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DGN Appreciation Nght Aftermath

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well, i'm glad i got a room, there's no way i could have driven back to k'zoo last night.

it was really good to see so many dgn'ers, but for some reason it ended up being a rather anticlimactic night for me. i originally thought i was in a pretty good, talkative mood, but at some point that changed. such is life, i suppose...

let's see if i can recall everyone i saw/talked to:

met/spoke with: raev, spook, twb, cherny, pest, roman, troy, hunhee, phee, stormknight, tzura, nightgaunt, prick, eevee, slogo, neinna, "beanternal", fin, blackjack, gothkytten (i think? out by the door), and dark racer...

saw, but didn't speak with: rambo, dark metallion, xillatoxic (i think), eleven (i think), LOS (i think), littlemissluckycunt, fidget/ripley, that-guy-with-the-gas-mask-who's-name-i-never-remember, stymie (big -hawk, right?), dbk, and a cute girl who said i reminded her of her uncle (natas-something? said she'd be joining soon!)

and yet again, i've managed to *not* meet or see onyx!?

anyway, standing door-duty from 1-2:30am seemed to fit the mood i fell into by the end of the night pretty well, as i didn't really see anyone, beyond the few dgn'ers who stopped out to keep me company.

overall, a decent night, although as i said, a little anticlimactic. wish i'd been feeling a bit more outgoing.

thanks to everyone who came out!

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anyway, standing door-duty from 1-2:30am seemed to fit the mood i fell into by the end of the night pretty well, as i didn't really see anyone, beyond the few dgn'ers who stopped out to keep me company.

I think for the next annual one, I'm going to revise the shifts and number of people in each spot so we don't have a lovely volunteer losing their buzz again :(

edit -

Also, anyone who has feedback or constructive critisism about the night for me - PLEASE PM me about it! I'm already kicking around some ideas and building a framework for next years!

Edited by Raev
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I had a blast last night. Gimp, I didn't see you, were you really at the door?

yes ma'am i was at the door 1030pm-400am... all night... :X

I had such a wonderful time!

Danced and drank and bounced around, as usual! I was so happy to be among friends. It was a really positive night, thank you everyone!

Raev - you are awesome! Thank you for putting it all together! it was wonderful to see you, I promise it won't be so long until the next time.

Taystee - ooh la la! Je t'adore, cherie :kiss

Spook - so glad I got to spend time with you! It's been too long! loooove the skirt

I got to meet DBK officially for the first time - hooray!

Hunhee - I love the hair! But you always look adorable :happy:

pRick - I didn't recognize you until you were right next to me! not used to the hat look. so happy to see you!

Gimp - didn't get to chat for long as you were on duty, but so glad to see you! best unexpected line of the night: "If you've got a dick, come here!"

Beanternal - lovely to see you both! Eternal, I promise to be gentle LOL

Constantin - so glad you could make it out after all!

Nightgaunt & Tszura - awesome to see you!

Xilla Toxic - gorgeous corset. want!

Fin - excellent to see you, wish we could have talked more! next time.

Stormknight - hooray for talking science! it makes me happy :biggrin:

I brought my housemate and one of her friends along, they also had an excellent time! and of course the bf was there too!

I also saw/said hi to troy, slogo, eleven, samhain, helena, nienna, pest, chernobyl, mickey and jenny (staff)... and I know that there are others who slip my mind at the moment! I apologize and promise I was happy to see you too!

you have to say shit like that cuz people dont wanna listen to ya...so sometimes ya gotta sound a little gay...

a few others mainly the males who reconized me said hi threw pat downs bt the rest that didnt say hi...you greatly dissapoint me *sigh* :no

Edited by TheGimp
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It was nice to meet some of the DGN people. I got to meet Chernobyl, Pestilance, Eevee, Dark Metalion, Prick, Spook, Taysteewonderbunny, Fin, Savior, Hunhee, Stormknight, Beanternal (think I met you, can't remember at the moment), and Slogo. There's probably some people I didn't mention, I can't remember their names right now. Must have missed you, Gimp. There were some other people I didn't get to meet, maybe next time. Everyone was very cool.

Edited by KatRN05
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I think for the next annual one, I'm going to revise the shifts and number of people in each spot so we don't have a lovely volunteer losing their buzz again :(

edit -

Also, anyone who has feedback or constructive critisism about the night for me - PLEASE PM me about it! I'm already kicking around some ideas and building a framework for next years!

Who was it that lost their buzz?

Oh and this is Cherny bouncing in to say: I'll be back with my full review after I get done cleaning this bitch ass house of mine.

