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DGN Appreciation Nght Aftermath

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i worked door ALL night and only a few people stoped to say hi..how do i get passed up and no one reconize me :dry: v

I must have a different understanding of what "the door" is. I was through there and back again at least like 6 times over the night. The door, as in, the place that you walk in the club just at the top of the stairs?

Regardless thanks for helping out. *man hug*

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Troy; Hopefully you'll remember me next time :p

I remember meeting you as to picking you out of a group of people in the semi-dark next time we meet *hides* ... I'll probably need a spanking. Unless I actually talk to someone for like 5 minutes and meet them several times each time my names skill is at an all time low since the car accident. I can do "hi nice to meet ya!" thing with people 4-5 times before i can manage to actually remember the names. Not that I don't love you or anything, its just hard to keep things in my memory that happen so fast and in the middle of a mass-socializing-noise-headache-induction-cube. Was great to meet you though, and I'll try!

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General thoughts---

I am so psyched for Manfast, even if it is 8 months away. I need to slim down and man up.

I'm going to be rocking a black toga this time. I getting my ass ready for better impressions on all of your cars.

I have Chernobyl, Pest, friend Jabberwok--who posted for like 2 seconds in 2007 and then disappeared, Constantin, and his brother, all future 2010 Manfast attendees,

to thank for that.

I hope Blackjack is working on his tree-carrying.

That may have been the most manly thing since Chuck Norris picked up Greenland, threw it in the air, and stopped global warming. chuck-norris.jpg

BTW, I need you all to watch Chernobyl when she dances. She is the only one who can dance with a pitcher in hand, and not look a frat idiot. It's a skill honed through practice.

I got a TON of wonderful hugs. I truly feel there's a healing power to them and I am totally addicted.


is populated by bean water (of course), Gothykitten (when drunk),

Hunhee (when drunk)-last night you were too sober for the club or hugs,

and Taysteewonderbunny who gets extra points for being just as warm when she's sober.

Honorable mentions to Osaka, GRG, Fidget, Eevee and the only three men I give full hugs,

Phee, Slogo, and LOS.

LOS---your current paramour, the sweetest person on the planet,

defines the word UPGRADE, esp since your last fling,

and I hope you two continue to make each other smile.

Of course, since you nearly bit my nipple off a couple weeks ago, we have had a deeper bond.

Thank you again for your apology and feeling me up.

It was soothing after Aequorea, a seemingly mild mannered sort, gave me a hug that was either meant to break my back or prep me for noogies and Indian burns to come later.

I got to meet for the first time:

Ms Riddlebox and her man, Evil Fish/kitty

Fidget and her woman, Lilylu, Skyfire, Ivycat, Deathfearsnone, and VampiricPassion

Oh and KatRN05, who wins points for looking exactly like her avatar, and yes you did meet me and bean.

I even gave you my half-hug for first time people and most men.

Gimp, everyone likes you. But we can't be too friendly to the guy that may feel our concealed weapons.

Well some of us can....

but we feel dirty later.

Troy, I always hope you make it home okay after these things. You were quite toasted.

You know we all love you too. You'll find your lady someday.

Talking old school, if there hasn't been 100% turnover of the board yet,

you probably noticed Saechalyn was there too. And of course, Nienna who I got to dance with.

One of these days I'll say hi to Eleven, if she stops dancing long enough. I'll do it now :wave

Oh, and Xillatoxic too.

BTW, you may have been happy, but you were in total asskicking mode,

which is cool, but may be why some thought you were upset.

Whoever the non-DGNer that bought a whole tray of drinks for the VIP section, thank you thank you thank you.

Thank you to Hunhee for helping me boot out a non DGNer who wandered past Spook.

Oh, and VampiricPassion, you were up top all night, despite not having made a single post!

I know you're type--lurker.

Next event,

you better have your 25 posts in check or you're going back to the floor.

THANKSGIVING PART---I save mentioning some of you for here.

