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I vote no death penalty even though he'll get it anyway.

Death penalties don't mean shit if you use them on people who want to be martyred. They work on people who don't want to die a.k.a. probably not Islamic terrorists.

Yeah, but also if you do that, we are the ones that pay to have him live in royalty in these prisons. Even if he isn't living in royalty, he is living off our taxpayer money just like the rest of the pond scum.

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..oK media lovers..I heard a whole lot of shit...now, I talk...like, if someone was a Christian first, & an American second, it is oK...in fact, it is not even blinked at...

..same goes for a Buddhist...they can get out of combat service for Spiritual reason...shit, EVERY Mormon, is a Mormon FIRST...& I have never knowingly met a Pagan, worth their salt, that did not consider themselves as their own King...

Not entirely sure if I agree or not with that. But I wanted to say that the founding fathers of this country founded this country with Christian beliefs when writing our Constitution i.e. In God We Trust, not In Allah We Trust. So basically, American and Christian go hand in hand. (reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_the_United_States) Only later on did we modify and add that other religions could practice their religion here.

And yes, he said in Arabic as noted by witnesses, "Soldiers reported that the gunman shouted "Allahu Akbar!" — an Arabic phrase for "God is great!" — before opening fire Thursday, said Lt. Gen. Robert Cone, the base commander. He said officials had not confirmed Hasan made the comment." -AP Press http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091106/ap_on_re_us/us_fort_hood_shooting

Personally I think the guy had identity problems. The guy was even born on American soil, but was changing his loyalties based on his study of extremists sites.

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Yeah, but also if you do that, we are the ones that pay to have him live in royalty in these prisons. Even if he isn't living in royalty, he is living off our taxpayer money just like the rest of the pond scum.

Except it costs more money to execute somebody than to keep them in prison for life. I know, it doesn't make sense, but that's what I've heard.

In God We Trust, not In Allah We Trust. So basically, American and Christian go hand in hand.

Sure, it says "In God We Trust" but it does not say "In Jesus We Trust". Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all share the same God whether he be called Allah, Yaweh, I Am, etc. The only difference is between Mohammad, Jesus, and the eternal.

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America was founded not on Christian beliefs, but on Greco-Roman ones.

Can I have a link to back that up?

All I have been able to find is that Greco-Roman religion was far before America was formed. All that I can see is Christian and/or Catholic references to the American era.

Edited by Reaper
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Can I have a link to back that up?

All I have been able to find is that Greco-Roman religion was far before America was formed. All that I can see is Christian and/or Catholic references to the American era.

...not religion...America was founded on FREEDOM to choose what religion you are.

The Greco-Roman belief system referred to is a republic, & democracy...

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...not religion...America was founded on FREEDOM to choose what religion you are.

The Greco-Roman belief system referred to is a republic, & democracy...

From what I read though, Greco-Roman religion was based upon many deities vs one true god, hence Christianity. http://demo.lutherproductions.com/historytutor/basic/early/genknow/greco_roman.htm

I still don't see how the country was founded by a religion that resembled multiple gods.

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From what I read though, Greco-Roman religion was based upon many deities vs one true god, hence Christianity. http://demo.lutherproductions.com/historytutor/basic/early/genknow/greco_roman.htm

I still don't see how the country was founded by a religion that resembled multiple gods.

It wasn't founded on ANY RELIGION!

NONE AT ALL.....the Greco-roman 'religions' were not even termed as such when they were in practice.

...this is a democratic-republic...this is a system that is hodge-podged from democracy, & a republic.

Do you see that the words democracy, & republic, are political terms, not religious terms?

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As the government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen … it is declared … that no pretext arising from religious opinion shall ever product an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries. … The United States is not a Christian nation any more than it is a Jewish or a Mohammedan nation.

* Article 11 of the Treaty of Tripoli (1797-01-04, which was carried unanimously by the U.S. Senate and signed into law by John Adams

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How did the "religion" of our country get to kill this? It really doesn't have that much to do with this shit.

First, Muslim leaders in America denounced what he did as a cowardly act. When asked if there was anything in Islam that commanded him NOT to fight against other Muslims...the answere was NO and that it was his DUTY to follow orders...or else take the proper actions to correct the situation.

Second, as stated before there are rules in the military just like anywhere else that must be followed. However, they will and do deal with the needs of different belief systems...but only to a certain point because if they conflict THAT much then why the hell are you joining a military branch anyways?

Dude, the only part that religion plays here is that this guy was messed up in the head, became even more warped by talking to the "muslim" extremists that he had contacted, that then that time bomb was set off by the word "deploy"...that is all. What he had was not religion at all...it was nothing more than him sharing the name of a religion that is, for the most part, peaceful.

And yes there will be some static with other Muslim troops in the military...and I am not going to say it is right but it is not wrong...shit is fucked up today.

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It looks like this guy was screwed up from way back and they just ignored the danger signs.


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Regardless of this guy being crazy, he went beyond the call when he went through with killing these soldiers in the name of Allah. Now that they found business cards with the initials S.O.A. (Soldier of Allah) I think he should definitely be charged as a terrorist, because its becoming more and more obvious that he was extremely on the side of the terrorists. If he didn't want to fight RADICAL muslims, then he should have left his position and the Army for that matter. It only gives evidence that he was transformed to the radical side and wanted to kill american military.

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Regardless of this guy being crazy, he went beyond the call when he went through with killing these soldiers in the name of Allah. Now that they found business cards with the initials S.O.A. (Soldier of Allah) I think he should definitely be charged as a terrorist, because its becoming more and more obvious that he was extremely on the side of the terrorists. If he didn't want to fight RADICAL muslims, then he should have left his position and the Army for that matter. It only gives evidence that he was transformed to the radical side and wanted to kill american military.

They don't even need to charge him as a terrorist...the charges he got will put him in Leavenworth...where you do ALL the time that they give you and spend it all making big rocks into medium rocks, medium rocks into small rock, and small rocks in to small stones...

There is also the fact that no matter how long his sentence is in Leavenworth he will most likely never make it out alive...most of my friends are guessing that he will last about 2 years...there is alot of money on the death pool for this dude.

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They don't even need to charge him as a terrorist...the charges he got will put him in Leavenworth...where you do ALL the time that they give you and spend it all making big rocks into medium rocks, medium rocks into small rock, and small rocks in to small stones...

There is also the fact that no matter how long his sentence is in Leavenworth he will most likely never make it out alive...most of my friends are guessing that he will last about 2 years...there is alot of money on the death pool for this dude.

No, the charges against him will get him in front of a firing squad. Thier is only one penalty in the UCMJ for a soldier who murders other active duty soldiers in a time of war.

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I doubt they'll put this guy in front of a firing squad. Apparently he is paralyzed from the waist down.

How is that relavent? BTW, I could be wrong.. my memory of the UCMJ is a bit shaky... I know it's a death penalty crime but it may not be a firing squad... deep recess of my memory of screaming of a hanging.

Edited by Gaf The Horse With Tears
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