I will say first, and formost, that I have NOT been pleased with CC the last five times I have gone over the past few years. I thought the music was poppy bullshit oriented towards jocks (I mean Justin Timberlake - Jizzed in My Pants...WTF. Srsly?) and has no place at a goth club, there had been more preppy people than goths when I went (which is like going to RenFest but all the people walking around in jeans and t-shirts ruins the atmosphere), etc. I didn't like where the club was going AT ALL. I thought they were more about trying to get ANYONE in there to give them money then caring about the scene itself...something I look down upon HIGHLY.

BUT...last night I had a VERY decent time. For the first time in awhile the music was not 100% suckass, they actually had a somewhat decent playlist with a lot in there to please everyone...AND, I would like to announce, they FINALLY PLAYED A SONG REQUEST OF MINE! I actually WROTE them a paragraphs long thank you note also because, well, when someone does something good you should praise them for it. So whatever DJ that was, thanks :)

Also, douchebaggery was at an all time low. I did not see any problems with stupid tourists ruining our good time, Crank had even mentioned that CC was starting to realize that they were driving away all of the OGs (Original Goths :tongue: ) and they're trying to come down hard on douchebag tourists that quite honestly shouldn't even be there imo. That's just me though.

So CC...you WILL see Chernobyl more often now :) Keep up the good work, good to see the club going back in the right direction :thumbsup:

Edited by Chernobyl
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BUT...last night I had a VERY decent time. For the first time in awhile the music was not 100% suckass, they actually had a somewhat decent playlist with a lot in there to please everyone...AND, I would like to announce, they FINALLY PLAYED A SONG REQUEST OF MINE! I actually WROTE them a paragraphs long thank you note also because, well, when someone does something good you should praise them for it. So whatever DJ that was, thanks :)


Chernobyl you are welcome, such a good song, thank you for the note to btw.

It was really nice to see so many of you out there. Looking forward to the next one.

I will be posting up the playlist soon for those that are interested.

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There needs to be a dress code for city. it might actually bring back some people.

I second this, other clubs in the area that are non-goth almost always have some type of dress code, but that would be hard to pull at CC for a few reasons. Where do you start? Do you say "well you have to wear all or some black" and that kind of limits people...or "no overtly preppy-ish people"? That's discriminating (even though they do it to us). It would be a hard line to draw...because if you said "well no jeans and t-shirts" what about the casual goth or metalhead that shows up in some tight ass 80s style jeans and a Ministry T-shirt? Technically, nothing would be inappropriate about that choice either, but according to the rules it would be against dress code.

I think they should work SOMETHING out like that...but it would have to be worded VERY specifically. Or you could just have me stand at the door and play Fashion Police all night with a sign reading "If you get past Chernobyl's outfit inspection then you get in".

But yes, I am VERY for the idea, and always have been.

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Music was better than usual,as long as I hear Fields of The Nephilim,and similar genre old school,I hope I never ever hear Cage The Elephant, that band sucks along with Hinder and ToejamLOL!

Wait...they've played those bands at CC before?


I throw that in there with the Justin Timberlake - "Jizz in my Pants" category :rofl:. Awful :no:, that shit has no place at a goth/scene oriented club. Maybe if we want the jocks to go away we should stop playing their music and start playing ours again? Last night was a good start.

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I had an over all decent night....

I finally got to meet the eternal and bean water :) nice to meet you!

also spook (nice outfit) and tasteewonderbunny, next time we'll talk more!

I seen a ton of DGNers.. to many to list... it was nice to see all of you.

it was my first dgn event and I hope I can make more in the future. :bunny:

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Last night was one of the best nights at CC we’ve had in a long arse time! I’ll post a list later (rockin‘ job Evee!!), but I just wanted to say now that we had a fantastic time with everyone. The vibe for us was excellent! And to my surprise, some old silly drama lifted, which made the night uber fantastic! Thanks to Raev, Hunhee, Chernobyl, Pestilence, TaysteeWonderBunny, Spook, StormKnight, Roman, our founding father, Troy, and everyone else who made the night possible! We love everybody, and can’t wait to see you all again!

Raev~ You absolutely ROCK for donating the money back to DGN! Thank you!! :bow

And Gimp~ We love you man! Show Gimp some love!! :kiss


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He was! I gave him a hug and tried to drag him on stage, but they actually had him chained to the vending machine and I was too wasted at the time to lift that damned thing. Poor, poor Gimp. Next time I'll bring a metal file or a hack saw--but where to hide it for the pat down?

As mentioned, I held a 50/50 raffle to benefit DGN. Altogether, I sold 40 tickets at $1. The winning ticket number, drawn at 2:21 am, was 804010 belonging to Raev who generously and honorably donated his winnings to DGN. Yay! $40 for DGN! Thanks to all who purchased tickets, especially to the big buyers of the night, Nightgaunt and Tszura; your generosity is much appreciated!

