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I been reading a couple of your posts saying that u were illin this weekend what seems to be the problem?

Hrmm...  feeling sick, and tired, been up way to long,  yet im still online.  Somone tell me to STFU, and go lay down please.  lol

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Usual health problems , mixed with me "overdoing it" a bit to much in terms of pushing myself to go out a bit to much.

Im just so overjoyed that i DO feel like im getting better, that i think im jumping the gun a bit to much and running the engine a bit to hot, so to speak.

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GO! GIT! GIT TA BED YOU! You ain't missin nuthin. You can always come back and read what ya missed.....go get yourself a hot tottie, draw a nice bath..and get some well deserved rest....your body will appreciate that...

Hope you feel better!

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Troy, you have to do it in spurts. If you push yourself, it's not healthy. Besides, I want you to come out when I come to town. So get some rest.

good advice. =) Although i DO need to push myself at least a bit i think. I've been in "hideout mode" for so long i think sometimes I've been hiding out just out of habit, even when i am feeling somewhat ok.

I've already fucked myself twice now with the "oops.. im feeling a bit better... >does all kind of crazy stuff=)

Troy, STFU and get some rest. There I said it.

Hah thanks =)

GO!  GIT!  GIT TA BED YOU!  You isn't missin nuthin.  You can always come back and read what ya missed.....go get yourself a hot tottie, draw a nice bath..and get some well deserved rest....your body will appreciate that...

Hope you feel better!

Omg that's a reason to stay up kelly hehe not a reason to go to bed. *starts thinking about it* does sound nice... mmmm..... *starts thinking about a chesterfield girl*

Agreed!  Brandy will be venturing up with me again this weekend, and I know she's gonna want to see you! Plus...

I need more DGN cards, I'm out already. :grin

Brandy and Jeremy plus someone that wants to help DGN promotion? Hell i have to rest up now, its official. =)

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**peeks into the room to see if everything is okay.. ** :erm

**yawning and stretching after over-working, nods to the lovely Troy about over-doing "it", being that she has tons of experience in over-doing "it", especially work-related over-doing "it", and ESPECIALLY this week, so far**

Troy, honey.. sleep is good.. you arent missin out on anything..

**goes into the bathroom to look at herself in her full length mirror to give herself the same advice** :whistling

**hugs to Troy**


(feeling better today???)

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Overdoing it is not good and its always best ta rest up and recover. But at the same time since ya do brave enough to go out ta cc every week anyways I admire your courage and if I was in the same position I'd be doing the same as well, there have been times when I was really sick and had a pounding headache, but knowing how hard head I am i still went n had fun anyways hehe. Although im not saying its a good thing and not trying to advise anyone to do it. But I can understand the strong desire :clover

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**peeks into the room to see if everything is okay.. ** :erm

**yawning and stretching after over-working, nods to the lovely Troy about over-doing "it", being that she has tons of experience in over-doing "it", especially work-related over-doing "it", and ESPECIALLY this week, so far**

Troy, honey.. sleep is good.. you arent missin out on anything..

**goes into the bathroom to look at herself in her full length mirror to give herself the same advice** :whistling

**hugs to Troy**


(feeling better today???)

*thinks back* yes =)

Although "today" is actually several days after your post, sorry for the slow response to everyones replies.

sleep sleep sleep little troy !!

GO ! NOW! :grin  :blushing


Overdoing it is not good and its always best ta rest up and recover. But at the same time since ya do brave enough to go out ta cc every week anyways I admire your courage and if I was in the same position I'd be doing the same as well, there have been times when I was really sick and had a pounding headache, but knowing how hard head I am i still went n had fun anyways hehe. Although im not saying its a good thing and not trying to advise anyone to do it. But I can understand the strong desire :clover


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