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DGN Appreciation Nght Aftermath

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Was nice to meet everyone. Hopefully understanding bF/Gfs in the future will allow more to spouses to help out even if they themselves aren't interested.

Thank you to Raev for organizing everything and special thinks to Roman, Hunhee, Storm Knight, Tasteeywonderbunny and Cher for additional help and several others I'm probably missing since I'm half awake at the moment..

Additional thanks to thoes that helped pass out DGN cards and promote dGN in generalize you are worth you weight in gold.

Hoepfully future events will have even larger turnouts and more polish ever more than this one did!

******HUGS******** !

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There is no possible fucking way I could list everyone. Oh my god.

I really have to give a special thanks to Roman (Leland City Club), Chernobyl, Torn Asunder (Who drove from Kzoo and got a room to work a 90 minute shift! Pimp!), Pestilence, Hunhee, StormKnight, Taysteewonderbunny (that raffle was a great idea lady!) and Spook. It couldn't have been pulled off without you guys.

Littlemissluckycunt and Phee, thank you for being the backup to assist wherever it happened to be needed. <3!

We had a LOT of people show up. There was minimal drama...in fact, I can't think of any drama that reared it's head.

I can't name everyone....but I'll run down some of my highlights...

Tszura and Nightgaunt - good to see you two again! Tszura, thank you for the beer!

Eevee - you made my night start off wonderfully with the mohawk crack lol!

Eleven - yep.

Gothkytten - thank you! You are also one hell of a street teamer!

Ivy Cat - you were quite the social butterfly tonight! Nice to see you out with a smile on the face!

Lillylu - you looked so sad :(

Slogo - you don't owe me 44 cents ;)

Skyfire - I hear you had quite the little stalker tonight ;)

Xilla Toxic - you looked angry all night :(

Darque Metallion - congratulations again!

KatRN05 - Was nice to see one of the newer DGNers having a ball! Glad you could make it!

Calico Kitty Cat - omg you are adorable! Where was the other half though? I didn't see him I don't think...

There are more that I remember...but I'll have to finish this later. I'm exhausted!

..and Troy...

it was GREAT to see you out and about bro! Glad THE Troy Spiral could make it!

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i worked door ALL night and only a few people stoped to say hi..how do i get passed up and no one reconize me :dry: v

the ones that did stop by were Reav, HunHee, Eevee, TWB, Prick, i seen Mr.&Mrs. Gaunt before my shift....ALso Slogo and LOS....but that was all that i seen and i know we had a ton more

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He was! I gave him a hug and tried to drag him on stage, but they actually had him chained to the vending machine and I was too wasted at the time to lift that damned thing. Poor, poor Gimp. Next time I'll bring a metal file or a hack saw--but where to hide it for the pat down?

As mentioned, I held a 50/50 raffle to benefit DGN. Altogether, I sold 40 tickets at $1. The winning ticket number, drawn at 2:21 am, was 804010 belonging to Raev who generously and honorably donated his winnings to DGN. Yay! $40 for DGN! Thanks to all who purchased tickets, especially to the big buyers of the night, Nightgaunt and Tszura; your generosity is much appreciated!

I had a very good time. I think the weekend after Halloween is a fitting date for a DGN Appreciation Night. Hopefully, we can have future events of this kind, each one bigger and better than the last. I have ideas. So does the_eternal who was disappointed that the toy in the party favor bags weren't vibrating bullets. Next year, my dear, when I am better funded, I will rectify that; each bag will have a bullet, a DGN bumper sticker, a decoder ring, and some eyeliner. How's about that?

There were so many DGNers present, it might be shorter for me to name the ones I know that WEREN'T there than name all the ones that were, but I will come back after a shower and a nap and begin my list and say my thank you's. Hugs to everyone for making last night so much fun!

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He didn't want to go. It was nice meeting you Raev, you are super talllll!

I didn't meet too many people...actually, I don't think I didn't met anyone I didn't already know, heh. Oh wait, yes I did. StormKnight! Those "gloves" you were talking about sound insane.

TaysteeWonderBunny and I kept meeting up in the ladies' room, heh.

LMLC, of course. Epic.

Darque Metallion. The little lipstick print someone left on your cheek was adorable.

Xilla Toxic--I'm still jealous about the whole EA thing...grrr...haha.

that's all I can remember. I really need to meet more of you!

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I had such a wonderful time!

Danced and drank and bounced around, as usual! I was so happy to be among friends. It was a really positive night, thank you everyone!

Raev - you are awesome! Thank you for putting it all together! it was wonderful to see you, I promise it won't be so long until the next time.

Taystee - ooh la la! Je t'adore, cherie :kiss

Spook - so glad I got to spend time with you! It's been too long! loooove the skirt

I got to meet DBK officially for the first time - hooray!

Hunhee - I love the hair! But you always look adorable :happy:

pRick - I didn't recognize you until you were right next to me! not used to the hat look. so happy to see you!