I am so freaking excited that Tszura and Nightgaunt and your 7-layer tortilla dip and Spanish rice will be coming. If this were an exclusive get together I'd put you two right up at the top of my list with hallowed individuals like the almighty Phee.

And TWB and Spook--thank you not only for confirming for T'giving,

but for the DGN night goodie bags filled with treats. They were perfect for the ride home.

Stormknight--I am calling around to see if I can borrow a grill for your ribs. It's going to be so awesome.

Fidget, I can't believe you're making deviled eggs even though you can't attend.

That's beyond all. You are so nice I'll be sure to get someone to swing by your area that week to pick it up

Now that apparently the T'giving after-party will be graced by

Brenda and Tomcat, Osaka and Riku, Hunhee and Burrich, Mstrbeau and ??, Nienna, Aequorea, etc

I will be making this a two level affair, with cheesy movies in the cellar.


Yes, it gets its own section.

If any of you saw me running around with my phone and stupid grin, it is because I am the only person on the planet, in the middle of a club party, who would check his CNN alerts and then,

(as bean water looks away and pretends she doesn't know me,)

run around showing everyone, like Fin, who is always great to see, and Stormknight and others

so they TOO can share in the joy that the House just passed health care reform.

I was very excited! :fun::band

Slogo, our plans for the Hammer and Sickle to destroy America has just begun.


Torn Asunder, since they didn't play it at the club, just for you, is one of the best rock songs ever


Hah that was awesome.

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Wow! Im I really that invisable? I went to City Saturday night. I had a VERY bizaar night, very. Thanks to everyone that ignored me I guess.

You aren't invis doll, you KNOW I saw you, I talked to you and issued an executive order of my own as you were leaving ;). I didn't mention your name because you seem so private, wasn't sure you wanted to be pointed out. I'm sorry!

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Wow! Im I really that invisable? I went to City Saturday night. I had a VERY bizaar night, very. Thanks to everyone that ignored me I guess.

Not at all! I remember we both made it out of the Mouth of Madness around the same time near the end of the night, and had a refreshing chat. THANK YOU!

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Wow! Im I really that invisable? I went to City Saturday night. I had a VERY bizaar night, very. Thanks to everyone that ignored me I guess.

Ignored? If I ignored you, it was unintentional. :confused: Sorry we didn't meet.

On a side note...I also forgot to mention that I talked with GothicRavenGoddess (my brain must've been fried yesterday...lack of sleep, you know) on Saturday. She was very sweet to me...even straightened out my bones for me at one point lol


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There needs to be a dress code for city. it might actually bring back some people.

HAHA Chernobyl and I had an evil thought while monitoring all the DGNers coming into the building during our shifts, and that was ENFORCING a dress code, but since we were under the guise of DGN, we figured we'd behave and stuff, but it was a juicy thought that raced through our heads.

Oh I so wish I was well enough to have gone...but I think infecting all of city club with H1N1 would have been a very bad idea. I will have to make it next year dammit!

I did miss you, I was looking down the list of people, and I was like HOLY CRAP!!! Two weekends in a row of seeing you, this will be a nite in infamy, and I waited most of the night, and I didn't get to see you.. *sobs* next time! :) I really enjoy see you and your gent out.

I'll get to my list in a moment.. :)

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Oh my what a trippindicular evening. :p

Cher—Greeted me @ the door! Woot!

Hunhee—Hugs @ the door!

Pestilence—hangin’ w Cher. Can’t blame him. Great to see you man!

Gimp—my man, workin’ the door. Always such a nice guy.

pRick—rockin’ the shirtless cowboy look effortlessly

SkyFire—such a friendly fellow

ThatDeadGurl—what a fine looking woman you are. Ruff!

Raev—I can’t believe we haven’t really met before now. You are TEH cool

Eleven—dancin’ up a storm

Lords O’ Sin—I’m talkin’ DGN VIDEO, dude!

