin, American politician, inventor, publisher and originator of aphorisms. Ardent competitive swimmer who developed swim fins. Beliefs: Presbyterian; Deist . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (90%)

6. Charles Darwin, biologist; described evolution. Beliefs: Anglican (nominal); Unitarian (90%)

7. Galileo Galilei, astronomer; accurately described heliocentric solar system. Beliefs: Catholic (90%)

8. Jeremy Bentham, English jurist, philosopher, and legal and social reformer. As requested in his will, his body was preserved and displayed in a wooden cabinet, (90%)

9. Pythagoras, mathematician, mystic and scientist . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (90%)

10. Thomas Edison, inventor of light bulb, phonograph, etc. Beliefs: Congregationalist; agnostic (90%)

11. Thomas Jefferson, 3rd president of United States. Beliefs: Episcopalian; Deist (90%)

12. Confucius, founder of Confucianism. His philosophy emphasized personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationships, justice and sincerity. Five centuries before Christ he wrote ''never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself.'' (81%)

13. Euclid, mathematician; Euclidian geometry. Beliefs: Platonism / Greek philosophy (81%)

14. Galen, innovative Greek physician; surgeon to the gladiators, gained then-new anatomical knowledge; the profit motive, said Galen, incompatible with a devotion to the art of healing (81%)

15. Isaac Newton, physicist; theory of universal gravitation; laws of motion. Beliefs: believed in the Arianism of the Primitive Church . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (81%)

16. Johann Gutenberg, developed movable type; printed Bibles. Beliefs: Catholic (81%)

17. Martin Luther, founder of Protestantism and Lutheranism. Beliefs: Catholic; Lutheran . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (81%)

18. Sigmund Freud, founded Freudian school of psychology/psychoanalysis (i.e., the ''religion of Freudianism''). Beliefs: Jewish; atheist. Died of a posssibly unintentional morphine overdose (81%)

19. Tsai Lun, inventor of paper. Beliefs: Chinese traditional religion (81%)

20. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Composer. Credited with more than 600 compositions. When he was five years old, he could both read and write music and had precocious skills as a keyboard and violin player. (81%)

21. Buddha. Gautama Buddha was a spiritual teacher from Ancient India and the founder of Buddhism.[1] He is generally recognized by Buddhists as the Supreme Buddha (Sammâsambuddha) of our age. The time of his birth and death are uncertain: Best estimates are 400 or 500 years before Christ. Beliefs: Hinduism; Buddhism (72%)

22. Dante Alighieri, poet. Exiled from his native Florence, He died never returning home (72%)

23. Hippocrates, Greek physician, known as the "father of medicine". He is credited with being the first physician to reject superstitious beliefs that blamed supernatural or divine forces with causing illness. (72%)

24. Jesus Christ, founder/namesake of Christianity. Beliefs: Judaism; Christianity. Crucified (72%)

25. Johann Sebastian Bach, a composer whose works were practically forgotten for nearly a century, until Felix Mendelssohn called Bach a genius. Beliefs: Lutheran; Catholic (72%)

26. Karl Marx, founder of Marxism, Marxist Communism. Beliefs: Jewish; Lutheran; Atheist; Marxism/Communism (72%)

27. Ludwig van Beethoven, composer. Beliefs: Catholic (72%)

28. Mohandas Gandhi, Indian leader and Hindu religious reformer. Beliefs: Hinduism; influenced by Jainism (mother was a Jain) . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (72%)

29. Muhammad, Prophet of Islam; conqueror of Arabia. Beliefs: Islam (72%)

30. Nicolaus Copernicus, astronomer; taught heliocentricity. Beliefs: Catholic (priest) (72%)

31. Plato, founder of Platonism. Beliefs: Platonism / Greek philosophy . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (72%)