Gimp - didn't get to chat for long as you were on duty, but so glad to see you! best unexpected line of the night: "If you've got a dick, come here!"

Beanternal - lovely to see you both! Eternal, I promise to be gentle LOL

Constantin - so glad you could make it out after all!

Nightgaunt & Tszura - awesome to see you!

Xilla Toxic - gorgeous corset. want!

Fin - excellent to see you, wish we could have talked more! next time.

Stormknight - hooray for talking science! it makes me happy :biggrin:

I brought my housemate and one of her friends along, they also had an excellent time! and of course the bf was there too!

I also saw/said hi to troy, slogo, eleven, samhain, helena, nienna, pest, chernobyl, mickey and jenny (staff)... and I know that there are others who slip my mind at the moment! I apologize and promise I was happy to see you too!

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StormKnight! Those "gloves" you were talking about sound insane.

He told you about those? heh heh ...

I really need to meet more of you!

Yes, you do. That's two weeks in a row now that you got to chat with TWB but missed meeting me. I just have to start following my fiance into the bathroom I guess.

Spook - so glad I got to spend time with you! It's been too long! loooove the skirt

It has been. I'm so glad you were able to make it. I've missed you. *hugs*

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Oh la la... epic night in all, though I almost stayed home due to feeling alittle blah. so glad I came out. I never do lists, but it was awesome to see so many people, and thank you, those of you who flailed around on the dance floor with me. It's always nice to have friends to make faces at. ;)

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He told you about those? heh heh ...

Yes, you do. That's two weeks in a row now that you got to chat with TWB but missed meeting me. I just have to start following my fiance into the bathroom I guess.

Well, not exactly. I went to say hi to Raev and he was telling him about those gloves. I just walked into the conversation at the wrong time, I suppose =)

And yes, follow her into the bathroom!

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One of these years, I will make it to the DGN Appreciation night just to see what all the excitement is about lol. Was up in Midland half the day with friends, then had a bowling league that ended at midnight. Was too wiped out to go anywhere after that. Either been too broke or busy on my weekends.

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He didn't want to go. It was nice meeting you Raev, you are super talllll!

6'4" before my combats ;) Look forward to seeing ya again! Next time, make the other half come too!

Raev - you are awesome! Thank you for putting it all together! it was wonderful to see you, I promise it won't be so long until the next time.

aww, thanks V! <3 I was so happy to see you again! I'll be looking to see you back on the board more often and out and about more often! As for putting this together...I really really really couldn't have done it without the many hours spent on the phone with Roman or the feedback and support then volunteering to work from the rest of the DGN staff!

Nienna, I thought I saw you but I wasn't sure if it was you - and when I was done working my post on the stairs I couldn't find 'you' to see if it was :(

Fin is the owner of the coolest mother f.cking contacts I've ever seen. Win!

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There is no possible fucking way I could list everyone. Oh my god.

I really have to give a special thanks to Roman (Leland City Club), Chernobyl, Torn Asunder (Who drove from Kzoo and got a room to work a 90 minute shift! Pimp!), Pestilence, Hunhee, StormKnight, Taysteewonderbunny (that raffle was a great idea lady!) and Spook. It couldn't have been pulled off without you guys.

Littlemissluckycunt and Phee, thank you for being the backup to assist wherever it happened to be needed. <3!

We had a LOT of people show up. There was minimal drama...in fact, I can't think of any drama that reared it's head.

I can't name everyone....but I'll run down some of my highlights...

Tszura and Nightgaunt - good to see you two again! Tszura, thank you for the beer!

Eevee - you made my night start off wonderfully with the mohawk crack lol!

Eleven - yep.

Gothkytten - thank you! You are also one hell of a street teamer!

Ivy Cat - you were quite the social butterfly tonight! Nice to see you out with a smile on the face!

Lillylu - you looked so sad :(

Slogo - you don't owe me 44 cents ;)

Skyfire - I hear you had quite the little stalker tonight ;)

Xilla Toxic - you looked angry all night :(

Darque Metallion - congratulations again!

KatRN05 - Was nice to see one of the newer DGNers having a ball! Glad you could make it!

Calico Kitty Cat - omg you are adorable! Where was the other half though? I didn't see him I don't think...

There are more that I remember...but I'll have to finish this later. I'm exhausted!

..and Troy...

it was GREAT to see you out and about bro! Glad THE Troy Spiral could make it!

I wasn't angry at all. i had a great night.. being around good friends and my awesome man.. i was happy all night.. maybe a lil tired but notangry at all^_^

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Nienna, I thought I saw you but I wasn't sure if it was you - and when I was done working my post on the stairs I couldn't find 'you' to see if it was :(

Haha.. yes, was me. I was dancing most of the night. I'd not been out in awhile and needed it.

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It was a great night, even know I wasn't there that long [ boyfriend wasn't feeling good ]

I was normal height!!! hahahha.