Slogo—NightGaunt is IN—let’s make a movie

NightGaunt—Slogo is IN—let’s make a movie. ;)

Tszura—if you weren’t married, I tell you…you’d STILL be my sister. LOL

Jabberwock—nice to meet you, new friend!

GothicRavenGoddess—lookin’ lovely

DeathFearsNone—gentle man, “gentleman”

XillaToxic—hottest Amazon I’ve ever met

Aequorea—Wow, we met up again! :p

Eevee—started gorgeous & looks better everytime I see her

Troy—Dude, please come to CityClub more often. Missed you.

GothyKitten—I have my eyes open & am searching for you. ;)

KatRN—got to meet you! Woot!

Roman—got a high five from the stage

Nienna—dancin’ queen. *mwah*

Constantin—w his brother! Nice!

StormKnight—my caduceus brother

BlackJack—looks perfect in the suit

OsakaKoneko—gorgeous. Simply. Gorgeous.

Bean Water—your hugs are infectious.

Eternal—my soul brother. Thank you for sharing photos & GOOD NEWS

Phee—bonus! Great to see you!

Riku—at the bar. Always at the bar. LOL

Fidget—what a truly lovely person. As is your POI

DarqueMetallion--hangin, drinkin, rockin. As always

Tanuki--you just floated on by!

DarkChylde--What? What did you say? :p

DBK—twice in a month I get to see you? *smile*

void6--saw you rockin!

TornAsunder--@ the very end of the night! :)

And Finally…

Spook & TWBunny—start your laugh-motors now. I was the last person to know you were DATING, let alone engaged. Hearty congratulations to two of the nicest people CityClub has to offer. xo

People I missed or was too plastered once we met:

Ivy? Did I miss you?










Calico (more's the pity)

I will update as the memory gates re-open.

Until then, have a great week everyone!




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I had an amazing time.. met a lot of people.. still can put all the faces to the names here on the board.. but did manage to do it with some.

I was happy to see everyone having a real good time and was impressed by the organization of the event.

I am not going to mention names, cause there is no way I am going to remember them all and i know I will forget someone.

thanks Raev for putting this together

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I had an amazing time.. met a lot of people.. still can put all the faces to the names here on the board.. but did manage to do it with some.

I was happy to see everyone having a real good time and was impressed by the organization of the event.

I am not going to mention names, cause there is no way I am going to remember them all and i know I will forget someone.

thanks Raev for putting this together

Hey Ivy was that you telling me about the Witching Hour right at the base of the stage-stairs?

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Oh my what a trippindicular evening. :p

Cher—Greeted me @ the door! Woot!

Hunhee—Hugs @ the door!

Pestilence—hangin’ w Cher. Can’t blame him. Great to see you man!

Gimp—my man, workin’ the door. Always such a nice guy.

pRick—rockin’ the shirtless cowboy look effortlessly

SkyFire—such a friendly fellow

ThatDeadGurl—what a fine looking woman you are. Ruff!

Raev—I can’t believe we haven’t really met before now. You are TEH cool

Eleven—dancin’ up a storm

Lords O’ Sin—I’m talkin’ DGN VIDEO, dude!

Slogo—NightGaunt is IN—let’s make a movie

NightGaunt—Slogo is IN—let’s make a movie. ;)

Tszura—if you weren’t married, I tell you…you’d STILL be my sister. LOL

Jabberwock—nice to meet you, new friend!

GothicRavenGoddess—lookin’ lovely

DeathFearsNone—gentle man, “gentleman”

XillaToxic—hottest Amazon I’ve ever met

Aequorea—Wow, we met up again! :p

Eevee—started gorgeous & looks better everytime I see her

Troy—Dude, please come to CityClub more often. Missed you.

GothyKitten—I have my eyes open & am searching for you. ;)

KatRN—got to meet you! Woot!

Roman—got a high five from the stage

Nienna—dancin’ queen. *mwah*

Constantin—w his brother! Nice!