32. Ptolemy (Claudius Ptolemaeus), astronomer, mathematician and geographer (72%)

33. William Shakespeare, English playwright. Beliefs: Catholic; Anglican. Coiner of many common terms and phrases. (72%)

34. Abraham Lincoln, 16th president of U.S.; led during Civil War. Beliefs: Deist, general theist, once said, 'When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That is my religion'. Assassinated. (63%)

35. Aristotle, influential Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor, and astronomer.. Beliefs: Platonism / Greek philosophy A homosexual according to lambda.org (63%)

36. Charlemagne, Holy Roman Empire created with his baptism in 800 AD. Beliefs: Catholic (63%)

37. Francis Bacon, English statesman, essayist, and philosopher, delineated inductive scientific method. Beliefs: Anglican A homosexual according to lambda.org (63%)

38. Henry VIII. English King known for his political struggles with Rome which led to the formation of the Anglican church. Henry wanted a male heir, to avoid rival claims to the crown. He married sex women. Two marriages were annulled; two wives were beheaded, one died, one survived. Late in life, Henry became grossly overweight, covered with boils and had to be moved about with the help of mechanical inventions. (63%)

39. Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism, mayor of Nauvoo, Illinois. Killed by an angry mob. (63%)

40. King David, biblical King of Israel, warrior, writer of psalms, slayer of giant Goliath. (63%)

41. Nicoli Machiavelli, wrote The Prince an influential political treatise. Beliefs: Catholic (63%)

42. St. Paul, proselytizer of Christianity. Beliefs: Judaism; Christianity. Was beheaded in Nreo-ruled Rome (63%)

43. Winston Churchill, British wartime prime minister. (63%)

44. Adolf Hitler, conqueror; dictator. Unsuccessful street artists To many evil incarnate. Beliefs: born/raised in, but rejected Catholicism . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians. Committed suicide via gunshot/overdose of cyanide (54%)

45. Attila the Hun, leader of the Hunnic Empire and warrior who reigned over an empire that stretched from central Asia into Germany, In Europe, he is remembered as the epitome of cruelty and rapacity. In other histories he lionized as a great and noble king (54%)

46. Constantine the Great, Roman emperor, made a saint for completely legalized Christianity, also a murderous tyrant who killed his own wife and a son. Beliefs: Roman state paganism; Christianity (54%)

47. George Washington, first president of United States, military leader. Beliefs: Episcopalian (54%)

48. Lenin, Russian revolutionary, political leader. Beliefs: Russian Orthodox; Atheist; Marxism/Communism (54%)

49. Leonardo da Vinci, artist; inventor. Beliefs: Catholic A homosexual according to lambda.org . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (54%)

50. Aesop, fable composer, compiler and teller. Aesop met with a violent death at the hands of the inhabitants of Delphi, possibly because of his sarcasm and insults. (45%)

51. Benedict Arnold, now the synonym for ''traitor'', he was considered by many to be the best general in the Continental Army, but he switched sides to the British. Arnold was embittered and resentful toward Congress for passing him over for promotion and not approving or refunding his wartime expenses; Arnold himself had paid nearly all of the expenses of his force's campaigns in Canada. (45%)

52. Christopher Columbus, explorer; led Europe to Americas. Beliefs: Catholic (45%)

53. Ferdinand Magellan, navigator; named Pacific Ocean; first circumnavigation of globe. Beliefs: Catholic (45%)

54. Genghis Khan, Mongol conqueror. Founder and ruler of the Mongol Empire, the largest contiguous empire in history. Beliefs: Mongolian shamanism (45%)

55. Ivan The Terrible. Impulsive, intelligent with a fierce temper. In a rage killed his own son whom he had groomed to ascend to the throne. The surviving son, the mentally retarded Fyodor became tsar. (45%)

56. Joseph Stalin, revolutionary and ruler of USSR, mass murderer. Beliefs: Russian Orthodox; Atheist; Marxism. (45%)

57. Marco Polo, explorer, was one of the first Westerners to travel the Silk Road to China. Kublai Khan took a liking to Marco, who was an engaging storyteller. Marco was sent on many diplomatic missions throughout Khan's empire. The Khan appreciated Marco so much that he would not all him to return home to Venice until 17 years had passed (45%)

