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I traded shy in for Raev.

After a few years of projecting Raev....what I always wished I was strong enough to be....

I found I was Raev. Not even in the neighborhood of shy anymore.

thats the way i feel about Gimp, Jesse seems to be really shy..but when i'm preforming or doin shows with skyfire Gimp comes out and its like another person...its odd o.0

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i used to think that i was afflicted with a near-crippling level of shyness. :(

but now i think that i just hate people :D

...anyway, enough about me. what about you?

I also came to that conclusion, though more disinterest than actual hate. I believe for me it was shortly after high school when I realized it. It was very freeing to realize and actually let people know that it's not that I'm antisocial, I'm just more selective than some. I've learned to say it in mostly socially-acceptable ways instead of saying things like "I'm not shy, I'm just not interested in talking to you." heh heh.

Then I discovered it's not actually all people I am disinterested in, just some of them. There are a few select people who I actually enjoy immensely and could talk to for days. Other than that I don't seem to have that need for constant company that some have, and I don't happen to think that's a problem.

I have found though that there are some intensely interesting folks who at first glance seem to have nothing to offer. Sometimes when you give people a chance you find there is way more to them than meets the eye.

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Normally I keep close relationships with a handful of people and am extremely introverted towards the bulk of people; I think anxiety in general has negatively affect me. However I'm more sociable lately since I'm on medicine for it, its worth the immunity to panic attacks and having less anxiety. I think it is also an identity thing, if you take on an identity to become something more, then you can sometimes step into that and make it work. Though I also think ultimate identity is beyond words.

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I am not shy I just socialize with only a certain groupof friends,I refuse to approach anyone I do not know,I will not give anyone the chance to play the"pretend to be friends"bullshit(fakes) lie to me and such,I enjoy the awesome circle of friends I do have,goes for family members as well.

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I used to think that I was afflicted with a near-crippling level of shyness. :(

but now I think that I just hate people :D

...anyway, enough about me. what about you?

I'm outgoing AND I hate people.

I have a naive faith in the goodness of others.

I'm the first to say hello to you, and trust you.

The next day when I realize how stupid and duplicitous

you and all of your friends are, that's when I hate all of you and plot worldwide destruction.

And the next day the cycle starts anew.

It's f%cking exhausting!

bean water has the right idea---shyness and mistrust have been two of her most faithfull friends

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I'm very shy until I'm comfortable with someone.

I generally start out mistrusting people until they prove me wrong, which has been more often than not :)

I find that most people are decent and trustworthy.

There are people who act suspicious that I continue to mistrust, but that is a small handful.

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For Me it depends on the situation.. I am generally shy around Ladies I like, I actually turn into a 14yr old boy at that point. :p

In most other social situations I tend to be either silly to the point of ridiculous, or serious and a leader in conversations.

I have not always been this way :no I used to be so shy that I could not even ask someone for the time.. But I figured out that stemmed from a deep fear of rejection... Once I got over that fear I was basically OK.

I still struggle at times with shyness, but I deal OK.. Being a poetry hostess for almost three years REALLY helped Me do that.

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I can be shy, but I am quite introverted, and most people confuse the two. I do revert back to shyness sometimes in social situations where I know very few people, and/or feel anxious. I am, however, a quiet, introverted person by nature; I prefer observing over interacting sometimes, so it can be hard to tell.

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I tend to be shy at first, but open up pretty easily. I also had the "character" or name which seemed to subconciously help me to be more outgoing. When I started calling myself Mina or MinaRose and others knew me as that, along with my real name, Emma, it became easier. I also had to take more risks and just let go and stop caring. That, and I like to be honest with people, so that in a way helped with the shyness as well.

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I do also agree with OMG on being shy around people that I like. It's just something that happens and I don't know why. LOL. Most of the time I act silly/goofy in public with friends. Some of my friends ask me WHY?! But I just say "These people are never going to see me again, why should I care. I like being fun and I like acting like an idiot sometimes." There are times and places.

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as i stated before with the whole alter ego thing....it is very strange...i can go to shows like Dirty Show, or Erotica ball...do some fire eating or fire breathing in front of a lot a people, hang out with Ice Queen have her put me in the stock and paddle my butt then put me on the St. Andrews Cross and smack me around...but after everyone is done watching the whole thing, i walk off and people wanna talk and i get shy and nervous...i dont understand how i can have my ass riased in the air as 40 people watch me get spanked and be comfortable, have a really big blast of fire inches from my face and be fine, but if someone comes up to me after and says DUDE that was cool...i get all weird about it...say thank you fairly quickly and walk off...and you think working at CC would take care of that as well...nope >.<

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