StormKnight—my caduceus brother

BlackJack—looks perfect in the suit

OsakaKoneko—gorgeous. Simply. Gorgeous.

Bean Water—your hugs are infectious.

Eternal—my soul brother. Thank you for sharing photos & GOOD NEWS

Phee—bonus! Great to see you!

Riku—at the bar. Always at the bar. LOL

Fidget—what a truly lovely person. As is your POI

DarqueMetallion--hangin, drinkin, rockin. As always

Tanuki--you just floated on by!

DarkChylde--What? What did you say? :p

DBK—twice in a month I get to see you? *smile*

void6--saw you rockin!

TornAsunder--@ the very end of the night! :)

And Finally…

Spook & TWBunny—start your laugh-motors now. I was the last person to know you were DATING, let alone engaged. Hearty congratulations to two of the nicest people CityClub has to offer. xo

People I missed or was too plastered once we met:

Ivy? Did I miss you?










Calico (more's the pity)

I will update as the memory gates re-open.

Until then, have a great week everyone!




i was there.. and i saw you.. hehehehe

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Sorry, lol

Its her real name.

Actually, it's not. =P Calix is just the name she chose for herself years ago and has gone by ever since but legally she still has to use her birth name for cheques and legal documents and stuff. Which, once she and I get married, we will fill out the forms to legally change her first name to Calix and then it will be her real name. :w00t:

It was funny when I proposed to her. I won't list all her names because I don't know what she wants disclosed, but I said, "Calix [first name] [middle name] [maiden last name] [married/divorced last name], will you marry me?" It sounded like I was proposing to a law firm. :laugh:

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It was funny when I proposed to her. I won't list all her names because I don't know what she wants disclosed, but I said, "Calix [first name] [middle name] [maiden last name] [married/divorced last name], will you marry me?" It sounded like I was proposing to a law firm. :laugh:

Haha, now sir - that is the best thing I've read all day!

Congratulations to you both by the way. You two were soooo flippin adorable together Saturday!

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[quote name='Spook' date='09 November 2009 - 10:12 PM' timestamp='1257822769' post='647269'

It was funny when I proposed to her. I won't list all her names because I don't know what she wants disclosed, but I said, "Calix [first name] [middle name] [maiden last name] [married/divorced last name], will you marry me?" It sounded like I was proposing to a law firm. :laugh:

That's an awesome proposal Spook! :biggrin:

We loved seeing everyone, and hanging out!

It's been a while since I've done a list, so here goes:

Chernobyl & Pestilence~You guys are awesome, and definitely started our night out right!!

Raev~ Who’s the man? You da man!!!

Hunhee~ HAWT!!! Me needs more Hunhee time next time!!

Gimp~Great to see you!

TaysteeWonderBunny-You are always so lovely!! Thanks for taking the time to do the raffle~it was fun!!

Spook~Sexy Man!! And I say 10-10-10!! lol

LOS~ Twas a pleasure sir! Now I finally understand that quote……oh, and what “bromance” means, lol

Slogo~King Slooooooogooooooo!! Rock!

Eevee~ So sweet!! Can’t wait to see TomCats pic’s of us!!

Troy~ Yayyy!! Great to see you out and about, AND dancing!!

Lillylu~ So glad to have met you in person! Love the hair!

Jabberwock~ The man, the myth…..The Jabberwock!!!

Stormknight~**Hugs and rubs belly**

BlackJack~ Had fun dancing!

Fin~ My sexy bro! I wish we would have had more time to hang out! I believe there was a situation or two that could have used our WonderTwin Powers :)

Roman~ Good to see you man!

Fidget & Ripley~ You both looked fantastic!

Torn Asunder~ The master of disguise without even trying! Good to chat with you for a bit.

Phee ~ Weeeeeeee! Awesome seeing you there!

Bean water & Eternal~ okay, so you now know about the belly string dance…..please pass it on! Lol Can’t wait for Thanksgiving!