58. Marcus Junius Brutus Not the first traitor in history, but the first to become famous. After fighting for the Roman Empire, commanded by his adoptive father, Julius Caesar, he joined another traitor, Cassius to take power. Not satisfied with the treason, he conspired to assassinate his father. The dying Caesar uttered the immortal 'et tu Brute? ' After the betrayal, Brutus led an army to dominate the Roman Empire, but was defeated by Marc Anthony. Defeated and perhaps feeling guilty, he committed suicide. (45%)

59. Maximilien Robespierre, de facto dictator. During the French Revolution/Reign of Terror he sent 1285 victims to the guillotine. Eventually, citizens turned on him and he was beheaded. (45%)

60. Moses, major prophet of Judaism. Beliefs: Judaism (45%)

61. Nero, Roman emperor. Famous for cruelty, matricide and fiddling while Rome burned. Beliefs: Roman Paganism (45%)

62. Oliver Cromwell, British political and military leader. Beliefs: Puritan (Protestant) (45%)

63. Simon Bolivar, National hero of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. Beliefs: Catholic (nominal); atheist (45%)

64. Tomas de Torquemada first Inquisitor General of Spain known for his zealous campaign against Jews, Muslims and other non-Christians. He used use of torture, anonymous denunciation to achieve convictions. (45%)

65. Vlad the Impaler did not just impale his enemies, he also burned to death all the vagrants, disabled and mentally-ill people he could find. (45%)

66. William the Conqueror, laid foundation of modern England. Beliefs: Catholic (45%)

67. Augustus Caesar, the grand-nephew and primary heir of Julius Caesar; first Roman emperor. Beliefs: Roman state paganism A homosexual according to lambda.org (36%)

68. Francisco Pizarro, Spanish conqueror in South America; defeated Incas. Beliefs: Catholic (36%)

69. Mary Wollstonecraft, Anglo-Irish feminist, intellectual and writer (36%)

70. Michelangelo, painter; sculptor; architect. Beliefs: Catholic A homosexual according to lambda.org (36%)

71. Napoleon Bonaparte, French emperor, general. Beliefs: Catholic (nominal). Died in exile. (36%)

72. Socrates, philosopher A homosexual according to lambda.org. Forced to commit suicide by drinking hemlock juice. (36%)

73. Susan B. Anthony, pioneer of women's rights . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians. (36%)

74. Cleopatra, Egyptian ruler. Committed suicide by forcing an asp against her breast.. (27%)

75. Peter the Great, forged Russia into a great European nation. Beliefs: Russian Orthodox A homosexual according to lambda.org (27%)

76. Queen Elizabeth I, British monarch; restored Church of England to power after Queen Mary. Beliefs: Anglican (27%)

77. Theodora, Byzantine empress originally famous for her comedy/strip tease/sex act until she married the Emperor Justinian the Great. She and her husband outlawed rape of lower class women. accelerated Catholic-Monophysite schism. Beliefs: Catholic (27%)

78. Alexander the Great, king of Macedonia; one of the greatest military minds in history; conquered much of what was then the civilized world. Beliefs: Greek state paganism A homosexual according to lambda.org (18%)

79. Joan of Arc, "the Maid of Orleans" was a 15th century Catholic Saint and national heroine of France. Burned at the steak for heresy. (18%)

80. Julius Caesar, Roman general, dictator. Beliefs: Roman state paganism A homosexual according to lambda.org. Assassinated in Roman Senate (18%)

81. Caligula, Roman Emperor Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus commonly known by his nickname Caligula. A noble and moderate ruler during the first two years of his rule, but soon changed to a cruel, extravagant, sexual perverse and insane tyrant.. He had people killed for his amusement. He referred to himself as a god, even dressing as gods Hercules, Mercury, Venus and Apollo. Assassinated by members of his own bodyguard and the Roman Senate. (9%)