CalicoKittyKat; EPICCCCCCCCCC hehehe but we didn't dance :[ First time EVER.

Raev; It was nice seeing you!!!

~Kitty; Is one of the main reasons I came out. && I love herrrr of course.

&& her husband. :)

KissTheMidget; I don't think anyone noticed him without makeup on. Tis okay though. Haha, I think he had fun [ i'm speaking on his behalf lol ] But he had a headache so we left early.

Xilla; I missed youuu!!

Skyfire; Your always the best to talk to haha.

GothKytten; Oooh I have storiessssssssssss

Troy; Hopefully you'll remember me next time :p

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Would like to thank the entire DGN Staff, led by Raev & ALL the DGN'ers

who came out and had FUN last night ! ! !

This Special night couldn't have happened without U ! ! !

We hope that this 2nd Annual DGN Appreciation Night

was better than the 1st, and surely not the last ! ! !





Edited by Leland City Club
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I had a great night. After the videoshoot during the day, seeing the DGNers at CC was the perfect ending to a great day. :happy: I never go on the stage, haha! But I occupy it often at these events.

Lets see...to those who I talked to...

LOS - A glorious evening with you, as always. Too bad there's assholes around. I'm glad your night got better. :kiss


Lillylu - I'm sorry your night was a bit of a downer...I hope you were cheered up a little by the time you dropped me off. I had fun spending time with you...I love your kittens! :X

Fidget - Whee! Yesterday was lots of fun! Who would've known when two women have a child together...it comes out as a skull, haha! :p

Ripley - I didn't really talk to you much...but you're adorable!

Skyfire - I'm glad we were able to talk a bunch last night. I feel like its been forever since I've been able to talk with you so much. I enjoyed being your keeper for your gasmask, lol And sorry about the ticket...see you at Necto tomorrow. :biggrin:

Phee - Eee! Thank you for the compliment, it really meant a lot. You're a REALLY cool guy. Maybe we can have a longer conversation next time. :yes

Raev - Mohawk guy! It was nice seeing you again, haha Sorry about your anxiety...I understand how it is, to a degree.

bean_water - :thumbsup: Every time I see you and eternal I get all giddy...you're completely adorable. I liked laughing over pRick searching through the candy with you, hehe!

the eternal - Pleasure, as always. I just realized we didn't talk much at all...laaaame.

pRick - Hahaha! Big brother! I still find it hilarious to see you, a bulky cowboy in leather chaps, shuffling through the bag of candy that was in your lap...trying to find only a Reese's cup! lol It was awesome seeing you again. :kiss

Calix - You're so pretty. This week we switched it up, huh? You sat of my lap! Haha!

Spook - You looked handsome in your fishnet and skirt. It was nice seeing you again...of course.

Fin - Yaaay! You remembered me! :p You looked amazing last night.

Eleven - I barely ever see you at the club...just every so often. Not cool, lol

TheGimp - It was nice...saying "Hi" to you? rofl Really, always nice to see you around. :]

Chernobyl - You're still one of my favorite DGNers...and I barely ever talk to you, lmao It was awesome seeing you last night...it has been a while.

Pestilance - I didn't talk to you...but you looked very handsome last night.

DBK - It was nice meeting you again...our hair matches now! :p

Savior - I'm so sorry about forgetting I had met you! It really had been a long time, lol Thanks for the drink (though I finished it before the cheer...sorry! :X ). Did your friend ever join DGN?

torn_asunder - Finally, I got to meet you! We didn't talk much...but you seem really cool.

TheOsakaKoneko - You looked gorgeous...I hope your evening went over well.

Riku - We didn't talk...lmao But you looked charming, as always.

Tszura - I love how upbeat you are, haha! It was awesome seeing you last night...and today, again. You looked great! And I love your dancing.

Nightgaunt - We didn't really talk...but you looked handsome, and it was nice to see you. :happy:

Stormknight - Man...that one chick on the dancefloor was wasted! Haha! It was nice seeing you again...as it is every week, lol

BlackJack - Three layers of clothing!? You're simply...insane, lol

Nienna - You looked gorgeous...something about the lighting and the color of your eyes, really made your eyes stand out. So pretty.

KatRN - I knew you right away from your display picture...haha! It was nice to meet you...hopefully we'll see each other more often. :]

Constantine - We only talked a little...and I honestly can't remember the topic. But, it was nice to see you again, lol

Roman - It was nice seeing you too. I just remembered you even snapped a picture of me...eep!

wildcat - I never got the dance, haha! Did I scare you away? :p

Gothkytten - Oh goodness...you looked gorgeous, but maybe had a bit too much to drink? Its always fun when you're around, haha! I hope your night ended well.

And, of course, it was nice to finally meet Troy Spiral.

I also saw a few others including aequorea, Hunhee, and LittleMissLuckyCunt who I didn't really talk to...but it was nice to see. :]

Sorry if I missed anyone!

PS - Night is spelled wrong in the title.

Edited by Eevee
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