I had a very good time. I think the weekend after Halloween is a fitting date for a DGN Appreciation Night. Hopefully, we can have future events of this kind, each one bigger and better than the last. I have ideas. So does the_eternal who was disappointed that the toy in the party favor bags weren't vibrating bullets. Next year, my dear, when I am better funded, I will rectify that; each bag will have a bullet, a DGN bumper sticker, a decoder ring, and some eyeliner. How's about that?

There were so many DGNers present, it might be shorter for me to name the ones I know that WEREN'T there than name all the ones that were, but I will come back after a shower and a nap and begin my list and say my thank you's. Hugs to everyone for making last night so much fun!

Thanks very much for helping with this. *hugs*

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I had a great night. After the videoshoot during the day, seeing the DGNers at CC was the perfect ending to a great day. :happy: I never go on the stage, haha! But I occupy it often at these events.

Lets see...to those who I talked to...

LOS - A glorious evening with you, as always. Too bad there's assholes around. I'm glad your night got better. :kiss


Lillylu - I'm sorry your night was a bit of a downer...I hope you were cheered up a little by the time you dropped me off. I had fun spending time with you...I love your kittens! :X

Fidget - Whee! Yesterday was lots of fun! Who would've known when two women have a child together...it comes out as a skull, haha! :p

Ripley - I didn't really talk to you much...but you're adorable!

Skyfire - I'm glad we were able to talk a bunch last night. I feel like its been forever since I've been able to talk with you so much. I enjoyed being your keeper for your gasmask, lol And sorry about the ticket...see you at Necto tomorrow. :biggrin:

Phee - Eee! Thank you for the compliment, it really meant a lot. You're a REALLY cool guy. Maybe we can have a longer conversation next time. :yes

Raev - Mohawk guy! It was nice seeing you again, haha Sorry about your anxiety...I understand how it is, to a degree.

bean_water - :thumbsup: Every time I see you and eternal I get all giddy...you're completely adorable. I liked laughing over pRick searching through the candy with you, hehe!

the eternal - Pleasure, as always. I just realized we didn't talk much at all...laaaame.

pRick - Hahaha! Big brother! I still find it hilarious to see you, a bulky cowboy in leather chaps, shuffling through the bag of candy that was in your lap...trying to find only a Reese's cup! lol It was awesome seeing you again. :kiss

Calix - You're so pretty. This week we switched it up, huh? You sat of my lap! Haha!

Spook - You looked handsome in your fishnet and skirt. It was nice seeing you again...of course.

Fin - Yaaay! You remembered me! :p You looked amazing last night.

Eleven - I barely ever see you at the club...just every so often. Not cool, lol

TheGimp - It was nice...saying "Hi" to you? rofl Really, always nice to see you around. :]

Chernobyl - You're still one of my favorite DGNers...and I barely ever talk to you, lmao It was awesome seeing you last night...it has been a while.

Pestilance - I didn't talk to you...but you looked very handsome last night.

DBK - It was nice meeting you again...our hair matches now! :p

Savior - I'm so sorry about forgetting I had met you! It really had been a long time, lol Thanks for the drink (though I finished it before the cheer...sorry! :X ). Did your friend ever join DGN?

torn_asunder - Finally, I got to meet you! We didn't talk much...but you seem really cool.

TheOsakaKoneko - You looked gorgeous...I hope your evening went over well.

Riku - We didn't talk...lmao But you looked charming, as always.

Tszura - I love how upbeat you are, haha! It was awesome seeing you last night...and today, again. You looked great! And I love your dancing.

Nightgaunt - We didn't really talk...but you looked handsome, and it was nice to see you. :happy:

Stormknight - Man...that one chick on the dancefloor was wasted! Haha! It was nice seeing you again...as it is every week, lol

BlackJack - Three layers of clothing!? You're simply...insane, lol

Nienna - You looked gorgeous...something about the lighting and the color of your eyes, really made your eyes stand out. So pretty.

KatRN - I knew you right away from your display picture...haha! It was nice to meet you...hopefully we'll see each other more often. :]

Constantine - We only talked a little...and I honestly can't remember the topic. But, it was nice to see you again, lol

Roman - It was nice seeing you too. I just remembered you even snapped a picture of me...eep!

wildcat - I never got the dance, haha! Did I scare you away? :p

Gothkytten - Oh goodness...you looked gorgeous, but maybe had a bit too much to drink? Its always fun when you're around, haha! I hope your night ended well.

And, of course, it was nice to finally meet Troy Spiral.