82. Catherine de Medici, Queen of France whose hatred of Protestants knew no bounds, and who ordered the Massacre of St Bartholomew in which thousands of Huguenots were killed. (9%)

83. Elagabalus, transsexual Roman emperor. He married and divorced five women, but his most stable relationship seems to have been with his chariot driver, whom he referred to as his husband. He also married a man named Zoticus, an athlete, in a public ceremony at Rome. Allegedly Elagabalus would paint his eyes, and wear wigs before prostituting himself in taverns and brothels. (9%)

84. Irene, empress of Byzantium, overthrew her son, she had him blinded in the room where she had given birth to him. (9%)

85. Lucrezia Borgia, Italian femme fatale, daughter of a pope. Her family was synonymous with political and sexual corruption. (9%)

Edited by drcarstairs
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1. King David, biblical King of Israel, warrior, writer of psalms, slayer of giant Goliath. (100%)

2. Muhammad, Prophet of Islam; conqueror of Arabia. Beliefs: Islam (100%)

3. Joan of Arc, "the Maid of Orleans" was a 15th century Catholic Saint and national heroine of France. Burned at the steak for heresy. (94%)

4. Simon Bolivar, National hero of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. Beliefs: Catholic (nominal); atheist (89%)

5. George Washington, first president of United States, military leader. Beliefs: Episcopalian (86%)

6. Theodora, Byzantine empress originally famous for her comedy/strip tease/sex act until she married the Emperor Justinian the Great. She and her husband outlawed rape of lower class women. accelerated Catholic-Monophysite schism. Beliefs: Catholic (72%)

7. Benjamin Franklin, American politician, inventor, publisher and originator of aphorisms. Ardent competitive swimmer who developed swim fins. Beliefs: Presbyterian; Deist . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (67%)

8. Thomas Jefferson, 3rd president of United States. Beliefs: Episcopalian; Deist (67%)

9. William the Conqueror, laid foundation of modern England. Beliefs: Catholic (67%)

10. Leonardo da Vinci, artist; inventor. Beliefs: Catholic A homosexual according to lambda.org . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (64%)

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did you read mine?? I was obviously a man on a couple of them!!! hahahha

including Hitler, Caligula and others like that....

I dont think he ment it in a way that he had more women vs men on his... his number 1 was

1. Elagabalus, transsexual Roman emperor. He married and divorced five women, but his most stable relationship seems to have been with his chariot driver, whom he referred to as his husband. He also married a man named Zoticus, an athlete, in a public ceremony at Rome. Allegedly Elagabalus would paint his eyes, and wear wigs before prostituting himself in taverns and brothels. (100%) Books, etc.


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My top 5...

1. Aesop, fable composer, compiler and teller. Aesop met with a violent death at the hands of the inhabitants of Delphi, possibly because of his sarcasm and insults. (100%)

2. Muhammad, Prophet of Islam; conqueror of Arabia. Beliefs: Islam (86%)

3. Abraham Lincoln, 16th president of U.S.; led during Civil War. Beliefs: Deist, general theist, once said, 'When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That is my religion'. Assassinated. (82%)

4. Benjamin Franklin, American politician, inventor, publisher and originator of aphorisms. Ardent competitive swimmer who developed swim fins. Beliefs: Presbyterian; Deist . On the Veg-World.com list of famous vegetarians (82%)

5. Buddha. Gautama Buddha was a spiritual teacher from Ancient India and the founder of Buddhism.[1] He is generally recognized by Buddhists as the Supreme Buddha (Sammâsambuddha) of our age. The time of his birth and death are uncertain: Best estimates are 400 or 500 years before Christ. Beliefs: Hinduism; Buddhism (82%)

I hope my sarcasm isn't the death of me... :X

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