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I dont want my son to be a pig!


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I know there is a lot about the H1N1 in the news and everywhere else. But I would like to hear real peoples opinion about the H1N1 flu vaccination. I would like to know if you got it, or if your not. If you've heard things (real stories from like your friends, not something form the news or a friends friend.) about the shot, in negative or positive ways.

Im trying to think if I should get the shot for my almost 2 year old little boy. Ive done a lot of research of my own, but it is all from the news. I want to hear what real people think.

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Based on words from friends, I don't see the need. Maybe for some it's a good idea. Just make sure to keep a close watch for the symptoms and get him to a doc for any significant fever. If they suspect H1N1 they'll give him Tamaflu, yes?

Or you could consult with the herb guru up there. :-P

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Flu shot = BAD

{that's my opinion}

I have never gotten a flu shot.. Even when the 'bird flu' was around.. I would never intentionally introduce a virus like that into my child's system.. & That's basically what a vaccine does. There have been several cases of people dying from THE SHOT ITSELF.

The media tries to freak us out every couple years with some new fangled flu.. I think it's Bull Shit :dry:

People die from the flu all of the time, no matter what name they paste to it.. So I say don't believe the hype!!

Just keep your son healthy by keeping him away from sick kids & eating healthy foods.

So I would advise against it :yes

& Just as a note.. If anyone here gets this H1N1 crap.. Please PM Me, I can get you the herbs to make it go bye-bye ;)

It's not the cheapest way to go, but the quickest route to being healthy.

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Just got mine this morning.

The H1N1 vaccine is made exactly like the annual flu shot. The difference is that while annual covers several strains, H1N1 covers only H1N1.

The story of the flu vaccine is a year long thing. A group of virologists and epidemiologists (people who study trends and factors in disease in populations,) travel to Asia/China and study the most likely virus strains (if memory serves, 3-6 due to production issues,) to cause problems (most virulent, most wide spread, etc.) The strains are isolated, and run through the flu vaccine development protocol. The production and approval of the annual vaccine takes most of the time of the spring and summer, to be ready just in time for winter.

Why Asia/China? It is where most of the flus start, and they run around the world slowly during the rest of the year (remember, it can be airborne as well.)

Why not more strains? I think it is production issues. The choice is to make a lot vaccine for a few viruses, or a little vaccine against most viruses. So it serves most of the people, most of the time.

Why annual? The flu viruses are stable in humans, i.e. they don't mutate. Once the virus enters either a swine (hence, swine flu,) or bird (bird flu,) the virus mutates and changes surface protein configuration that antibodies need to bind onto to work. Any change renders antibodies useless, and congratulations, you have the flu de jour.

The reason for the H1N1 vaccine is that it was isolated when it hit in April, not the beginning of the year. Since the virus is the same that caused 1918 Influenza pandemic (same strain, different surface makeup,) people rushed to get it done in time for winter. This can be considered an addendum to the annual flu vaccine, since the virus wasn't found to cause problems until April.

WebMD article of risks/benefits of flu vaccine.

Cochrane review of influenza treatments and vaccination. Click on the links to the right of the various topics to get the consensus. The non-medicalese summary is at the bottom of each page.

For those who haven't seen me post about this before, the Cochrane Collaboration Review Library is a independent group of people (MDs and PhDs,) that take medical research articles and treatment guidelines and subject them to review based on design, statistical analysis, and results (basically dissecting the research.) The studies that aren't well designed or lack the statistics to support treatments are discarded. The studies that withstand the Review as good evidence are then used for evidence-based medicine treatment guidelines (i.e. "Our best studies and evidence indicate this works well for this,") versus empirical/paternal medicine (i.e "Take this because I said so.")

I tend to consider the Review as the Watchmen of clinical medical research, trying to keep questionable treatments in check as medicine continues to evolve.

Wiki on the Cochrane Collaboration, with principles and goals.

Cochrane Collaboration home page.

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I am high risk and used to get them I dont anymore

I think its hysteria and one should try to just be careful take care of ones self and up your immunity with healthy herbs and diet and fresh air and sunshine

One year I got a shot and got a different strain of flu

another year I got sick from the shot

Personally feel the shot should only be for those who are really weak or ill.

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I think I need some of those Colloidal Silver extracts eventually myself...

I declined the H1N1 vaccine myself at work. I did take the seasonal flu shot though. I figured since I've had it before it wont make much of a difference. All it really did was make me dizzy for the rest of the day.

The H1N1 though, I want nothing of it.

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Thanks everyone for there opinion. As it stands right now I am not going to get the shot for either me or my son. If we get the flu than we get it, and well do what the herb guru say and eat some nice yummy herbs, and evolve. lol.

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GET THE VACCINE. I don't get flu shots either but I SERIOUSLY wish I'd got this one. This is NOT an ordinary flu... I honestly can't remember the last time I was that sick for that long, and I still don't fully have my strength back after 2 weeks. And I am a pretty healthy person, I don't just get every little thing that's going around.

If you are concerned about the thimerosal, you can get preservative-free (only the multi-dose packaging needs preservative).

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I just can't help but open this can of worms:


I don't always agree with Dr. Mercola, but some of his health advice has helped me immensely when other more conventional things have failed. He thinks this vaccine is not only completely ineffective against H1NI but also potentially very harmful. He recommends building your immune system up instead with things like vitamin D and C.

Edited by Onyx
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Guest Megalicious

After a long talk and tons of information given to me by my Midwife, I went ahead and got it for myself and Keegan.

Being a nursing student, I am CONSTANTLY exposed to potential carriers.

After hearing/reading what some of my fellow classmates, one proffesor, a few friends have been through after getting sick, and having a long talk with my midwife(which recommended that I get it, which was a surpise), I decided I would. I can't afford to get THAT sick right now being pregnant, MORE then a full time student, volenterring at both the shelter and now beinging in Dec Mott, and being already a mother of a 3 year old I don't HAVE THE TIME TO BE SICK LOL.

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I know a few people who have gotten H1N1 and it's been horrible on them. Not nessecarily people with poor imune systems either. Personally, if you have any risk factors, I would. If you don't and don't usually get the flu shot, I wouldn't worry about it.

My boys have asthma (on top of really bad seasonal allergies). They get the seasonal flu shot every year. I can't find the seasonal flu shot in Washtenaw County right now and their doctor has been out since October, but they will be getting it as soon as I can track it down. They will also be getting the H1N1 vaccine.

There is a HUGE outbreak of H1N1 at their school, which has a lot of kids in the hospital.

My girls do not have any risk factors so they do not get the seasonal flu shot and will not be getting the H1N1.

I have bad seasonal allergies, asthma and a rather serious blood disease that compromises my immune system. I should get the seasonal shot and H1N1, but I have an issue with these shortages and not enough to go around for those who REALLY need them, I'd rather sacrifice myself so that a sick child or person who needs it more than me can get one. In all actuality, I'm mildly trypanophobic, so I'd have a hard time getting it done anyway.

UPDATE TO ADD: We had our first confirmed death that was released today. It happened earlier this week and happened to a family at my kid's school. It hasn't been released if it was a student yet or just a family member of a student.

Edited by Rayne
spelling errors and update
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