I also saw a few others including aequorea, Hunhee, and LittleMissLuckyCunt who I didn't really talk to...but it was nice to see. :]

Sorry if I missed anyone!

PS - Night is spelled wrong in the title.

That right there is an example of how to right a good aftermath post. You should give lessons. Seriously.

Nice meeting you too. :)

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General thoughts---

I am so psyched for Manfast, even if it is 8 months away. I need to slim down and man up.

I'm going to be rocking a black toga this time. I getting my ass ready for better impressions on all of your cars.

I have Chernobyl, Pest, friend Jabberwok--who posted for like 2 seconds in 2007 and then disappeared, Constantin, and his brother, all future 2010 Manfast attendees,

to thank for that.

I hope Blackjack is working on his tree-carrying.

That may have been the most manly thing since Chuck Norris picked up Greenland, threw it in the air, and stopped global warming. chuck-norris.jpg

BTW, I need you all to watch Chernobyl when she dances. She is the only one who can dance with a pitcher in hand, and not look a frat idiot. It's a skill honed through practice.

I got a TON of wonderful hugs. I truly feel there's a healing power to them and I am totally addicted.


is populated by bean water (of course), Gothykitten (when drunk),

Hunhee (when drunk)-last night you were too sober for the club or hugs,

and Taysteewonderbunny who gets extra points for being just as warm when she's sober.

Honorable mentions to Osaka, GRG, Fidget, Eevee and the only three men I give full hugs,

Phee, Slogo, and LOS.

LOS---your current paramour, the sweetest person on the planet,

defines the word UPGRADE, esp since your last fling,

and I hope you two continue to make each other smile.

Of course, since you nearly bit my nipple off a couple weeks ago, we have had a deeper bond.

Thank you again for your apology and feeling me up.

It was soothing after Aequorea, a seemingly mild mannered sort, gave me a hug that was either meant to break my back or prep me for noogies and Indian burns to come later.

I got to meet for the first time:

Ms Riddlebox and her man, Evil Fish/kitty

Fidget and her woman, Lilylu, Skyfire, Ivycat, Deathfearsnone, and VampiricPassion

Oh and KatRN05, who wins points for looking exactly like her avatar, and yes you did meet me and bean.

I even gave you my half-hug for first time people and most men.

Gimp, everyone likes you. But we can't be too friendly to the guy that may feel our concealed weapons.

Well some of us can....

but we feel dirty later.

Troy, I always hope you make it home okay after these things. You were quite toasted.

You know we all love you too. You'll find your lady someday.

Talking old school, if there hasn't been 100% turnover of the board yet,

you probably noticed Saechalyn was there too. And of course, Nienna who I got to dance with.

One of these days I'll say hi to Eleven, if she stops dancing long enough. I'll do it now :wave

Oh, and Xillatoxic too.

BTW, you may have been happy, but you were in total asskicking mode,

which is cool, but may be why some thought you were upset.

Whoever the non-DGNer that bought a whole tray of drinks for the VIP section, thank you thank you thank you.

Thank you to Hunhee for helping me boot out a non DGNer who wandered past Spook.

Oh, and VampiricPassion, you were up top all night, despite not having made a single post!

I know you're type--lurker.

Next event,

you better have your 25 posts in check or you're going back to the floor.

THANKSGIVING PART---I save mentioning some of you for here.

I am so freaking excited that Tszura and Nightgaunt and your 7-layer tortilla dip and Spanish rice will be coming. If this were an exclusive get together I'd put you two right up at the top of my list with hallowed individuals like the almighty Phee.

And TWB and Spook--thank you not only for confirming for T'giving,

but for the DGN night goodie bags filled with treats. They were perfect for the ride home.

Stormknight--I am calling around to see if I can borrow a grill for your ribs. It's going to be so awesome.

Fidget, I can't believe you're making deviled eggs even though you can't attend.

That's beyond all. You are so nice I'll be sure to get someone to swing by your area that week to pick it up

Now that apparently the T'giving after-party will be graced by

Brenda and Tomcat, Osaka and Riku, Hunhee and Burrich, Mstrbeau and ??, Nienna, Aequorea, etc

I will be making this a two level affair, with cheesy movies in the cellar.


Yes, it gets its own section.

If any of you saw me running around with my phone and stupid grin, it is because I am the only person on the planet, in the middle of a club party, who would check his CNN alerts and then,

(as bean water looks away and pretends she doesn't know me,)

run around showing everyone, like Fin, who is always great to see, and Stormknight and others

so they TOO can share in the joy that the House just passed health care reform.

I was very excited! :fun::band

Slogo, our plans for the Hammer and Sickle to destroy America has just begun.


Torn Asunder, since they didn't play it at the club, just for you, is one of the best rock songs ever


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