Aequorea~Beauty and brains all wrapped into one! :yes

Gothkytten~ Thanks so much for the kissies!

PRick~ Good to see you out Prick!

Eleven ~ Glad we had a chance to say “hi.” You looked like you were having fun! Yaaayy!!

Nienna~ Gorgeous!! So happy we got some good dancing in!

TheOsakaKoneko~Only saw you for a bit in the bathroom, and then you disappeared! Where did you go?

Riku~ **Squeezies!!**

Constantine~ Love the beard!!

ThatDeadGurl~ Thanks so much for the steam punk info!

GothicRavenGoddess~ That skirt rocked!! You looked beautiful!

DeathFearsNone~Good to see you! Hope your job interview went well

XillaToxic~ You looked hot! Can’t wait to see your next show!

DarqueMetallion~ Rock on! Happy for you that they called ya back to work!

Tanuki~ You sizzle!!!

DarkChylde~ He-haaaayyyyy! You frizzle the sizzle on the moepizzle!

So many people showed up, it was fantastic! Thanks again to Troy, the mods, and everyone who helped out. There were a few people that I didn’t get a chance to see or meet, so I’m looking forward to the next opportunity!


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what a great night. was a very nice turn out. so many dgners there all at the same time. was a great graet night.

Tszura- your welcome your hubby told me to do it lol.

Nightgaunt -small world you knowing my best friend

Eevee-you looked very cute

Troy Spiral-nice to see you out and about.

Raev-nice seeing you on better terms

Eleven-always nice to see you and your dad(go to chatters soon!)

Ivy Cat-only saw for a sec. but you looked great

Lillylu-i dont think we met????

Slogo-your a sweetheart

Skyfire-my son still thinks you rock!!!!

GothicRavenGoddess-you look great!

Xilla Toxic-always love talking with you.my dad said hi

Calico Kitty Cat-really didnt get to talk this sat:(

Littlemissluckycunt-love you!!!!!!

Phee-good to see you.its been some time

Roman-what can i say your wonderful

Chernobyl-havent seen sence the bbq. was great to see ya. sorry i didnt talk to ya more.

Taysteewonderbunny and spook-xoxoxoxxo i have emma lol

Hunhee-loved your outfit

TheGimp- i was going to give you a hug but everytime i saw you you were busy.

pRick-always nice to see you

blackjack-always happy to see you

Fin-lol thanks

Stormknight-thanks for the nice hug

Fidget and ripley-nice seeing ya again. its been sence allyisons house

LOS - always nice to see ya

bean_water- on of the my fav peeps

the eternal- you always have the best hugs me being drunk or not

TheOsakaKoneko-sigh i didnt get to talk to ya.

kitty and evilfish- you were there!!!!!man i didnt get to meet you in person!!!!!!

also some of my new recruits that were there. go say hi to them.....

queenof the damned-thanks for the ride

wildcat0303-my best bud xo

Ms Riddlebox-ill call ya soon to help you with you profile:)

if i missed anyone im sorry.

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I haven't posted yet, and I'm sorry I haven't.. just wanted to leave my mark and let everyone know that I'll be posting in the VERY near future. I have SO much to say! ^_^

but for now, I'll say this: thank for the night! thanks for the conversations! thanks, Eevee, for letting me adjust your bones *giggles*, and thank-you, thank-you, thank-you, for all of the hugs!!!!! ^_^

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Ok after an hour of re-reading all the above posts about 3 times and trying to detail out a point-by-point breakdown of all the great comments, my memory is just horrible. Thanks to all the kind people for being kind the isolated feeling these days is intensely counter-intuitive, its nice to not have it occasionally. To paraphrase something I posted elsewhere on DGN:

Everyone has various priorities and DGN can't always (if it ever is) be one of them. But, virtually everyone reading this has helped out in their own way. Honestly it has me a bit emotional. It is nice to be reminded that some care and are willing to take time away from other matters to put that care into action.

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